will flowering early reduce yeild alot ? or just a abit .. ? is there anyway to speed


Active Member
if i flower mt plants early as some people said i can flower when i want .. will it reduce my yeild alot or just a few grams ...
is there any way to speed flowering ?


Well-Known Member
Flowering takes a pre-determined period of time once light changes to 12 hours light, 12 hours dark and continues. You can flower your plants from vegitative mode any time you want. If you let them grow really tall, and use a weak powered light, you'll get light fluffy trim. If you let them grow really tall and use a really strong powered light you get dense nugs.

Generally if you've got a 1000w light I like to see finished plants at no more than 40-45" tall. The plants double, or triple in size, after you begin flowering for the most part.


Active Member
i would have to say yes, it will affect your yield. The bigger she is the more bud sites you will have and in turn the more nugget you will end up with. I would say that there is no way to speed up flowering because immature herb is no good. I hope i have been of some help. Good luck!


Active Member
Flowering takes a pre-determined period of time once light changes to 12 hours light, 12 hours dark and continues. You can flower your plants from vegitative mode any time you want. If you let them grow really tall, and use a weak powered light, you'll get light fluffy trim. If you let them grow really tall and use a really strong powered light you get dense nugs.

Generally if you've got a 1000w light I like to see finished plants at no more than 40-45" tall. The plants double, or triple in size, after you begin flowering for the most part.
well i got a 250W mh & hps . going scorg so im keeping them short and maximising surface area of leaves


Active Member
i would have to say yes, it will affect your yield. The bigger she is the more bud sites you will have and in turn the more nugget you will end up with. I would say that there is no way to speed up flowering because immature herb is no good. I hope i have been of some help. Good luck!
yeh thanks i guess ill have to flower the whole 12 weeks ... im going Scorg so the plants wont be physicaly big/tall but spread out as im sure you probs know more then me ha .. but yeh hopfully the bud sites i have will be big ones do you know wether more bug sites is better or just to have fewer bigger ones ?


Active Member
yeh thanks i guess ill have to flower the whole 12 weeks ... im going Scorg so the plants wont be physicaly big/tall but spread out as im sure you probs know more then me ha .. but yeh hopfully the bud sites i have will be big ones do you know wether more bug sites is better or just to have fewer bigger ones ?
depends, if the bud sites are exposed to alot of good light then they will grow nice a big but if they are hidden by the top leaves then they will be smaller in size. So if good light is available then more is better but if not concentrate on your tope colas. Look up on how to LST, loys of great info on how to get light to your smaller bud sites.


Well-Known Member
i would have to say yes, it will affect your yield. The bigger she is the more bud sites you will have and in turn the more nugget you will end up with. I would say that there is no way to speed up flowering because immature herb is no good. I hope i have been of some help. Good luck!
Wrong.... A really big plant with little lighting will get tiny nug sites, more like popcorn. Of course, we're really stretching things here like a 96w T5 Flouro vs a 1000w HPS.

depends, if the bud sites are exposed to alot of good light then they will grow nice a big but if they are hidden by the top leaves then they will be smaller in size. So if good light is available then more is better but if not concentrate on your tope colas. Look up on how to LST, loys of great info on how to get light to your smaller bud sites.
^^ Good info.

Remember, light grows buds. Not big plants. Big plants can grow more bud but need big lights! The nutrients and plant health are just to accommodate the light making buds.


Well-Known Member
^^ Good info.

Remember, light grows buds. Not big plants. Big plants can grow more bud but need big lights! The nutrients and plant health are just to accommodate the light making buds.
this is good info! but nutrients and plant health are not just accomidations. the plants take the nutes, and breaks them down into sugars, and protein(witch is impossible without light) but using the sugars and proteins is impossible without photosynthesis. the sum of a perfect grow is all aspects. the light accomidates the nutes, the nutes accomidate the light, every single aspect accomidates the plants overall health.

i mean what im trying to get accross is, with a close to perfect feeding schedule, and close to perfect growing conditions, you can get the same amount of bud with a smaller light, then a further from perfect setup with HUGE lights.


