• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

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well considering that i live downsouth were exotic smoke is 8thousand a pound thats.i dont think legalizing would have any effect on me....long story short pack your shit up and move downsouth where the grass is greener.and quit your damn winning talkin bout 2200 and 3200.we getting beat over the head for this shit..................have a nice day


Well-Known Member
What people forget is that someone is going to be needed to PACKAGE PRODUCE MANAGE TEST DISTRIBUTE and BREED the entire Cannabis industry.....it will become less popular due to the stigmatization for stoners being reduced. But the benefits we would receive from Hemp and NOT spending money on a police state would make up for you not making money.

Weed needs to be legal.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
actually, i care about the people who are already locked up. what will happen with them?
good point

i think this is one of the many speed bumps in legalizing some thing that had been ilegal for so long
" wouldn't want to release all the blacks and latino's that have feel victim to the war "
and pluss the private prison system would be crushed (for only a short time ofcourse)
but i think they are trying to come up with a way to keep most of them in jail that why the law is be written the way it is
most people now only recieve jail time for more then an once


Well-Known Member
Once California legalizes, then the rest of the country will follow suit.

Alcohol will fade out, livers will be healthier.

I don't smoke weed because my friends do or I think it's cool because it's illegal.

Marijuana prohibition needs to end now.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so the lobbyists take all manufacturing rights away wtf i grow a veggie garden every year i dont see the corn growers of america knocking down my door and saying dont do that if your growing for hobby you will still be able to grow except now legally and as far as people lossing there money these lawyers and lobbyists are just that not mj growers these major manufacturers are going to need expert growers so now these growers can now stop worrying about going to prison and get jobs that have a secure salary medical benefits etc etc seems to me like your not looking at all sides of the situation pot is not on the downlow by anymeans more and more people are using and growing then ever before know one is going to take manufacturing rights away from an herb its just greddy shit heads not wanting to lose the money they have they would rather make a couple thousend more and risk getting ass pounded in jail for greed plane and simple there as bad as the tobaco manufacturers they would rather see there customers end up in jail then lose a few dollers use your heads a little when thinking about this you will still be able to grow bottom line maybe not as much boo hoo if you grow good weed its called supply and demand and if the stigma of weed being illegal is lifted demand goes up if you grow great weed demand for your weed goes up twice as much there are diffrent variations of every product in this country from beer to cigs to cars to boots you get what you pay for when it comes to weed i want the best and i will still pay top doller for some of that delicious smoke if it means not going to jail dirt weed will almost disappear in this instance lets be honest alot of people smoke bunk dope because its so readily avaliable and the risk from growers to the consumer is much less then growing some great strand that takes alot more time and effort etc etc and then costs so much more so those are the shipments the feds target damn people common sense please

Corn growers, nor wheat growers present the problem. It is the use of government to control what we can grow that is the problem.
This guy thought he could grow what he wanted too...


Completely legal and untaxed is the way it SHOULD be. THAT is the goal. With that said I agree with you that "legal and taxed" is better than what we have now...but so is a kick in the balls better than a bullet in the head.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Once California legalizes, then the rest of the country will follow suit.

Alcohol will fade out, livers will be healthier.

I don't smoke weed because my friends do or I think it's cool because it's illegal.

Marijuana prohibition needs to end now.

The same kind of people that put you in debt are the same kind of people that incarcerate people for growing a plant. They will be the same people taxing you. Yes, marijuana prohibition needs to end now, but be careful when you think of a "tax" as any kind of a solution. Your taxes pay to put people in jail and kill people in other countries that have never harmed you.

To get the country out of debt and legalizing marijuana are (should be) two separate issues. Marijuana should be legal, period.

Thinking that taxation solves problems leads to rationalizing extortion. My solution on the present bill would be to hold my nose and vote yes, then avoid paying any tax. NOBODY should have to pay for a right. Self ownership is a natural right. To willingly allow government, via taxation, to call a right a privelege is a bad precedent.


If your worried about it cutting into your profits maybe you should do more for your country and comunity by not being a waste of oxygen and get a job. I care about humanity as a whole and legalizing of all drugs would be a push in the right direction to stop our lower charater citizens from creating these gang bang drug wars on the streets involving innocent people just trying to get by and do their part.

The government can control all manufactured drugs and tax them if they like , but to hell with taxing a plant that anyone can grow. Marijuana should be legal and not taxed for people to turn into a circus event over money. God gave us this plant and it has many uses. People will not give up on seed banks , genetics just because its legal. People will still buy the good quality strains that they dont have and work on new ones to make a buck . The only people legalizing directly affects negativly are the law enforcement jobs , drug test companies , pharma companies and dealers which some may be moral but most are creating more a problem because they dont want to lose their easy income. To hell with those types.


