Will Mueller be fired?

you don't have a 401k.

if you do though, it tripled under obama. it actually increased at a faster rate under obama at this point in his term than it has under trump so far.

dumbfuck klansman
This comment right here, shows just how much you actually know.
What do you nubs think hillary would have actually done? Increased welfare? We have thrown over 60 trillion dollars at poverty stricken familiars and the rates are still the same.
Graduate high school.
Get a job
Dont have kids out of wedlock..or in some cases before you are even done with high school-problem solved.
This comment right here, shows just how much you actually know.
what i stated was fact.

the stock market grew at a faster rate under obama than it has under trump so far.

also, i have next to no doubts that you live in a trailer and have zero investments.

you just aren't that bright, and you are clearly a white supremacist weakling.
Dont have kids out of wedlock..or in some cases before you are even done with high school-problem solved.

tell that to sarah palin.

her family of deadbeat whites has that exact problem. and they are a bunch of thug criminals too.

remember, sarah palin's stupidity and shamelessness was the blueprint for trump.

try taking ownership of the problem rather than blaming "diversity" for everything you weakling.
what i stated was fact.

the stock market grew at a faster rate under obama than it has under trump so far.

also, i have next to no doubts that you live in a trailer and have zero investments.

you just aren't that bright, and you are clearly a white supremacist weakling.
You must be slow. I will let you in on just one of my HIGHLY profitable investments. Gw pharma-bought in at under 20 dollars...go take a look where it is now.
You must be slow. I will let you in on just one of my HIGHLY profitable investments. Gw pharma-bought in at under 20 dollars...go take a look where it is now.

i'm sure someone in the breitbart comments section said the same thing and you thought you would look great repeating it, but there is not a shred of evidence that you have a single investment.
i'm sure someone in the breitbart comments section said the same thing and you thought you would look great repeating it, but there is not a shred of evidence that you have a single investment.
If you feel
The need..i
Sure you can find the posts from the 3ma when i intially bought thay particular one.
In reference to charlotsville, there were more than nazis present. There were actually people there who did not want the statues taken down for historical reasons. Our history should not be erased as people are trying to do now, just because a minority of the populace(i dont mean that as in ethnicity) find them offensive. They are part of our country history and heritage, should serve of a reminder of how far we have come. If you were to destroy every statue of anyone who held a slave, you would need to completely change the entire landscape. Most of these statues were erected for other reasons, such as the robert e lee. His statue was put up because he helped to reunite both sides among other things.
Historical reasons?

Most of the statues were erected in the 19th or 20th century so they're not historical at all, they simply idolize traitors to the United States.
Obama ruined out standing in the world, trump has repaired it. 22 million of healthcare? You mean the folks on medicaid right. If most of us working people can not use our healthcare because our premiums have sky rocketed to pay for those who can not..kick them fuckers off. Bye felicia
You're fucking kidding right?

The actual data shows the US has never had a lower standing in the modern world.

Try watching news from abroad, we have the internet and streaming services, instead of drinking down all that Hannity cum.
Characterizing your posts as incoherent and illiterate is insulting yet factual.
What was it that Trump said?
That he likes stupid people, or something along those lines?
He would love this guy and his buddy, because all the two of them have written so far is pure, unadulterated bullshit, that has been proven time and time again to be bullshit.
Fucking sad that idiots have the right to vote, because it seems they all crawled out of the woodwork to vote for Trump, and apparently there is shitload of them in this country.
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