Will this work as a vertical hanger?

Well I have had it running now for a few days, 2 of them in fact, both with the same hook-up. The Ceramic Mogul has side connectors so the wires have to go in somehow. Forget about the box. It's just something I can hang the Ceramic Mogul from but I know it can look confusing because of the box. It doesn't necessarily need to be a socket box. Just something I could bolt the Mogul to. I was just scared because of the grounding but I connected it anyway because that is the cable that came with the reflector kit. As for the chain, it's just a chain (bolted through the mogul and screwed down with wingnuts to the inside of the box) and it's nowhere near any wiring, except for the ground of course, and from what I have read in this post, the ground is pretty much useless connected to a plastic box anyway. Anyway, the answer to my post question is....... Yes, it works fine. I will be watering with the Blumat system so all water will stay ground level.

Thanks for looking out for me though guys, I really appreciate it.