Active Member
Forcing them into flowering without the presents of pre-flowers does decrease yield. I don't know how big they are though.


New Member
shit with my 600 veg should be like 2 weeks. this time it was 3 and they are still way to huge now in flower. if you got a light dont wait to long anyway


Active Member
i would have to say yes, it will affect your yield. The bigger she is the more bud sites you will have and in turn the more nugget you will end up with. I would say that there is no way to speed up flowering because immature herb is no good. I hope i have been of some help. Good luck!
This is not necessarily true. It's very strain dependent the more you veg the longer the flowering time. If you put an old huge clone mother into flower you get tons bud sights but they're tiny buds and it takes weeks more of 12/12 to get the trichs cloudy to amber and it takes a lot more time for water transfer to the small branches.


Well-Known Member
This is not necessarily true. It's very strain dependent the more you veg the longer the flowering time. If you put an old huge clone mother into flower you get tons bud sights but they're tiny buds and it takes weeks more of 12/12 to get the trichs cloudy to amber and it takes a lot more time for water transfer to the small branches.
I've NEVER heard this in my entire life. Flowering is a pre-determined period of time. Nothing speeds up flowering, or slows it down (except Co2 can make a plant finish a few days sooner). Being a mother and then putting mother into flower will flower just like any of her clones did. She'll just be a big ass bush!


Active Member
Wrong.... A really big plant with little lighting will get tiny nug sites, more like popcorn. Of course, we're really stretching things here like a 96w T5 Flouro vs a 1000w HPS.

^^ Good info.

Remember, light grows buds. Not big plants. Big plants can grow more bud but need big lights! The nutrients and plant health are just to accommodate the light making buds.
I question your advice.

For one, what Boom Whamp said is correct, assuming you have adequate lighting, space, etc, for the plants, a bigger plant will outproduce a smaller plant.

You say
Wrong.... A really big plant with little lighting will get tiny nug sites, more like popcorn. Of course, we're really stretching things here like a 96w T5 Flouro vs a 1000w HPS.
Any plant with inadequate lighting is going to produce tiny nug sites and popcorn buds. It doesn't matter if the plant is 1 inch or 100 inches.

I also disagree with the principle behind "lights grow buds". You have to have good lighting to grow big buds, but without the right genetics, environment, and grow skill you won't get big buds no matter what. How many threads are started everyday about people having heat issue from their big HID bulbs? A super bright light is hardly the anchor of great buds. I've seen some great stuff grown under LEDs, CFLs, and PL-Ls.


Active Member
I've NEVER heard this in my entire life. Flowering is a pre-determined period of time. Nothing speeds up flowering, or slows it down (except Co2 can make a plant finish a few days sooner). Being a mother and then putting mother into flower will flower just like any of her clones did. She'll just be a big ass bush!
This is incorrect too. If two growers were to grow the exact same clone it is likely that the plants would finish at different times. Aside from CO2, quality of light, quality of darkness, water availability, stresses like bugs, mildew, or diseases all effect flowering times.

Flowering out mothering plants can take longer. Typically mother plants have been around for a long time, and in soil the medium is filled with roots to parts of the plants that no longer exist. You can get around this by transplanting or root pruning.


Active Member
This is not necessarily true. It's very strain dependent the more you veg the longer the flowering time. If you put an old huge clone mother into flower you get tons bud sights but they're tiny buds and it takes weeks more of 12/12 to get the trichs cloudy to amber and it takes a lot more time for water transfer to the small branches.
Increased veg times don't increase flowering times. Mother plants are a separate issue, but those problems aren't caused by the long veg time.
I am in a situation that requires me to do this. I have a few plants as my first grow from some undetermined horrible looking, yet surprisingly strong herb under 1000w and I just found out I am moving to LA at the end of august. I just want some free bud for the drive across country. If I switch to 12/12 w my 1000 hps right now will they be smokeable in time? I dont even care if its herms or underdeveloped at this point I just dont want to have to give up my babies for exhaustion. This is purely out of utility.