Will Texas please secede from the USA

#1 racism is racism. My ancestors already played the game of being the lapdog by doing your laundry, cook, and human chattel who blew themselves up building a railroad for the good of others. We're not falling for it again.

#2 Unions are rape by a colluding third party be it government, another private company, "non-profit", or corporation. You pay for the right to be exploited by union leaders who continue to get paid during a strike along with the company who hires scabs to work less wages from before the strike.

When your reward isn't really worth it because you lost all that time striking without pay.

The solution is worker cooperatives, not bullshit unions.

Have a blessed Buddha day.

Yes, Yes you have an antipathy to unions. That's nice. But you didn't answer my questions

Tell me again how equally funding schools, affirmative action and civil rights laws is going to bring about a war. You keep raising the subject but it makes no sense to me. Explain plz.

While you are at it, explain to me how an individual worker can negotiate with a powerful and connected wealthy person to effect positive change in the workplace? The coal industry for example. How does a miner on his own get the mine owner to make the work place safer?
Then why cant you understand the context of the question that you asked or my reply? Lol:lol:

Sarcasm is not translated well in binary. So sorry you were not able to pick up what I was putting down.

We clearly are on different wavelengths. And that's ok. Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me.

Edit: Your inference was obvious.
Sarcasm is not translated well in binary. So sorry you were not able to pick up what I was putting down.

We clearly are on different wavelengths. And that's ok. Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me.

Edit: Your inference was obvious.
I like you too! But I'm not hooking up with you unless it's dark cuz u ugly!!!
I hear what you are saying, but your dot connecting skills are a stretch.

The law enforcement that cracked down on the Occupy Movement and other such events were certainly an overreach in authority and enforcement, but by no means could a direct inference be made that such events would, nor will lead to an Authoritarian government.

But then again I wasn't the one who voted for Bernie because I was mad at the DNC. Ya know... cutting off your nose to spite your face syndrome.
On these points I will disagree with you. Our police forces have grown to like the new authoritarianism; it gives them more power and influence, not to mention impunity.
Yes, Yes you have an antipathy to unions. That's nice. But you didn't answer my questions

Tell me again how equally funding schools, affirmative action and civil rights laws is going to bring about a war. You keep raising the subject but it makes no sense to me. Explain plz.

While you are at it, explain to me how an individual worker can negotiate with a powerful and connected wealthy person to effect positive change in the workplace? The coal industry for example. How does a miner on his own get the mine owner to make the work place safer?

You're the one who said I have this war. Just because I don't agree with you and your antifa thugs, it must mean I'm for who you're against. Wrong. I think you're both racist idiots who need to let it go and come together in a united goal to better both your plights.

This is how:

Mondragon co-operatives are united by a humanist concept of business, a philosophy of participation and solidarity, and a shared business culture. The culture is rooted in a shared mission and a number of principles, corporate values and business policies.

This philosophy is complemented by four corporate values: Co-operation, acting as owners and protagonists; Participation, which takes shape as a commitment to management; Social Responsibility, by means of the distribution of wealth based on solidarity; and Innovation, focusing on constant renewal in all areas.[21]

To discriminate socially is to make a distinction between people on the basis of class or category. Examples of social discrimination include racial, religious, sexual, sexual orientation, disability, and ethnic discrimination.

The fifth of the Rochdale Principles states that co-operative societies must provide education and training to their members and the public.
Reagan signed the omnibus bill in 1980 which put the mental patients on the streets- you can check it out if you like
it was penned under Carter and started out to be a fairly straightforward spending bill before the GOP got their little pig-hooves on it and turned it into a steaming pile of shit, like they do everything
Yes, Yes you have an antipathy to unions. That's nice. But you didn't answer my questions

Tell me again how equally funding schools, affirmative action and civil rights laws is going to bring about a war. You keep raising the subject but it makes no sense to me. Explain plz.

While you are at it, explain to me how an individual worker can negotiate with a powerful and connected wealthy person to effect positive change in the workplace? The coal industry for example. How does a miner on his own get the mine owner to make the work place safer?
You are totally making sense here, but honestly shouldn't we pay reparations to the Chinese and Irish who built our railroads? They are always going to feel victimised until we buy them a Bugatti,we should also desecrate all of our forefathers graves and denounce their cruelty, lash ourselves on our backs and curse our whiteness because it is evil. And we need to fix up the African Americans, the Latinos, Italians repeating this process over and over until we are washed clean. Then and only they be empowered and wont feel victimised by our evil ways and in turn we will realize what horrible evil people we really are. #the pain is real.
You are totally making sense here, but honestly shouldn't we pay reparations to the Chinese and Irish who built our railroads? They are always going to feel victimised until we buy them a Bugatti,we should also desecrate all of our forefathers graves and denounce their cruelty, lash ourselves on our backs and curse our whiteness because it is evil. And we need to fix up the African Americans, the Latinos, Italians repeating this process over and over until we are washed clean. Then and only they be empowered and wont feel victimised by our evil ways and in turn we will realize what horrible evil people we really are. #the pain is real.

