• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

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That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i see what you are saying the club do win win
even in my setup early the first step would be to get clones from a club
then while your waiting for your harvest you would have to shop at a club to stay high

but even at my most extream understanding of that law as a personal grower i could make it work ....just for me, but it could work
at worst i can make it doable
and at best its not a bad idea

cali really needs to get this shit right because the rest of the U.S. follows you guys


I though there are provisions in the bill to allow the purchase of dealer / large grower licenses for about 2500-5000 each per year. Isnt that what was suppossed to help us be our own "club " as long as we pay our fees and taxes ? 5-10 grand a year isnt that much if you can hustle some green.. ?


Active Member
Let's face it, the main reason why mj is not legal is because the powers that be haven't found a way to take their cut. Medicinal is the only way they have been able to collect buy selling licenses and taxing the hell out of these dispensaries. If it were legal anyone could grow it in their yards and use it liberally. How would the taxman be able to collect on that?


Active Member
Hell, look at the money they would lose if they were to legalize it (which by the way comes out of the taxpayers pocket). You wouldn't need as many police, judges, jailers, probation officers not to mention all the administrative people. You would be putting to many people out of work! These people wouldn't be paying taxes when out of work which means a loss of income to the politicians who seem to be the only ones getting raises when the economy is bad.


Well-Known Member
"Can't see the forest for the trees"

If you told me 20 years ago that in Ca we would be voting on marijuana legalization I would have asked for some of what you're smoking. If you told me that heads and growers would be debating whether or not to vote for it I would have suggested a visit to your psychiatrist for a med change. Guess what? Here we are!
As Ca goes, so goes the nation. Prop 215 was a hugely flawed proposition. SB420 is flawed but steps in the right direction. That's how laws are made, an ongoing process. What did Prop 215 accomplish? It enegized activists throughout the country, there are 14 (or 15?) med states now. Tell me 20 years ago that was going to happen? I'd say you're crazy, get better meds.
LEGALIZE IT NOW! Sort out the details later.
The arguments against legalization seem to be mostly economic. I grow and I do right well but I would give that all up and adapt to new laws if it meant that never again would a young person, or an old person, have their lives ruined by ridiculous laws against this inocuous herb.
this needs to be voted yes on bottom line we can not sit back and watch men and women young and old continue to do outrageously long jail terms for smoking or growing a plant bills are ammended all the time if we kill this bill we kill legelazation for a generation economic reasons are not a vaild debate when you have thousands of people sitting behind bars having their property seized familys torn apart and lives forever ruined because of greed this makes you know better then the govt who has kept it illegal for all these years because of greed legalize it now sort it out later just remeber if you vote no all your doing is putting your ass on the line growers even if you have never been caught there is a first time for everything do you really want to be another locked up grower and sit in prison knowing you voted no on a bill that would of kept your ass out of jail
As far as I'm concerned if you don't support legalization for economic reasons you are a greedy bastard who is worse than the police. Hundreds of thousands of people are being arrested every year, many having their lives ruined for simply possessing or selling a plant, but you greedy bastards would rather make more money and not have to compete than save hundreds of thousands of people a year from having their lives ruined. That kind of logic is sickening. Even if you have problems with the bill you should vote yes. Who cares if the bill sucks, its a step in the right direction that will save many people from being arrested. After a few years of legalization it will be hard for them to justify these restrictions on marijuana and they will likely change. Voting no on legalization is a vote for greed, harm, and fascism.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the OP. I think a few of you are not considering what full legalization actually means. It means huge corporations hiring lawyers and paying lobbyists to take all manufacturing rights away from the individual. I can envision a situation in which getting a license to grow would require an act of Congress and corporations would be growing 80,000 square foot warehouses full of the stuff. If that ever happens, say goodbye to all of us hobbyists and all of your local grow shops.

And nobody is talking about putting people in jail. You just prohibit overt sales by penalty of forfeiture and fine. That way Walmart won't sell pot for $9 per pound.

