Why LEDs?

Poor Mr. Robin Williams, tourtured to death. Wish you woulda left him alone.
I understand why now though, I understand why those “crazy” people on “drugs” screaming and grabbing their heads.
I understand it all now.
You have no power, but the power we give you. And if we accept Jesus Christ that power we have given up is restored, thru Christ Jesus.
“And I called them out by name...”
Simple. Why LEDs? In my experience they suck. I am looking to switch, but have not seen any reason to. Looking for info. Especially when to get the weight per watt I get now would be 1000-1300 a light and wouldn’t cover the same area as my Gav.

Thanks to all who respond.

Much Love

Cannabis is the God given plant to Heal the Nations. We as humans think interms of sickness and health, but it is not that type of healing. Some how it blocks, the fallen ones, ability to mind control.
This is why they are trying to get rid of all the strains accept the GMOed ones. Convincing breeders that that is the only way to compete.
Because the GMOed strains are missing something.
Look you are going to have to just get through this. The LED community has brought some of its elite members in here to try to dismantle you. There are now 2 guys posting that grow as good as marijuana as you do. Maybe better. Tread safely young man.
What do I need to get through? Who are the 2 elite members that are posting?
Who are the 2 elite members that are posting?
You'll have to research and see. It would be bad of me to just say without consent. Let me warn you that they do have lab results backing their photos though.
I don't mean elite like they paid elite members here, i mean the marijuana they grow puts them on a level not seen by many. And yes they grow under LED. And its scaled.
Don't be mad at me though, you will just have to step your game up.