You must own a coal mine.
My family was one of 32 families ceded land in northern New Brunswick in 1767 by the British government as reparations for being expelled from Acadia in 1755
Reagan signed the omnibus bill in 1980 which put the mental patients on the streets- you can check it out if you like
it was penned under Carter and started out to be a fairly straightforward spending bill before the GOP got their little pig-hooves on it and turned it into a steaming pile of shit, like they do everything

Without Kennedy's Community Mental Health Centers Act what Reagan did would've been 100% impossible. Kennedy removed state mental institutions and instead relied on individual communities who needed funding which the act provided, but expired in 1980. All Reagan did was refuse to fund the community mental health centers. It's fucked up what he did too, but without Kennedy he wouldn't have been in that fortunate, for him, position.

Kennedy did it on purpose because his puppet masters told him to. It fooled the public he was being nice. But they were playing the long ball game and were willing to wait 17 years for a Republican overlord to complete their plan from the beginning.

You think it was a coincidence Reagan won 91% of the electoral votes the same year Kennedy's act ended? They wanted to make damn sure someone would set their master plan into fruition.
You are totally making sense here, but honestly shouldn't we pay reparations to the Chinese and Irish who built our railroads? They are always going to feel victimised until we buy them a Bugatti,we should also desecrate all of our forefathers graves and denounce their cruelty, lash ourselves on our backs and curse our whiteness because it is evil. And we need to fix up the African Americans, the Latinos, Italians repeating this process over and over until we are washed clean. Then and only they be empowered and wont feel victimised by our evil ways and in turn we will realize what horrible evil people we really are. #the pain is real.

Exactly. I'm not even asking for reparations, just for them to STFU and stop the cycle. Because, another hundred years from now whites and Asians are going to ask for reparations for the reparations, and some stupid fuck will be willing to listen and give their retarded plea a platform too until someone gives in over and over and fucking over. When will it stop?
Without Kennedy's Community Mental Health Centers Act what Reagan did would've been 100% impossible. Kennedy removed state mental institutions and instead relied on individual communities who needed funding which the act provided, but expired in 1980. All Reagan did was refuse to fund the community mental health centers. It's fucked up what he did too, but without Kennedy he wouldn't have been in that fortunate, for him, position.

Kennedy did it on purpose because his puppet masters told him to. It fooled the public he was being nice. But they were playing the long ball game and were willing to wait 17 years for a Republican overlord to complete their plan from the beginning.

You think it was a coincidence Reagan won 91% of the electoral votes the same year Kennedy's act ended? They wanted to make damn sure someone would set their master plan into fruition.

To be sure, it was a Construction Act, controlled by congress.

Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act, Mental Retardation Facilities and Construction Act, Public Law 88-164, or the Mental Retardation and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963

Kinda of hard to nurture a Law from the grave.

It was not some "construction" act. He was deluded that some people can live on their own, no matter the prevention, treatment, or rehabilitation. The whole point of the act was to release the mentally ill from a mental prison, which it did, but provided no means for them to support themselves, after the act expired 17 years later, which ended up them living on the streets as their new prison.

“I am proposing a new approach to mental illness and to mental retardation. This approach is designed, in large measure, to use Federal resources to stimulate State, local and private action. When carried out, reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolation will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability. Emphasis on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation will be substituted for a desultory interest in confining patients in an institution to wither away.”

-- John F. Kennedy

"“President Kennedy gave us a great vision of what could be when he proposed and signed the Community Mental Health Act in 1963. As I travel around the country today, I hear from people affected by mental illness, addiction, or intellectual and developmental disabilities who are energized by the hope and promise President Kennedy introduced into their lives and their families’ lives. But we have to acknowledge that the execution of the vision was flawed, that fragmented implementation of the promise it held out allowed too many people to fall through the cracks. Too many people failed to receive the help they needed. Too many became homeless or were bypassed by our society."

It was not some "construction" act. He was deluded that some people can live on their own, no matter the prevention, treatment, or rehabilitation. The whole point of the act was to release the mentally ill from a mental prison, which it did, but provided no means for them to support themselves, after the act expired 17 years later, which ended up them living on the streets as their new prison.

“I am proposing a new approach to mental illness and to mental retardation. This approach is designed, in large measure, to use Federal resources to stimulate State, local and private action. When carried out, reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolation will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability. Emphasis on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation will be substituted for a desultory interest in confining patients in an institution to wither away.”

-- John F. Kennedy

"“President Kennedy gave us a great vision of what could be when he proposed and signed the Community Mental Health Act in 1963. As I travel around the country today, I hear from people affected by mental illness, addiction, or intellectual and developmental disabilities who are energized by the hope and promise President Kennedy introduced into their lives and their families’ lives. But we have to acknowledge that the execution of the vision was flawed, that fragmented implementation of the promise it held out allowed too many people to fall through the cracks. Too many people failed to receive the help they needed. Too many became homeless or were bypassed by our society."


Only half of the proposed centers were ever built; none were fully funded, and the act didn’t provide money to operate them long-term. Some states saw an opportunity to close expensive state hospitals without spending some of the money on community-based care.

It's hard to nurture a law from the grave.
Only half of the proposed centers were ever built; none were fully funded, and the act didn’t provide money to operate them long-term. Some states saw an opportunity to close expensive state hospitals without spending some of the money on community-based care.

It's hard to nurture a law from the grave.

Exactly. Which was their plan all along. But had the system been left alone, the former state mental asylums would still be here, rather than getting dismantled. Kennedy's act was key for putting into motion the dismantlement, without any way of keeping his false promise.

This act was probably one of the reasons he was assassinated. You can't champion for a lie, if you aren't alive?