Why I hope Trump's future trial is televised.

You guys really think something will happen to trump when Hillary never got locked up. Delusional nothing ever happens to Elites in this country.
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You guys really think something will happen to trump when Killary never got locked up. Delusional nothing ever happens to Elites in this country.
Did you read the Mueller report or any of the Republicans led bi-partisan senate reports on the Russian militaries attack on our democracy?

And outside of Trump's time in office, I would say check out Blago.

Also you know you are pushing bullshit right wing/Russian propagated lies right?

Just because you say shit doesn't make it true, no matter how much Dear Leader thinks he can.
Do you believe in Democrats having a secret child porn ring at your local Pizzeria?
Cause you sound like those fools
You all act like it’s just the right wing of politics that are super corrupt because I’ll tell you what. it’s both sides and it’s much worse than you would ever believe. And the fact that we fight among one another about what side is worse keeps us blinded to how bad both sides are. I don’t trust any politicians they will say anything to gain power and keep it.
You all act like it’s just the right wing of politics that are super corrupt because I’ll tell you what. it’s both sides and it’s much worse than you would ever believe. And the fact that we fight among one another about what side is worse keeps us blinded to how bad both sides are. I don’t trust any politicians they will say anything to gain power and keep it.
The direction the GOP has gone is anti-American
Don't tell me both sides are the same
They are not
Fuck the right let the GOP die
You all act like it’s just the right wing of politics that are super corrupt because I’ll tell you what. it’s both sides and it’s much worse than you would ever believe. And the fact that we fight among one another about what side is worse keeps us blinded to how bad both sides are. I don’t trust any politicians they will say anything to gain power and keep it.
It is very side of every issue on every communication platform that is under attack.

Whatever it is that you think you know you should check with a credible source like the ap news.
The direction the GOP has gone is anti-American
Don't tell me both sides are the same
They are not
Fuck the right let the GOP die
I didn’t say they were both the same I said they both are very corrupt. The fact the trump and Biden is the best choices we have after last election of having two terrible choices the American people should be pissed but instead we are to busy fighting over who is worse to come together and really solve the issue. I’m an independent and I expect much better from both sides. It will not happen sadly.
I didn’t say they were both the same I said they both are very corrupt. The fact the trump and Biden is the best choices we have after last election of having two terrible choices the American people should be pissed but instead we are to busy fighting over who is worse to come together and really solve the issue. I’m an independent and I expect much better from both sides. It will not happen sadly.
True and I will never support an independent as most seem to lean Libertarian
remember, we are the bullet proof vest he's holding up against the inevitable gun fire..he won't release us until he is flying away..he'll throw us to the side at the last moment worse than it's been.
I can respect that I’m newly independent. I just don’t feel like the either party Represents what I believe.
This ain't left vs right, it's normal vs abnormal, life vs death the choice is simple, liberty with Biden or fascism with Trump, America or something truly malicious and evil. It you are OK with treason, lying, corruption, constitutional violations, crimes, gross incompetence and the mass murder of American citizens, then yer OK with Trump and the republicans who enable him.

There is no confusion among good people, only among the fear and hate driven, Donald exploits character flaws in others, the less flawed they are, the less power he has over them, simple stuff.
What are the big issues for you?
Mainly the lack of both sides being able to work on common sense issues like infrastructure making housing more affordable better funding for college it’s gotten crazy how expensive even Community college is. I know my killary comment made me sound a bit right wing but I’m definitely more center And should tone that down it’s not very constructive. I want America to grow and become more whole again hate all the division.
pointing out that you are an idiot is far more valuable than you mouth shitting your "both sides" retardism
So your gonna sit here and tell me that one side is perfect has no issues and their Candidate is great? hardly my friend. Not blindly supporting one side makes some one stupid in your opinion. I’d have to say I take very little value in what you say now. Others had meaningful content to add you however not so much. Also the fact that you even used retardism shows there is little point in even trying to have a meaning conversation with you.