Will clones take less time


Active Member
to flower than the source they were taken from? When looking at log reference pics of the "source's" grow and comparing it to the taken clones grow, it appears that the clones are a bit ahead in the flowering process compared to the original for the same time period. So was just wondering if clones might finish a little faster than where they were cut from just by the nature that they are already mature when going to 12/12. Or is it just a different place, time, and grow and they all will be a little different. The compaison time I am using is ...from when original showed pistils vs 12/12 flip of clones.

anybody know or have a theory?


Active Member
Clones should take the same amount of time to flower as the mother. You can speed up the process by using things like bush master if thats what you are looking to do.


Active Member
Clones should take the same amount of time to flower as the mother. You can speed up the process by using things like bush master if thats what you are looking to do.
no not looking to do that - was just wondering as I was comparing pictures of both for the same amount of days - and it just appeared like the clones pistils got brown quicker and the calyxes seemed a little larger for the same amount of time - so was just wondering. Thought they would be the same since same traits but just thought I'd ask.
