True but are the cops going to arrest U or just give U a ticket / fine.
There is lots to find out in the coming months
I heard online, that the under 21's will no longer face arrest, they just be fined and the weed taken away from them, if so, great. It be more reason not to mess around with any other drugs. Why worry about being arrested by using other drugs, just use weed and nothing else and your like almost legal, lol.
By the way, alcohol is used freely in parks, sporting events, bars----I want Dab Bar's , lol..that be so cool, doing bong hits with barmaids. They light the bong while you hit it, $5 a hit
Its going to be a longtime before weed is used openly like alcohol is now. U can drink booze and chat with a barmaid but doing dab hits with them is like way off..then again I heard 2nd hand that in Calforina they got places to puff up at, so who knows what 10-15 years will bring on.