I guess it is human nature to think of everything in terms of polar opposites. But, most of the time this kind of thinking isn't good. In most of life's situations it is best when the pendulum stops in the middle - it rarely does however. I would like to see weed remain on the down low, but not put people in jail or it. We don't need the Corn Growers of America all switching to pot cultivation.
so the lobbyists take all manufacturing rights away wtf i grow a veggie garden every year i dont see the corn growers of america knocking down my door and saying dont do that if your growing for hobby you will still be able to grow except now legally and as far as people lossing there money these lawyers and lobbyists are just that not mj growers these major manufacturers are going to need expert growers so now these growers can now stop worrying about going to prison and get jobs that have a secure salary medical benefits etc etc seems to me like your not looking at all sides of the situation pot is not on the downlow by anymeans more and more people are using and growing then ever before know one is going to take manufacturing rights away from an herb its just greddy shit heads not wanting to lose the money they have they would rather make a couple thousend more and risk getting ass pounded in jail for greed plane and simple there as bad as the tobaco manufacturers they would rather see there customers end up in jail then lose a few dollers use your heads a little when thinking about this you will still be able to grow bottom line maybe not as much boo hoo if you grow good weed its called supply and demand and if the stigma of weed being illegal is lifted demand goes up if you grow great weed demand for your weed goes up twice as much there are diffrent variations of every product in this country from beer to cigs to cars to boots you get what you pay for when it comes to weed i want the best and i will still pay top doller for some of that delicious smoke if it means not going to jail dirt weed will almost disappear in this instance lets be honest alot of people smoke bunk dope because its so readily avaliable and the risk from growers to the consumer is much less then growing some great strand that takes alot more time and effort etc etc and then costs so much more so those are the shipments the feds target damn people common sense please


Well-Known Member
you don't see them telling the corn farmer he can only grow 2 rows of corn.

what happens when i do get caught with a pound of weed? i end up in JAIL.

this initiative does NOT prevent people from going to jail. people need to stop saying it does.



Well-Known Member
Why I Oppose the “Tax & Regulate” Marijuana Initiative

Three Fatal Flaws

1. One ounce limit? 25 sq. foot per building garden size limit? Imagine a law to “tax and regulate” alcohol
that only allows for possession of up to one bottle of wine imprisoning those who exceed that amount,
be it two bottles or a small collection of choice vintages. These limits guarantee confusion, harassment
and black marketeering forevermore. We don’t control alcohol by imposing a 25 sq. foot limit on grape
vines. But one extra gram or sq. foot of pot means jail and even worse; this initiative specifies that if
accused of having too much cannabis the burden of proof is on you, not the state.
2. Singling out those who want to use marijuana for a huge excise tax is just plain unfair. It maintains
cannabis as the most expensive, blatantly overpriced product on the market thus forcing most people
to choose cheaper, more dangerous drugs with huge externalized costs to society as a whole.
3. Sending teenagers to state prison for three years for pot is evil. This initiative mandates that 18, 19,
and twenty year old minors serve three to seven year terms in California state prison for the crime of
passing each other a joint or selling one another a small amount. Under this law if a 21 year old person
passes a joint to a 20 year old he or she goes to county jail for six months. Likewise this measure has no
exceptions for parents in their own homes from the “smoking cannabis in any space while minors are
present” prohibition. We don’t lock up parents for having a glass of wine with dinner and we certainly
don’t tell the kids to leave the house for the purpose of consuming any other substance so why start
with cannabis?
This initiative is bad for parents, students and ultimately the effort to get the state to stop ruining lives
enforcing these draconian pot laws. Initiatives create permanent statutes. This one with its petty restrictions
for personal users, prohibitive unfair taxes, and mandatory state prison sentences for teen agers need be
nipped in the bud. We will campaign and vote against it should its proponents succeed in purchasing the
necessary number of signatures to put it on the 2010 ballot. The tax revenue it will supposedly generate is a
mere smokescreen for the kids it will regulate into three, five and seven year state prison sentences.
Perpetuating and increasing the hundred million plus tax dollars per year the state already spends
policing this harmless plant is wrong yet that is exactly what this proposition does. Surely we can do better
than this. How about just legalizing it, getting the state off pot to save lives and real money across the
board? Please consider how you can help expose and defeat this misleading “tax and regulate” initiative.