Active Member
That 5hit, I don't really understand what point you were trying to make by listing all of those state's archaic laws.

You have repeatedly mentioned that you don't like this bill the way it's currently written. However, you have glairingly pointed out that there are some really dumb/senseless laws on the books now regarding alcohol.
Not all these laws are adhered to, and mnost community members can have a drink.....or get outright smashed.....without too much to worry about.

So haven't you made a case then about the positive aspects of voting yes despite it's less-than-optimum wording?


I invision my farmer's market having a stand where one could choose to buy local organic as opposed to crap from a 7-11. I think your profit margin clouds your judgement. Not to mention saving many growers the uneasy feeling of doing something they shouldnt.


Active Member
I am a California Medicinal user.

IN California, weed goes for about 2200-3200 a pound (up north anyway). By growing two pounds of weed (which can be very expensive), I can make enough money to pay for my expenses, and keep myself in medicine to keep me healthy.

It is this economic model and ONLY this economic model that has led to the FANTASTIC strains in Northern California that you can buy in any club for 15-25 bucks a gram.

If it is legalized, say goodbye to the independent grower-for-profit, goodbye to the Hydro shop on the corner, and hello to shitty pipes and shitty weed everywhere for dirt cheap.

Let's keep this a Grey area in California, shall we?

People have their careers invested here. Unorthodox careers, yes...but so many are these days.

I'm voting "NO" in NOvember.

What do you all think?

LOL so basically your saying No to legalization because you and others that have been making money through all this and because it could very much ruin your income you decide you dont want to legalize it? Sounds like a crock of shit to me. Im growing because I cant afford to spend 15-25 bucks a gram at your so called cheap dispensarys. And in a market where a hydro shop is on every corner, yes prices will drop to an all time low, but still good buds would be around because it would still matter about who grows the dankest shit. So Yes to legalization, bring this shit out.


Well-Known Member
let's think about this... let's use an example, alcohol.

when alcohol was illegal they had to smuggle it. liquor was brewed and barreled outside the US and brought in. people in the US didn't stop drinking, they just had to go somewhere else to get liquor. plenty of folks outside of the US made A LOT of money, and plenty of people died, because selling and having liquor was a CRIME. it was an expensive item, not of the best quality, and people kept drinking.....

that was THEN.

now, alcohol is legal. There's a strict code of conduct expected out of alcohol serving locals, drinking is limited to adults 21+yrs of age, and america is still drinking. instead of going to the local mobster for liquor, people go to the bar.

now, if you think about weed for a second.

Legalize it, the market gets flooded for the first few months, the prices drop dramatically. the market goes through a transformation. illegal brick weed stops coming into the US because there's plenty of it grown here, so the DEA has more resources to allocate towards fighting real drugs. since marijuana is no longer sold by the same drug dealers that carry X and cocaine, the use of illicit drugs in the country falls because the truth about 'gateway drug' becomes apparent, it's bullshit. the market will adjust to the supply-demand relationship, and there will be thousands of growers who will go out of business because they can't keep up with the game. instead of going to a dealer or the ghetto to get weed, they go to the dispensary. which instead of being in the back of a stinky grand marquis, would be a modern, clean dispensary, where the mj is grown a few feet behind the counter in grow the grow rooms. you know exactly what you want, exactly where it grows, and you know what you're getting. there's nothing

thousands of restaurants fail every year because they can't give good food or service, thousands of businesses fail because they're whole plan fails. do you feel the need for there being a double standard??? fuck that. you're not entitled to charge what you want for product, you have to be willing to charge what people are willing to pay.

should I feel sorry because you're mid's won't be selling for bomb prices?? HELL NO.

if you think you won't cut it as a grower if and when weed becomes legal, you don't cut it now. time to look for another job buddy cuz marijuana is gonna be legalized in california, the state needs the money, and alternatives are very limited. do you think Arnold's gonna do his "ill be back" line his last day of office?? me neither.....


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
That 5hit, I don't really understand what point you were trying to make by listing all of those state's archaic laws.

You have repeatedly mentioned that you don't like this bill the way it's currently written. However, you have glairingly pointed out that there are some really dumb/senseless laws on the books now regarding alcohol.
Not all these laws are adhered to, and mnost community members can have a drink.....or get outright smashed.....without too much to worry about.

