Why LEDs?

Wait until my research team find out who all you MFers are. Bradley J. Smith threatened my children with Jamaicans coming to kill me and my wife and my children.

DEA can’t threaten people and if it was a legal operation then why didn’t he call the cops.
Instead he shot at my wife with a high powered BB Gun/pellet gun.

Leave me in hell worried someone might kill my children for a year while not paying me anything and having me drop 10 of thousands a month into his account.
I still have the receipt. I have all the evidence I need you curropt evil basterds.

Gonfuck youraelves
Man you know life is treating you well, when you come onto a forum about growing MJ, and argue about shit you that you do very average. Like average at best. This dude has been going on for the last 10 pages about HPS this and leds suck this ... and he posts the most average looking shit I have seen. Nothing special about any of the shit you have posted pictures of, plus the fact when people keep asking about this 3+ per light you have no pics. You show a close up of some strain and go 3+ ! Get the fuck out of here, the whole "I dont care what anyone thinks my names DUBR" lol .. dude you do care, you are here caring right the fuck now lol. Shit is about being chill, and you by are the most unchill dude on the forums and thats saying something.
I passed high school in the 9th grade accept English, and I am white. Lol

It's quite clear why you didn't pass English...or spelling, grammar, syntax... wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean, say no more.
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Me I’ve never owned a credit card. Never bought Grow equipment of the internet

Every single piece of equipment I have ever purchased has been through amazon.

over 10 years, Atleast 100 lights, tents, ferts, meters, pots. My entire grow exists purely because of Amazon.

I havent been raided yet....