Why won’t trump say “radical right wing terrorists”?


Well-Known Member
its not just the magabomber either

The atomwaffen, a neo nazi white supremacist crime cell, has committed half a dozen murders across 5 states. It is a coordinated terrorist organization

The proud boys, a neo nazi paramilitary group that attends republican events, is known for 30 on 3 mob violence attacks in the streets

“Unite the right” organizes torchlit neo nazi marches where radicalized right wing terrorists ran their cars into crowds of peaceful protesters

Richard Spencer, David duke, Stefan molyneux, Jordan Peterson,Ben Shapiro, tucker Carlson and many others on the right are all extremists who radicalize their white, right wing followers into committing terrorist crimes

So why is trump too afraid to simply say “radical right wing terrorists”?
Trump knows those nut jobs are his base of support/ he doesn't want them to flip on him.
Did he call the deranged Scalise shooter an extreme left wing terrorist? If so, he should be consistent and call this guy an extreme right wing terrorist.
bann guns, will fix it all

Living under a thinly disguised dictatorship much, comrade? If Russia was that great you trolls would speak and write perfect English. Alas you cannot export enough LADA Prioras to educate your shitty citizens anyway. Enjoy your car accidents and plane crashes.

That car just screams flaccid penis mashing against a pasty foopa.

It looks like an orthopedic shoe.