So haven't you made a case then about the positive aspects of voting yes despite it's less-than-optimum wording?
you mis understood me
i say vote yes for this all the way
i say let get our foot inthe door and then those who have problems the details of the bill try to mke changes to it

my reason for posting all those cazy facts was because some one said they did not like the proposed laws, and weed should be legal like alcohol is without 1oz carry and 5x5 grow area restriction , they said there was no laws on how much alcohol you can carry and how much you can diy brew at home then someone else said alcohol has laws that restrict it in the same manner in which the proposed law for weed restricts it ...... and while i was tring to look up these laws, which i never found , i ran across those, and posted them in hopes to open the eyes of those who are anti the proprosed weed law trying to show that if we get our toe in the door, with ever genneration of new cops and law maker who grew up in a legal weed world, even though heavyly restricted, would prolly give a slap on the rist to law breakers and law benders. if not work on our side to help make laws the fit the times

but we have to think out side our personal grows (ie. wanting to grow 100 +plants, not attacking you fdd, i'm just saying)
1oz and a 5x5 max grow area is a good start

vote yes

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Legalize it, the market gets flooded for the first few months, the prices drop dramatically. the market goes through a transformation. illegal brick weed stops coming into the US because there's plenty of it grown here, so the DEA has more resources to allocate towards fighting real drugs. since marijuana is no longer sold by the same drug dealers that carry X and cocaine, the use of illicit drugs in the country falls because the truth about 'gateway drug' becomes apparent, it's bullshit. the market will adjust to the supply-demand relationship, and there will be thousands of growers who will go out of business because they can't keep up with the game. instead of going to a dealer or the ghetto to get weed, they go to the dispensary. which instead of being in the back of a stinky grand marquis, would be a modern, clean dispensary, where the mj is grown a few feet behind the counter in grow the grow rooms. you know exactly what you want, exactly where it grows, and you know what you're getting. there's nothing

and just to add to this
once legal all that will happen for the grower that are smart would be
they will no longer sell cuts of there plants, they will come out with stronger genes then what avalable to the public
and make those genes fem only plants that are unstable to if you try to breed them they would hermi
the markit would become flooded with maye 4-6 types of strains that they will share with everyone but there would be underground strrain only shared among breeder's and there family
true male pollin would go for big bucks

when they legalize the growing will go to the thinkers
just like with every thing else
think of grapes
the kind they make wine out of are a differant strain then the ones they sell to eat in store and those are differant then the ones they sell for you to grow in your back yard. vineyard hold there strains heavly guarded, this will become the same with weed
this is the same with hot sause
fruit juice company
they pay big buck to have a flavor of there own
the strain is the secret ingredient to ther taste
have you ver tried growing something from a seed that you gat from a veg or fruit more then 90% of seed do not germ do to the way fruit and veggies are stored
this i what they say but they prolly put chem's on them to make them not grow or for them to be fem. if the do grow


Well-Known Member
I am a California Medicinal user.

IN California, weed goes for about 2200-3200 a pound (up north anyway). By growing two pounds of weed (which can be very expensive), I can make enough money to pay for my expenses, and keep myself in medicine to keep me healthy.

It is this economic model and ONLY this economic model that has led to the FANTASTIC strains in Northern California that you can buy in any club for 15-25 bucks a gram.

If it is legalized, say goodbye to the independent grower-for-profit, goodbye to the Hydro shop on the corner, and hello to shitty pipes and shitty weed everywhere for dirt cheap.

Let's keep this a Grey area in California, shall we?

People have their careers invested here. Unorthodox careers, yes...but so many are these days.

I'm voting "NO" in NOvember.

What do you all think?
Yeah, I have to completely & respectfully disagree completely. I understand & empathize with you folks & how awful it must be to try & off load all that kind.

But here's the deal.

The other 49 states (by and large), treat people just like you, like an absolute fukn criminal my friend. Have you ever lived elsewhere in the US where herbs weren't essentially de facto legal??? Straight up, fukn violent criminals. So many stories I could break off to you bout myself & my close bros, that have been arrested (mostly for simple possession). Locked up with rapist, wife beaters, & all kind of lovely individuals simply to wait for our court appearance.

Dude, in my state, you get pulled over, copsucker finds a seed. You go directly to jail & must post bail. Somehow with my incredible luck, my past exp. have always landed me at the magistrates office, where the cunt usually just left about an hour before I get there. Meaning I have to wait overnite in that shithole with all those unsavory folks I described. Oh yeah, and here's the even better part.While all this is happening. The cok sukn cops that got you in all this mess & book ya (and try to question ya), result to essentially scare & egg us on by telling us that "one of the big nasty brothas would love to get a hold of my ass". What kind of fukn society is this supposed to be, when the people who are supposed to protect us, threaten us with forced sodomy from some nasty street dweller if we do not "comply" with them.

Ok, and "complying" with them, means they expect you to reveal any & every drug connection you ever had. Which obv. ya can't do, or you are used goods & belong to be a child prostitute in Thailand in your next life.

