Why we need to leave Afghanistan Iraq and Syria


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU I wanted to write this from a personal point of view and from one that has been following this for a long time now. I feel most of my friends/family/anyone I know or talk to has this perception of what is going on Overseas as far as the " situation " is in the Middle East that I find completely distorted. Let me start off by saying I served time in the Marine Corps and did multiple combat tours in Afghanistan in two different locations ( Marjah and Sangin ). I will admit when joining the Corps and first deploying feeling the same way most Americans do about the Middle East etc.., but the more time I spent in Afghanistan and followed what was going on I realized what we are currently doing makes no sense whatsoever. Most American have this perception that Muslims or the " Middle East" hates America because of its Democracy or Woman's rights or some other nonsense, but the truth is that could not be further from the truth. The longer I spent in country the more I realized we were not fighting a war against some " radicals ", but rather a war against the local populace that got thrown into a war zone because we moved into their area and built a base ( and some radicals or anyone from nearby countries that hate US). Now endangering anyone within miles of a radius and beyond. Anywhere there was a base in Afghanistan or close the houses would be displaced, bullets holes everywhere and the roads nearby or any road that would get used by US would be laced with IED's ( Not caring who they hit ). From my friends that deployed to Iraq I hear it was no different. Furthermore, the Drone occupation we carry out ( in Aghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria ) further exacerbates our situation . These Drones carry out attacks based off of " MetaData" which basically is ( cell phone texts/time and length of calls, Emails or any electronic type of Data linked to you). All this means that the attacks are not necessarily done with proper discretion. Do they hit the said Target? Yes. Do they they use discretion before taking the shot? In most cases No. Drone warfare is not a humane type of way to go about fighting in a autonomous way. Do I believe they should help with airstrikes etc....? Yes but ones that are called in by people not in a autonomous fashion. It boils down to recruitment fire. Every child/woman/innocent person we kill/injure/mame is another stick added for fuel in the fire of hate that runs the campaign of recruitment that we see strengthening these Radical groups. So far the US has spent 5 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. We are spending around 10 million a day being in Iraq and 10 million in Afghanistan right now. Is this entirely necessary? What is the point we are just furthering a problem that could be resolved faster by leaving. This " war " is completely unwinnable in every fashion and what would winning look like anyway? I guarantee no one in the Military Industrial Complex could tell you ( its just spend spend spend ) I know it sounds too simple, but if we were to leave all countries now their recruitment numbers would drop drastically and dwindle over the months. Over time resolving some of the problems. Do I believes some of the attacks will ever stop? Honestly probably not. So much damage was done to a " culture " " countries " that I see people taking it very personally for years and the attacks continuing for decades. There was a saying in Afghanistan because of their culture that if you wronged someone that you were likely to get revenge on you not necessarily soon but within a 100 years by them or their family. What would be the flip side alternative? Carpet bomb a whole country? And not even that considering these " radical groups " are spread out all over different countries and intermingled with civilians...Boots on the ground? That is completely moronic. Look at Iraq! Look at Afghanistan! Do you think any invasion/attack will look any different or bring on any different result. Do you want more Americans dying for no reason? Do we need to further destruct, pillage and displace the Middle East? Look at our Country! We could be using so much of that money on our Homeless,Infrastructure,Veterans, Roads, Welfare programs, scholarships, grants etc....and bettering ourselves and our country. Albert Einstein once said " Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
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Hello RIU I wanted to write this from a personal point of view and from one that has been following this for a long time now. I feel most of my friends/family/anyone I know or talk to has this perception of what is going on Overseas as far as the " situation " is in the Middle East that I find completely distorted. Let me start off by saying I served time in the Marine Corps and did multiple combat tours in Afghanistan in two different locations ( Marjah and Sangin ). I will admit when joining the Corps and first deploying feeling the same way most Americans do about the Middle East etc.., but the more time I spent in Afghanistan and followed what was going on I realized what we are currently doing makes no sense whatsoever. Most American have this perception that Muslims or the " Middle East" hates America because of its Democracy or Woman's rights or some other nonsense, but the truth is that could not be further from the truth. The longer I spent in country the more I realized we were not fighting a war against some " radicals ", but rather a war against the local populace that got thrown into a war zone because we moved into their area and built a base ( and some radicals or anyone from nearby countries that hate US). Now endangering anyone within miles of a radius and beyond. Anywhere there was a base in Afghanistan or close the houses would be displaced, bullets holes everywhere and the roads nearby or any road that would get used by US would be laced with IED's ( Not caring who they hit ). From my friends that deployed to Iraq I hear it was no different. Furthermore, the Drone occupation we carry out ( in Aghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria ) further exacerbates our situation . These Drones carry out attacks based off of " MetaData" which basically is ( cell phone texts/time and length of calls, Emails or any electronic type of Data linked to you). All this means that the attacks are not necessarily done with proper discretion. Do they hit the said Target? Yes. Do they they use discretion before taking the shot? In most cases No. Drone warfare is not a humane type of way to go about fighting in a autonomous way. Do I believe they should help with airstrikes etc....? Yes but ones that are called in by people not in a autonomous fashion. It boils down to recruitment fire. Every child/woman/innocent person we kill/injure/mame is another stick added for fuel in the fire of hate that runs the campaign of recruitment that we see strengthening these Radical groups. So far the US has spent 5 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. We are spending around 10 million a day being in Iraq and 10 million in Afghanistan right now. Is this entirely necessary? What is the point we are just furthering a problem that could be resolved faster by leaving. This " war " is completely unwinnable in every fashion and what would winning look like anyway? I guarantee no one in the Military Industrial Complex could tell you ( its just spend spend spend ) I know it sounds too simple, but if we were to leave all countries now their recruitment numbers would drop drastically and dwindle over the months. Over time resolving some of the problems. Do I believes some of the attacks will ever stop? Honestly probably not. So much damage was done to a " culture " " countries " that I see people taking it very personally for years and the attacks continuing for decades. There was a saying in Afghanistan because of their culture that if you wronged someone that you were likely to get revenge on you not necessarily soon but within a 100 years by them or their family. What would be the flip side alternative? Carpet bomb a whole country? And not even that considering these " radical groups " are spread out all over different countries and intermingled with civilians...Boots on the ground? That is completely moronic. Look at Iraq! Look at Afghanistan! Do you think any invasion/attack will look any different or bring on any different result. Do you want more Americans dying for no reason? Do we need to further destruct, pillage and displace the Middle East? Look at our Country! We could be using so much of that money on our Homeless,Infrastructure,Veterans, Roads, Welfare programs, scholarships, grants etc....and bettering ourselves and our country. Albert Einstein once said " Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

