Well-Known Member
They go hard here in Los Angeles... Will the light being constantly flashes disrupt flowering?
NoThey go hard here in Los Angeles... Will the light being constantly flashes disrupt flowering?
For whatever reason, that I can't figure out, outside lighting, the stars, the moon, don't really affect outdoor plants. But God forbid an indoor plant sees an incandescent bulb for five minutes in flower.... It's gotta have something to do with spectrum.
They might fuck around and burn them. Honestly, if fireworks are directly overhead, the ash/soot might be an issueWhat if some kid holds a sparkler near your plant?
Those are pretty bright!
You can't watch 3D movies around those onesOnly if the plant as epilepsy traits
I know...im not even allowed to have my disco strobe lights outside no moreYou can't watch 3D movies around those ones
Those epileptic strains really produce though..I know...im not even allowed to have my disco strobe lights outside no more