Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Here's Eric in his own words, and he also explains why he wasn't more outspoken about it (spoiler alert: fear of reprisal). For those of you who like to make fun of guitar legends who were vaccine hesitant, but got the jabs anyway, and were subsequently injured as a result of it, eat your hearts out:

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Weird you don't bring up his actual medical condition and how he didn't follow his doctors advice.

Not really funny, more shitty, but I figure you know that huh.

Be best.
Here's Eric in his own words, and he also explains why he wasn't more outspoken about it (spoiler alert: fear of reprisal). For those of you who like to make fun of guitar legends who were vaccine hesitant, but got the jabs anyway, and were subsequently injured as a result of it, eat your hearts out:

Damn good thing he got vaccinated instead of the virus. Probably be reading his obituary.
I don’t know who’s the bigger asshole. Eric Clapton or Peej.
Slow hand is a great musician, but I'll get my medical advice from another kind of professional. He coulda got immunity the Ted Nugent way, then his hands might have been slowed or stopped altogether. I wonder how many professional athletic careers it's ended, anybody who has to perform and compete at a high level in an elite field? Of course now such people are first in line to get vaccinated, at least the smart ones are.
We recently started an art class for our kid. Six year Olds. Our kid was the only one wearing a mask.

Really cute mask btw. His mom made it, looks like a cat.
That’s crazy. There are some scary variants and I fear that unvaccinated children are now at the greatest risk.

I noticed you referred to your child with a predominantly male pronoun. Was that intentional or do you have 2 six year olds?
I haven't heard of too many other ancient rockers complaining about vaccines, 80to 90% of people over 65 have had one shot. I got an email yesterday asking if I wanted to move my second dose up, I think I will look into it.
I wouldn’t within 8 weeks from the first shot. We have a good supply of vaccines now, you’ll get your second shot easily.

I’m a week and half from 2 weeks after the second. Booked my teeth cleaning appointment this morning.
I wouldn’t within 8 weeks from the first shot. We have a good supply of vaccines now, you’ll get your second shot easily.

I’m a week and half from 2 weeks after the second. Booked my teeth cleaning appointment this morning.
The last week of June to the first week of July would put me in the target range.

TIP: Tell your dentist to use alcohol and Q tips to get the THC stains and resin off yer teeth! :lol:
Had my teeth cleaned on Monday. Have my second dose booked for July 2nd (instead of August 26). Doing FD's workout routine - planks, crunches, etc, with slight substitution - curtsy lunge instead of walking lunge. This prepares me for any foreign, domestic or royal pain in the ass that the day may bring. :grin:
Here's a segment from a recent interview with the inventor of mRNA technology, where he discusses some of his concerns with the technology, including that the vaccine causes lipid nanoparticles to accumulate in ‘high concentrations’ in ovaries:

Here's a segment from a recent interview with the inventor of mRNA technology, where he discusses some of his concerns with the technology, including that the vaccine causes lipid nanoparticles to accumulate in ‘high concentrations’ in ovaries:

Tried to watch but the supposed professionals are making guesses and talking over each other like they are a couple of Carlson's. A lot of might happens and speculation.

More "alarming" evidence of aliens then anything in this podcast

Bro science
Here's a segment from a recent interview with the inventor of mRNA technology, where he discusses some of his concerns with the technology, including that the vaccine causes lipid nanoparticles to accumulate in ‘high concentrations’ in ovaries:

I have been called a c*nt on occasion but I have no fear relating to ovaries.
Biden Warns Unvaccinated About Threat Of Covid Delta Variant

Biden is now warning those who remain unvaccinated that they face a real threat of hospitalization and more from the Covid Delta variant that is becoming more and more prominent.