Why Vote Against Republicans?


Well-Known Member
Sorry... was a United States Marine and do not believe in your socialistic aproach. USMC is the most supreme fighting force in the world and is done with aggressive tendencies. How do you think swords are made???? fire and a hammer.... then sharpened to perfection.

Cut back spending and support to other countries. Tax the socialist people in this country only...(hey... they need to lead by example and I will fallow at a latter time), cut the spending on the illegal aliens and their incarceration, quit taxing the small businesses in this country... and I can for sure see a turn around in the economic stand point of this country.

Sorry for the aggression but I was paid to do for this country what the cowards of this country did not want to do or could not do!
Seals and Rangers could kick a Marine's ass :shock: :weed:. Most supreme fighting force in the world - HA!

I'd take a ninja over a Marine any day. Or a Swiss Guardsman. Have you seen their outfits? Talk about intimidating.

As for the part in bold, can you say brainwashing?


Active Member
Also... I had a few friends who came back and told me how those people were treated under Saddam... 75% of the people there loved us for freeing them.

Sorry but we needed to go there... our dog came off the leash and needed a good swatting with a big newspaper!


Well-Known Member
Also... I had a few friends who came back and told me how those people were treated under Saddam... 75% of the people there loved us for freeing them.

Sorry but we needed to go there... our dog came off the leash and needed a good swatting with a big newspaper!
Few - key word. I know a few who said the opposite.


Well-Known Member
Ill take George St Peirre in a fight with any of them. Even though he doesn't have the destructive (throat punches) he has the defense and quickness/knowledge in a hand to hand combat. If weapons are involved he would be hosed though.


Active Member
Seals and Rangers could kick a Marine's ass :shock: :weed:. Most supreme fighting force in the world - HA!

I'd take a ninja over a Marine any day. Or a Swiss Guardsman. Have you seen their outfits? Talk about intimidating.

As for the part in bold, can you say brainwashing?
What a crock of shit... Even they gave us respect when I was in.

We are the best at what our job intails. They are just good at the jobs they do... were you one???? think not or you would understand the statements I make. Typical of the civilian poplulation.

Futher more on brain washing....LOL... YOu and your socialistic reteric is any better...LOL

Sorry not believing that one.


it dont make me no coward it make me smart i would never let no 1 man send me to fight a war that dont need to be u might kiil good but marines got to be some of the most desperate for money and dumbest people in the world to back a man that would send you into a country looking for nukes that aint ever been there i will say you have a point bout the immigrants but bush's excuse for bein in the war is also that he wants to help iraq basically but stop mexicans hopin da fence (spend and spend)


Active Member
it dont make me no coward it make me smart i would never let no 1 man send me to fight a war that dont need to be u might kiil good but marines got to be some of the most desperate for money and dumbest people in the world to back a man that would send you into a country looking for nukes that aint ever been there i will say you have a point bout the immigrants but bush's excuse for bein in the war is also that he wants to help iraq basically but stop mexicans hopin da fence (spend and spend)
LOL... nope most of us wanted to serve our country.

Grandfather served and was at pearl harbor.

Uncle served and was in vietnam and recieved a bronze star

I served 6 years in the Infantry for the USMC.

Something that is a part of history that you will never know.

But hey that is why I did it... so you could be free to do what you wish and live the the greatest country in the world. I can say that because I have been to other countries and see what they have to offer.

No need for thanking me... my family thanks me enough.


wat is your job intail if thats a word listen to 1 man in a democracy were sposed 2 vote we aint no dam communist


vietnam and pearl harbor if they didnt go by choice they wouldve gone by force even worst if they were african american they fought in for a country that they didnt have equal rights in so theyre just as dumb as u


Well-Known Member
LOL... nope most of us wanted to serve our country.

Grandfather served and was at pearl harbor.

Uncle served and was in vietnam and recieved a bronze star

I served 6 years in the Infantry for the USMC.

Something that is a part of history that you will never know.

But hey that is why I did it... so you could be free to do what you wish and live the the greatest country in the world. I can say that because I have been to other countries and see what they have to offer.

No need for thanking me... my family thanks me enough.
I thank you for serving. As I said, I admire all the troops and what they do. And I was making a joke, an attempt to lighten the mood. Relax.


Active Member
Sorry but that is what happens. That is why he was president and not you. So get over it. Worry about the one we got in there now and is socialistic minions in the senate.


Active Member
I thank you for serving. As I said, I admire all the troops and what they do. And I was making a joke, an attempt to lighten the mood. Relax.
No biggy brother...LOL.

Just having a hard time adjusting to these economic times as this new government is doing nothing for us. Things seem to be getting worse for some of us here in California.


so i guess that means your grand father and uncle were forced into the wars then huh cause you joinin your six years probly came after the draft right

what... huh?

Active Member
Raloinc... you might be a real nice guy... but you are a fucking idiot. I don't want you to take that to mean that I have prejudice because you can't communicate in the only fucking language you know... but you have absolutely no idea how your government works, and yet feel confident enough to tell everyone what's what.

1. The president does not and can not send us to war. That takes an act of congress.

2. The president can not bring us back from war. That also takes congress.

3. We brought back 500 metric tons of uranium a few months ago.

4. You suck at life.


when did i say the president made those decisions single handedly and like i said to ganja al post a link to the site that informed you of those nukes i speak 2 languages actually so your the fuckin idiot tryna tell me wat i know and dont know next time u open your mouth let a dick fall in dont let dumb ass comments and acusations come out