why must thy be a bad neighbor?!


Active Member
we all had em. dick head neighbors that think they are better then you.
but hes my rant and hopefully we find a solution.
i moved into condo that has 3 houses in 1. 2 of those houses have backyards. i have a back yard and so does my neighbor.
we mmoved in 6 months ago had cops called on us twice and have had over 5 complaints frkm the HOA.
one was dog was barking i understand that but she was a brand new 7 eek old puppy. what could i do? then we get one for parking iutside. then another for dogs bein loud. and another for dpg digging holes.
i get the first one about the puppy.but we fixed it. i get the holes one but these neighbor consistantly complain to the hoa and not come to us first. if they simply would leave a note or knock ill be happy to make sure we are not disturbing you. but dont be a asshole amd conplain after ur dog barks thruout the night and u park in the street every damn day.
there dog was barking and they park on the street so i left a note on the door only to dfind note all tore up in my backyard. i tried taking the high road but im done. im pissed. i want revenge.

my solution is order alot of pizza when i kno they are home. thats what i got so far. lol
anybody else got neighbors like this?
sorry for the mis speels im on my phone.
dude, don't fuck your pizza place like that... it sucks. and it's not that funny... "oh jeez, someones knocking on our door... no we didn't order any pizza, sorry" end of it... were is the retaliation in that? collect all your dogs poo and leave it conspicuously placed as landmines where they are sure to step in it... or just do what they are doing to you, call the hoa for every thing you notice them doing that they have reported you for. my $0.02.
As soon as I saw the word condo, I knew what was coming.

Been there, done that, and condo associations suck.
The best defense is a good offense. Document EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. If you fix something up document it. If they're parked on the street TAKE PICTURES etc. Forward EVERY infraction to the HOA. They'll get sick of it quick enough. Just remember to keep your nose as clean as possible.
yeah you have someone with a mental issue next to you. that explains why they call the HOA(wahtever that is) before talking to you. I would have went and calmly got my fullest garbage can and brought it over to his yard and dumped it and yelled "dont put trash in my yard."
If you have a dog barking outside, you've already abandoned the moral high road. cn

she was a brand new pup and id leave her outside more them insode bevause shed piss EVERYWHERE. so she would bark but nothing crazy. but is still annoying so i understamd the complaint. i "fixed" this problem by leaving her inside when im not home by putting her in a dog crate. yet we get another complaint for barking dog.
if u have a problem why not xome to me so we can sort this out. i iinderstand the problem. let me try amd fix before u rat me out. it just causes tension when really no need.
i tried to fix this and they are still bitching.
and like i said the things they complain about me they turm around and do it
.wtf? so i write a note being civil and not telling the HOA only to find said note in my back yard in peices.. thats what semt me over the edge.
just my luck the people on the other side of me are the nicest pwople and love my dogs. lol
this is why i never talk to my neighbors. i keep out of it all. i dont know from my own first hand who is 420 friendly, tweeker,crackhead, nice, dick, trustworthy, tip off, all around person who just loves to fuck people over becuase they are bored. id sooner get a cat iMo
I'd run a post in teh Craigslist rants and raves. There are some solid assholes there that will give you plenty of good ideas. Much larger audience too.

Find out who the contracted tow truck company is and call them immediately the next time they park where they are not supposed to park. Call as a rep from the HOA, keep the call short. Call the police from an anonymous cell and complain that they are walking around naked in front of the window while you and your kids were walking by. You think you saw them masterbating. Look at your HOA rules and see which ones you can fabricate on their behalf. That's all I have in a minute. I'll try to think about some better stuff and report back.
we all had em. dick head neighbors that think they are better then you.
but hes my rant and hopefully we find a solution.
i moved into condo that has 3 houses in 1. 2 of those houses have backyards. i have a back yard and so does my neighbor.
we mmoved in 6 months ago had cops called on us twice and have had over 5 complaints frkm the HOA.
one was dog was barking i understand that but she was a brand new 7 eek old puppy. what could i do? then we get one for parking iutside. then another for dogs bein loud. and another for dpg digging holes.
i get the first one about the puppy.but we fixed it. i get the holes one but these neighbor consistantly complain to the hoa and not come to us first. if they simply would leave a note or knock ill be happy to make sure we are not disturbing you. but dont be a asshole amd conplain after ur dog barks thruout the night and u park in the street every damn day.
there dog was barking and they park on the street so i left a note on the door only to dfind note all tore up in my backyard. i tried taking the high road but im done. im pissed. i want revenge.

my solution is order alot of pizza when i kno they are home. thats what i got so far. lol
anybody else got neighbors like this?
sorry for the mis speels im on my phone.

Yeah, I sense some angry typing in this lol.
i like to act all crazy and shit when neighbors are watching, i mean whos gonna fuck with a guy raking his yard at 3am?
hoas do suck. but honestly you are the shitty neighbor. Shut your fucking dog up asshole. I dont want to trip over his holes in the yard. My fucking HOA fees pay to have those fixed. I own my condo and you shitbag renters fuck it all up. So yea. I disagree.
i laugh at people who think you can actually tell your dog to be quiet and he understands 100%, even funnier when its a dog that young.
hoas do suck. but honestly you are the shitty neighbor. Shut your fucking dog up asshole. I dont want to trip over his holes in the yard. My fucking HOA fees pay to have those fixed. I own my condo and you shitbag renters fuck it all up. So yea. I disagree.

He said it was a bran new dog, first day, and they didn't even come to him first...
hoas do suck. but honestly you are the shitty neighbor. Shut your fucking dog up asshole. I dont want to trip over his holes in the yard. My fucking HOA fees pay to have those fixed. I own my condo and you shitbag renters fuck it all up. So yea. I disagree.

how funny,you are the first person I call an asshole today,/lol
I didn't read your whole story yet, and I haven't read all of the responses. The answer to your problem is that you're dealing with a scumbag HOA. These are usually people who love fascism and telling people what to do so much that they started their own little club to be able to tell their neighbors what to do in their own houses.
hoas do suck. but honestly you are the shitty neighbor. Shut your fucking dog up asshole. I dont want to trip over his holes in the yard. My fucking HOA fees pay to have those fixed. I own my condo and you shitbag renters fuck it all up. So yea. I disagree.

I think the only thing shitty is your response and attitude , I imagine you are all alone on this fine holiday sulking while spewing shit on here lmfao .. I am glad I dont have to do such to feel my ego grow ..........