i know everyone does not have the time to actually read the initiative, but if you had you would recognize there will be so much regulation that there will still be an underground industry. alcohol is legal yet it is completely illegal to make moonshine, which is made from corn. it is legal to buy the poppey plant in berkeley but illegal to process the plant for opium.
people need to not go to jail over a plant that has been known by our own government to cure cancer since 1850's.
the sad truth is that even though Richard Lee has put so much money into this initiative to the point it is getting world wide attention, it probably will not pass.
think about it.
it may be the right thing to do, legalization, but our government spends upwards of 10 billion dollars a year on the war on weed. that is thousands of jobs from the CIA to the DEA and almost every city's police departments have a drug task force (for weed and other drugs).
gotta go for now. i have more i'd like to write.
read this:
Obama and Afghanistan: America’s Drug-Corrupted War
everyone check into this book: The Strength of the Pack: The Personalities, Politics and Espionage Intrigues That Shaped the DEA
peace, stoners.