Why we have a 2nd amendment and must keep it.

Well, I would have shown him my axe, but it was left at the deer camp.

Sorry, I will go get a couple of camp axes and put them under the car seat should the need arise to defend my family in the future.

Peace and Sharp Axes


your car broke down and u pulled a gun on somebody that stopped to help.................you are part of the problem ........and a weiner
Could you post some more photos of your wifes double chin so I can print it out and jizz on her face?

We need militias?

To even ask this question, is an example of, "how soon we forget." You still don't get it. We have what we have because of the 2nd, not in spite of it.

You are acting like the guy in a tsunami, that walks down into dry harbor to collect the fish. In other words, clueless. Acting clueless (didn't say you were)

It's like saying, "the barbarians are no where to be seen, so, let pull down our palisade."

There is no free lunch and the ocean of chaos will have you for lunch with this thinking. It's like standing in our shade. You need the 2nd A, whether you like it or not. If suddenly left without govt shelter, warlordism naturally erupts. It takes about a day. In every county in the USA there are petty warlords, today. It is the step down. We made it barely though WW2 because we had much less pussification. Many crack shots. Every squad had a natural sniper. Do you think that's an easy skill?

It like questioning the need for umbrellas in the pouring rain. You are standing under ours, with your eyes closed.

Do we need umbrellas? What a crok!
your car broke down and u pulled a gun on somebody that stopped to help.................you are part of the problem ........and a weiner

You are a dolt, I screamed several times at the person and they never communicated back. It was quiet as a church house out there. You speak to preserve your ignorance chump, good job. So make sure you get your facts straight dweeb, before you flap your gums.
Go outside and play jr. it is where you belong. weiner...lol....another school yard puppet.:roll:

To even ask this question, is an example of, "how soon we forget." You still don't get it. We have what we have because of the 2nd, not in spite of it.

You are acting like the guy in a tsunami, that walks down into dry harbor to collect the fish. In other words, clueless. Acting clueless (didn't say you were)

It's like saying, "the barbarians are no where to be seen, so, let pull down our palisade."

There is no free lunch and the ocean of chaos will have you for lunch with this thinking. It's like standing in our shade. You need the 2nd A, whether you like it or not. If suddenly left without govt shelter, warlordism naturally erupts. It takes about a day. In every county in the USA there are petty warlords, today. It is the step down. We made it barely though WW2 because we had much less pussification. Many crack shots. Every squad had a natural sniper. Do you think that's an easy skill?

It like questioning the need for umbrellas in the pouring rain. You are standing under ours, with your eyes closed.

Do we need umbrellas? What a crok!

Rubbish! Only in America is there a segment of the population that believes this nonsense. As if Skeeter from Kentucky and his 4 guns are going to make a damned bit of difference *if* the government decided to turn on it's people.

How do you explain places like Canada, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, etc that don't have more guns than they do people, and yet the government hasn't rounded all of them up and sent them to the Gulag camps yet?

Paranoid delusions.
isn't that what happened to you, you cried like a baby and made your wife drive the car?[/QUOTE]

Think what you will.

Yes, I was rattled pretty hard about the fact I was about to kill someone, and would be just as upset today if it happened again, but just like the first time, I did what needed to be done.

If you cannot get upset over the thought of someone coming after your family, then you are truly a cowardly person and you should let your wife take care of the security from here on out.



You're so paranoid that the thought never crossed your mind that the person that pulled over was most likely just trying to help you. You would have shot an innocent man, and in the process freaked the fuck out of your entire family because you see a boogey man hiding behind every corner.

Your story is beyond ridiculous, and given this tale, coupled with the fact that you leave weapons strewn about your property leads me to only one conclusion: You're an irresponsible, paranoid gun-nut!
You are a dolt, I screamed several times at the person and they never communicated back. It was quiet as a church house out there. You speak to preserve your ignorance chump, good job. So make sure you get your facts straight dweeb, before you flap your gums.
Go outside and play jr. it is where you belong. weiner...lol....another school yard puppet.:roll:

ya well your the one with the stupid ass story that just sounds like a fukn lie
You are a dolt, I screamed several times at the person and they never communicated back. It was quiet as a church house out there. You speak to preserve your ignorance chump, good job. So make sure you get your facts straight dweeb, before you flap your gums.
Go outside and play jr. it is where you belong. weiner...lol....another school yard puppet.:roll:

ya well your the one with the stupid ass story that just sounds like a fukn lie

You are intitled to your opinion, as a great number of men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice just so you could come on here and talk smack about something you know nothing about.

So be happy and learn to spell while you are at it.


no those guys dont like guns ..... i fukn love em .......but i dont think u or people like u should have one

Well, I have quite a few and there is absolutely nothing you or the government will ever be able to do to stop me from owning them and/or getting a few more. Hell, my air rifle is more gun than you can handle...lol

NRA Lifetime Member as well. Joined back in 1980, more than likely before you were born.

Peace and Straight Shooting

Well, I have quite a few and there is absolutely nothing you or the government will ever be able to do to stop me from owning them and/or getting a few more. Hell, my air rifle is more gun than you can handle...lol

NRA Lifetime Member as well. Joined back in 1980, more than likely before you were born.

Peace and Straight Shooting


u should send your story into the nra c what they think ..........im guessing they wont want u anymore
I think people need to read and understand the 2nd amendmennt.

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Now you need to understand the word regulated, which simply means to control or supervise... No one is taking away your right to bear arms but it can be regulated in what and which type of arms you bear.