Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

I support the legalization in Michigan. Those anti-cannabis are starting to act crazy right now, just hope they wont be needing cannabis their entire life.
It likely drive up the cost of weed, more demand, not much more weed out there

Over 4 million people voted in 2018, over 2 million voted for legal weed, right now there is almost 300,000 of us with MM cards, come in a year or two, there might be like 3 million people wanting weed---I'm sure some jerks who voted NO, will still go out and buy/use it once it "everywhere" and then you got the out of state buyers...yep, weed might double in price in 2-3 years---I hope I am wrong
What happned to your counts when they combine the two? I heard here patience will have to register with a licensed medical facility. No patience equals only 12 personal plants. 12 per house hold not person.
Only med patients are allowed to grow.
If you don't register in the state database, plant max is 6.
If you register, plant max is 15.
Possession and purchase limits are also higher if you're in the DB and have a card.
From the Detroit Free Press regarding Prop 1:

“With its passage, possession will become legal immediately after the law goes into effect, which would be 10 days after Tuesday’s election results are certified.”

So when are the election results certified?
I heard it has to be by nov 26th, so Dec 6th will be the latest date possible...unless they try to sue somehow to stop it but I don't see how, it won by a large margin, not as high as MM did thave en years ago but 57% isn't too bad---I think MM got 60% yes votes in 2008

Once that happens, all adults 21 and older can grow up to 12 plants..this law is writen very cool, so cool, there is talk that Lansing will get the 3/4 vote to change certain parts, like the 12 plant limited is too high some feel and towns have to op out, not in, if they want to stop weed sales in their towns..they want to switch it around so towns/cities have to say OK before weed sales happen.

Some also feel the 10oz limit in your home is too high, all those things, Lansing lawmakers are going to try to change, ugh

Its going to be tough to get 3/4 to agree on any changes, then again they aren't your normal kind of people, lol..when they see the cops are no longer busting most people for having, growing weed, they aren't going to like it...they really don't care what the "people" want.

Just think, right now 1oz or more of weed, gets most people charged with a felony for "dealing" weed, come next month, over twice that amount of weed will be legal to have in your car.....that be like rasing the speed limits to 120 mph vs 70 mph...some people are going to be screaming, even calling 911, when they see that much weed.

I would not be shock if the limit gets changed, maybe to 1oz, then again they never changed the 2 1/2 oz limit for us, so maybe its safe..how very cool:eyesmoke:
Skyline is right the SOS canvassers have 30 days at the most to certify prop 1 election results then there is the 10 day wait.
I just hope the youngins don't think it's going to be a free for all come the time. Still can't smoke walking down the street, in your car driving around etc etc.... just like alcohol it's ment to be bought and consumed at home or in special businesses.
Skyline is right the SOS canvassers have 30 days at the most to certify prop 1 election results then there is the 10 day wait.
I just hope the youngins don't think it's going to be a free for all come the time. Still can't smoke walking down the street, in your car driving around etc etc.... just ke alcohol it's ment to be bought and consumed at home or in special businesses.

True but are the cops going to arrest U or just give U a ticket / fine.

There is lots to find out in the coming months

I heard online, that the under 21's will no longer face arrest, they just be fined and the weed taken away from them, if so, great. It be more reason not to mess around with any other drugs. Why worry about being arrested by using other drugs, just use weed and nothing else and your like almost legal, lol.

By the way, alcohol is used freely in parks, sporting events, bars----I want Dab Bar's , lol..that be so cool, doing bong hits with barmaids. They light the bong while you hit it, $5 a hit

Its going to be a longtime before weed is used openly like alcohol is now. U can drink booze and chat with a barmaid but doing dab hits with them is like way off..then again I heard 2nd hand that in Calforina they got places to puff up at, so who knows what 10-15 years will bring on.
I hope it's just tickets or nothing at all (let the parents deal with them). Only thing on my husband's record is minor in possession of alcohol and open house party at age 18 he actually got 90 days and shipped him across the state
Yeah, they waited till the last day possible, no surprise here.

I'm hearing smoking bud in public will be a $100 fine, no arrest, just a civil infaction..sounds too cool but then its all legal to smoke bud on the sidewalks and parks over in Canada so who knows what will happen here. Well it can;t be in parks with playground equiment cause kids are to be around

But sadly, by the time the weather warms up again, the state might well make smoking bud in public a crime to be arrested for. Even the D's can stink at times...the D's want us to wear helmets riding motor bikes, like it really make a differance if you crash. I still think helmets make your head heavier and more likely break your neck in a wreak, maybe the brain matters more but then your neck controls the spine, so does it matter.

But really, laying on the beach, smoking a J next summer might be so cool, if the worst that could happen is a ticket with a $100 fine. Like you won't get busted every time, so if true, you could look at it as a user fee, lol...the rail road companies pay those blocking the highway for too long of a time, as a fee of doing buniness..its cheaper to pay the fines then adding more train engines, just add more and more cars to one train and pay the fines, if and when they show up.
Think about this, the doctors can make lots more money on U, if you wreak your bike and can not walk again, then if you just die from a head injury, so yeah, the doctors/hospitals are all for helmet laws, long as you don't die, they can make big money off you and your insurance..if you die before reaching a hospital, they make zero dollars treating U.
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If I go to a ball game, I gotta smell that stinky beer and if I gotta use the restroom, the floor is all wet from the drunks who can't piss straight... if they get a whiff of my weed if I'm walking down the street puffing too bad. If they can smoke their stinky tobbaco, then why can't I smoke my bud in the same area ? Some places in Canada allow smoking weed wherever you can smoke tobbaco, they even allow the cops to use weed when off duty, long as they wait so many hours before they report back.to duty.

I'm all for letting the cops use weed when off duty, more people might wanna be cops then.

Of course if a public park has playground eq for the kids to use, then smoking bud around there is a no-no, common sense is need sometimes. The USA would rather just say no smoking weed anywhere outside and forget that we all pay taxes and we all should be able to enjoy places like public parks, however we please. Its my life, not theirs
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The Grand Rapids police chief is retiring, lol. More should follow if they no longer agree with the laws they are trying to enforce and can no longer do their job correctly.

Why are U speeding and where are U going....... Over to my buddies house, to enjoy some bud he just "found"...ah Ok sir, I'm going to let U off on a warning this time but U gotta slow down from now on.

I wonder how often that would happen, not very yet I'm sure that has happen with people getting off work and going to "happy hour" at the local pub.