Dennis Peron, Author of Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
3745 17th street, SFCA 94114 (415) 864 – 1961 [email protected]

Read the “tax and regulate marijuana” initiative at:
September 22, 2009

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
so why not make one up then fdd
you have a huge following on here
you been around long enuff
you know whats bad for smoker and growers
idk if you have the time on your hands
but everyone would at least read it then we would know whats fair
like i knew nothing about the club angle untill you open my mind to it
so what do you feel should be done...........


Well-Known Member
so why not make one up then fdd
you have a huge following on here
you been around long enuff
you know whats bad for smoker and growers
idk if you have the time on your hands
but everyone would at least read it then we would know whats fair
like i knew nothing about the club angle untill you open my mind to it
so what do you feel should be done...........
decriminalize. make it just like beer and wine. no limits, no BS. you wanna grow 10 pounds and sell it to your local corner market? fine, get a vendors license and pay income tax just like everything else. 21 and older, please. :weed:


Active Member
you don't see them telling the corn farmer he can only grow 2 rows of corn.

what happens when i do get caught with a pound of weed? i end up in JAIL.

this initiative does NOT prevent people from going to jail. people need to stop saying it does.

What happens right now if you get caught with a pound of weed? How about an ounce?

I live in a state that has decriminalized. Growing is still a felony and if I get caught with more than an ounce, I face criminal charges. Less than an ounce means I get a 100 dollar fine and my weed is confiscated. That's what decriminalization means. What this law would do is infinitely better....

Seriously, do you understand the absurdity of what you're saying? Right now, you have the right to cultivate 0 plants on 0 square feet. How is that better? Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good!

I'm not going to mince words here. If you are a grower or a smoker and you oppose this bill because you think it doesn't go far enough, you're an idiot. Maybe getting busted and spending some time in jail would teach you why it's necessary. If you oppose it because you're getting rich and don't want to get a real job, you're an asshole.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
decriminalize. make it just like beer and wine. no limits, no BS. you wanna grow 10 pounds and sell it to your local corner market? fine, get a vendors license and pay income tax just like everything else. 21 and older, please. :weed:

short and sweat

if chicago ever makes it to the medical stage i'll prolly save my vote for what you just said


Active Member
decriminalize. make it just like beer and wine. no limits, no BS. you wanna grow 10 pounds and sell it to your local corner market? fine, get a vendors license and pay income tax just like everything else. 21 and older, please. :weed:
What you just described is legalization that goes beyond what's in this bill. Decriminalization is something completely different. Generally speaking, growing and sales are still prohibited but there is no criminal penalty for possession...


Well-Known Member
What happens right now if you get caught with a pound of weed? How about an ounce?

I live in a state that has decriminalized. Growing is still a felony and if I get caught with more than an ounce, I face criminal charges. Less than an ounce means I get a 100 dollar fine and my weed is confiscated. That's what decriminalization means. What this law would do is infinitely better....

Seriously, do you understand the absurdity of what you're saying? Right now, you have the right to cultivate 0 plants on 0 square feet. How is that better? Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good!

I'm not going to mince words here. If you are a grower or a smoker and you oppose this bill because you think it doesn't go far enough, you're an idiot. Maybe getting busted and spending some time in jail would teach you why it's necessary. If you oppose it because you're getting rich and don't want to get a real job, you're an asshole.
right now i'm allowed 3 pounds, 100 square feet and 30 plants. there are 30 Dr's in town if you need help getting a card.

why put limits and restrictions on it? i want NO limits, NO restrictions. how hard is this to understand? alcohol has no limits, why limit pot?
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