Will Mueller be fired?

Trump racist? Hahaha show me the proof?

besides the lawsuits he had to settle for denying apartments to black families? marking their applications with a "c" for colored"?

maybe it was when he called for the execution of 5 innocent black men last october.

you insecure whites are such pussies. too fragile and weak to even admit you're weakling racists.

it is not illegal to be racist, just have the balls to own it ya fucking bitch.
Funny..you talk of weaklings, it is usually the weak ones to be the first to scream and insult people when thier views are challenged.

you are a weakling.

real men do not have to scream about how "diversity" and "multiculturalism" are holding them down. real men go out there and do what needs to be done and don't complain.

you are just a weak little white.
Obama..first black president...and somehow over 50 percent of homicides are still commited by black males...over 50 percent commited by a fraction of the black community. He was a savior eh? What did he do for chicago again?
you are a weakling.

real men do not have to scream about how "diversity" and "multiculturalism" are holding them down. real men go out there and do what needs to be done and don't complain.

you are just a weak little white.
Now you are just trying to put words in my mouth, instead of accepting history. That diversity and multi-culturalism is working out real good for europe right?
Rube, have you achieved klan education equivalency grade 6? Seriously do you have any education at all, shitbag?
Those are actual facts. Need a coloring book yet? I guess you can continue to blame ole whitey, but it sure is not whitey forcing that 70 percent single parent house hold rate on black americans.
Obama..first black president...and somehow over 50 percent of homicides are still commited by black males...over 50 percent commited by a fraction of the black community. He was a savior eh? What did he do for chicago again?


the desperate cry of a racist white supremacist bitchling.

the top 13 deadliest states for gun violence are all republican states, cuck
Its guys like uncle cuck and twitler that argue invalid points