My intention is not to sound dramatic. But dude, this is how it is in over half of our country.

Therefore, you guys (Cali) are our only hope of creating a precedent & a social experiment essentially, so that the nation can see that the fukn sky will not fall if herbs are re-legalized. I'm sorry to hear about your financial woes. But dude, it could be a lot worse. Just thank your lucky stars you are in Cali, and have the freedom you do.

I have to hide in the GD closet & act like some kinda junkie tryin to get my shiz on, simply to partake on the weekends & enjoy time with my family.

ANd I know that there are millions like me, that need this to happen, so that we "come out of this bullshiz closet".

So take one for the team partner. Up til '96, ya'll were screwed too (although ya never had to spend the night in jail over a fukin seed).

Anyway, only way our nation & subsequently the world will ever know & utilize the true potential of this god send of a flower.

My humble 2 cents, but man this is the step that MUST be taken. Oregon & Wash. state (try as they may) just plain will not get it on ballot this year.

Ya'll are our only hope bro.

Hope ya re-consider, as with that last poll, its gonna be close.

Think about it.....

thanks in advance


Showhard2handle, that is the best post I have seen against me so far.

I have to say, you are right. We Californians sometimes forget what a police state the rest of America is. I have a buddy from Oklahoma who tries to remind me how easy we have it. In San Francisco people are smoking in broad daylight...

But understand this: One should never say "Could be Worse", but only "Should be Better". We Californians aren't as left as we are because we just agree to every new piece of legislation. And there are a lot of potential problems with the new bill.

We have been working very hard in this state to create a new industry...better than our vineyards, we have a hundred thousand closet gardens. The intoxicants they produce flow to clubs, where those with the appropriate identification can purchase stuff that will kill the average citizen of Alabama (out of envy). All under the medical umbrella.

IT IS GREAT. AND WE MADE IT. and I want to keep it.

The impact to growers and hydroponic equipment sellers is only one piece of the puzzle. We ARE NOT Europe or Canada. Americans have their own unique brand of exploitation that really does suck. Like a dark cloud, WAL-MART and PHARMACEUTICAL CONGLOMERATES are LOOMING, and ready to conquer.

I believe in REGULATION. It is the way of the liberal, and my way. Lobbyists will do everything they can to get the legislation changed to their benefit. And by the way, we can't stop them once they do.

If you want to buy $2 grams from WAL-MART, and watch all of your money fly up the chain to the pockets of the Walton family, then you stand for greed. Theirs and yours. You want to save money on the cost of your weed? Without any consideration for the people who have been diligently growing and breeding it over the last 40 years? I call GREED on that.

I am sorry for the people in the rest of the country, I am. But I can't abide Christian-run red states. They make me sick, and will continue to wallow in their own miserable filth no matter what we do out here. I suggest moving west.


Active Member
Artwallis, have you considered what a 'no' vote on this in california would do to MMJ and decriminalization efforts across the country? The opponents will now be able to say that because of california's bad experience with MMJ, they chose to vote against legalization. It would completely change the debate in states that are looking to loosen up their laws. And even in california it would make it much harder to get another initiate onto the ballot. It will also give MMJ haters like the san diego DA a new argument to harass patients and smokers. "the people of california voted against legal pot, we're just carrying out their will." Make no mistake about. A no on this initiate will be a setback for everyone, MMJ folks included.

You are making the perfect the enemy of the good by opposing this. The stuff about walmart and pharma companies has nothing to do with this proposal.

It's frustrating sometimes for those of us who are in good health or in states that don't allow medical use and smoke recreationally when the MMJ people with the doctor's note basically give us the finger and say "well we're legal....you guys go screw yourselves". We are all glad that things have gotten to the point where you guys can grow and consume legally, but don't forget about the rest of us.


Active Member
Start making meth. Shit thats were the profit margin is.
You obviously don't mind breaking the law for your "career".

Greedy piece of s**t ,only thinking of thier self drug dealers.
Thats why I grow.

Get a JOB deadbeat.


Active Member
It should not be legalized, everyone who is a dumb stoner or gives that medicine a bad name. Will just be using as a recreational use for no reason but to feel hi! Ganja Is a medicine and it should stay that way for the legal patients that received their prescription the right way. Plus then everyone will be growing and too many accidents may happen....


Polecat. Poor grammar will not be tolerated on this thread, kindly go to hell and die. I would never cook Meth (or make any other "hard" drug). You are missing the point entirely and are a man of little mind.

Weed is a Job in California. We issue degrees in Pot Business at Oaksterdam. People have come to depend on it. They have been working with great personal integrity and dedication to produce the best weed in the world. In December they might be out of work.

How do you all feel about that?
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