Why is 1 plant 4 times larger than the other when they all have the same conditions?

It's gnarly, I've never seen a plant grow so fast in my entire life. This bugger shot up so quick! I was wondering if there's a reason other than genetics as to why this might happen when they are all in the same exact conditions.


The other plants


Well-Known Member
Are they all the same seeds or different genetics? If they are the same strain but from seeds your seeing some variation in pheno types. If clones of the same plant that one could have built a better root structure and is just on cruise control growth if that makes sense to u. Is the tall one maybe a male I can't see for sure in the pics the one on bottom looks like I see flowers starting.
Are they all the same seeds or different genetics? If they are the same strain but from seeds your seeing some variation in pheno types. If clones of the same plant that one could have built a better root structure and is just on cruise control growth if that makes sense to u. Is the tall one maybe a male I can't see for sure in the pics the one on bottom looks like I see flowers starting.
They are different genetics, but they all are around 60/40 hybrid. I guess she's just on cruise control. I got them from clones so I don't think it is a male plant


Well-Known Member
Some plants are just heavier feeders than others. Kinda like how there's that hella tall kid in school..


Well-Known Member
Yea those are clearly different strains and that seems to be the reason here. If you've hot several that are the same and one is much slower than the others it's generally because the odd one didn't have it's roots broken up properly when being transplanted.