We fucked up the three aforementioned countries and now have to stay to make sure they dont fall to terrorists on a land grab and to prevent Russia from becoming too emboldened.

Essentially we let our dog shit all over the park and now weve to spend our time cleaning it up...

Don't be that guy with the super-pooper dogs...

You joined the military knowing full well how it is used to fight proxy wars and for oil dollars and if you didn't know that sort of means your opinion is worthless about this topic anyway.
You joined the military knowing full well how it is used to fight proxy wars and for oil dollars and if you didn't know that sort of means your opinion is worthless about this topic anyway.
I disagree, most kids who join the military after graduation have no idea what our military is about.

Most of them are there because they can't afford college or are too dumb to get into college.
Last thing you'll find in the service is honor and hero's because our service has no honor.............Not possible ! Especially those baby acting Marines at the recruitment center that do nothing but talk about kicking other services ass's. wow, how sophmoric and self defeating ! Watching them oppologize was fucking funny ! I have no respect what so ever for u.s. imperialist service ! I feel sorry for the poor patsie's. totally used as connan foder . Kissenger just sits back and laughs at them ! I'd rather see them sell their friends dope than go in the service ! I bet alot of recruits didnt think suicide would be thier only salution. Looks like another pussy will be running the place now placing fear as job one ! Hey trump , take your hand , now reach down through that whole in your pocket and stroke that pussy.
Sigh... I want to start off and say that that was written on a drunken/high night, but that doesn't take away from some of the truth. It does explain the no Paragraphs though.....lmfao. I see a lot of comments that highlight the exact mindset I had mentioned.... I find it funny everyone talking from outside in like they know what is going on. As far as why people join that's it? Only those options? Most people I know/served with joined because they believed in what the fight was and felt they were doing a good thing to protect our country and the ones they love at home ( like myself ). Are their people who join because they are too poor? You bet!
Do you think they are the same ones on the front lines.....? Hell no! There are a lot of people who join just for the educational benefits, but the same thing applies to them about the front lines. The fact is anyone on the front line choosing to fight/die is doing so voluntarily. So I think a little respect is due ( not to me ), but to the many who are not with us today. The fact is the military/branches are so diverse that really only 10-15 % see combat. One big thing I saw was people joining/staying in because they only cared about their familys well being and the military benefits/healthcare and such were worth staying in/joining.
I still don't understand why some say stay in these countries and protect them " terrorist "takeovers.....That's sounds great we should just bleed some more money and American lives so you can feel better about big bad ISIS....All in all most everyone on the outside has the luxury of not having to experience war. The fact is you will find a hard time finding any Veterans that fought in a war that believe it was just worthy. After a person has to " pull a trigger" or deal with life and death situations their perception changes and they value life a lot more. When you get to see what War really is up close ( and actually smell the blood etc.. ) it stops becoming a video game/CNN news story and smacks you in the face like smelling salts to the unconscious.
Sigh... I want to start off and say that that was written on a drunken/high night, but that doesn't take away from some of the truth. It does explain the no Paragraphs though.....lmfao. I see a lot of comments that highlight the exact mindset I had mentioned.... I find it funny everyone talking from outside in like they know what is going on. As far as why people join that's it? Only those options? Most people I know/served with joined because they believed in what the fight was and felt they were doing a good thing to protect our country and the ones they love at home ( like myself ). Are their people who join because they are too poor? You bet!
Do you think they are the same ones on the front lines.....? Hell no! There are a lot of people who join just for the educational benefits, but the same thing applies to them about the front lines. The fact is anyone on the front line choosing to fight/die is doing so voluntarily. So I think a little respect is due ( not to me ), but to the many who are not with us today. The fact is the military/branches are so diverse that really only 10-15 % see combat. One big thing I saw was people joining/staying in because they only cared about their familys well being and the military benefits/healthcare and such were worth staying in/joining.
I still don't understand why some say stay in these countries and protect them " terrorist "takeovers.....That's sounds great we should just bleed some more money and American lives so you can feel better about big bad ISIS....All in all most everyone on the outside has the luxury of not having to experience war. The fact is you will find a hard time finding any Veterans that fought in a war that believe it was just worthy. After a person has to " pull a trigger" or deal with life and death situations their perception changes and they value life a lot more. When you get to see what War really is up close ( and actually smell the blood etc.. ) it stops becoming a video game/CNN news story and smacks you in the face like smelling salts to the unconscious.

I agree with pretty much everything you've said in both posts. Thank you for your service.

btw, pay no mind to the peanut gallery. Belittling people is their day job.