Why I do steroids....To be honest I run cycles of test prop Tran


Well-Known Member
I run cycles of test prop & Tren with hgc and Nolva/clomid pct.

Now I don’t have to worry about how big a dude is, I look super good n get more pussy n bet your ass I can outrun the police any day. On cycle lol

Think about when enhancement drugs are combined with human engineering?

The only thing I know is that I know nothing...
My brothers a cop. He can’t catch me lol. I believe now 20% of the force is women who don’t cycle. But I bet 20% of cops do. I know that big black dude from live PD does lol
i've never understood why people use steroids. it's the same attitude as women who have excessive plastic surgery. they have some deep problem with their appearance, and drastically over compensate to make up for it.
there are obvious, proven, documented medical problems with steroid use...if you're willing to risk heart attacks, liver and kidney damage, baldness, BREAST DEVELOPMENT, acne, prostate cancer....to improve your appearance, knock yourself out....
i've never understood why people use steroids. it's the same attitude as women who have excessive plastic surgery. they have some deep problem with their appearance, and drastically over compensate to make up for it.
there are obvious, proven, documented medical problems with steroid use...if you're willing to risk heart attacks, liver and kidney damage, baldness, BREAST DEVELOPMENT, acne, prostate cancer....to improve your appearance, knock yourself out....

Yeah a lot of them try to compensate for having a small package. So know you have a still a small package with your nuts shrinking to match. You may be able to attract the woman into your bedroom but if your unable to satisfy her, guess what. At the same time, a woman is attracted to big muscles is most likely the type who likes a big package........
When I was full of testosterone my behavior was mostly impulse and rage driven. It took years of aging to actually get into my prime and stop seeking out conflict. I look back at the unhinged shit I would do and the scars I have collected from it and am glad that my testosterone has started dropping off.

If you benefit from high testosterone, that great, most of us are dead by 80 anyway so do what makes you happy. It would be great to be super human without side effects.

I am not running from any police. If they got me, they got me. I don't fuck with new people unless I have to, so that stops most fights and police encounters. Switching from alcohol use to marijuana use stops a lot of fights also. A $120 pistol stops everything else. Fasting/aerobics is the best thing I have ever done to improve physical appearance/fitness.
I used to have a connect for gear from the same guy that supplied Lance Armstrong and Edward Snowden.
I run cycles of test prop & Tren with hgc and Nolva/clomid pct.

Now I don’t have to worry about how big a dude is, I look super good n get more pussy n bet your ass I can outrun the police any day. On cycle lol

Think about when enhancement drugs are combined with human engineering?

The only thing I know is that I know nothing...

You're running tren without arimadex? Watch out for man titties! jk
I never ran gear back in the day but lots of my friends did. I've seen steroids do great things for sick people and do horrible things to seemingly healthy people. Testosterone and all of it's spin offs can be very useful or can fuck you up badly!

I started on trt several months back. (I'm old) 100mg every 3.5 days. I seroiusly feel better than I have in 10 years...I feel like the last 10 years were totally wasted. I've been in several serious car wrecks and have been to PT, yoga, and pretty much every other kind of therapy for pain management there is. After 2 months I was able to start working out again ( I use the term litely). I had to do the 3 push ups today...4 push ups tomorrow thing. Walk .7 miles today, walk .75 miles tomorrow. My pain level is down about 70%. It all comes down to healing. If you can't recover all the PT and yoga in the fucking world wont help you.
When I was full of testosterone my behavior was mostly impulse and rage driven. It took years of aging to actually get into my prime and stop seeking out conflict. I look back at the unhinged shit I would do and the scars I have collected from it and am glad that my testosterone has started dropping off.

If you benefit from high testosterone, that great, most of us are dead by 80 anyway so do what makes you happy. It would be great to be super human without side effects.

I am not running from any police. If they got me, they got me. I don't fuck with new people unless I have to, so that stops most fights and police encounters. Switching from alcohol use to marijuana use stops a lot of fights also. A $120 pistol stops everything else. Fasting/aerobics is the best thing I have ever done to improve physical appearance/fitness.

I have to say you're right...testosterone does make you stupid to a point. I really wonder how many young men are diagnosed as being bi-polar when they are just loaded with testosterone. I was kind of glad when mine started dropping off in my early 30's but when it gets to a certain point it's like your body is just waiting to die. I'd guess my levels were around the 900 range in my early 30's...by 40 I was down to 200....That sucked ass. When it gets too low you just turn into a grumpy old cunt...I now know why my dad was such a grumpy dickhead his last few years. lol
I've loved bodybuilding since I was a kid, still follow it, still lift occasionally. I've had so many opportunities to get a on a cycle from friends but always chickened out. When I did finally decided, I started my first test only cycle but stopped after week 4. I know that wasn't a good idea. I finally came to realization after 20 years that unless you're a pro athlete there is no reason.

Most friends and people I knew that did it were trying to make up for something in their life. Whether it was confidence in themselves, they suffered from low self esteem, wanted to be noticed people/women. Whatever their reason was "to me" was the wrong reason. There is too many things that can go wrong with the body that it finally sunk in it's not for me. This is coming from someone who knows how much studying it takes to do it as safetly as possible. I mean many many months and hours of research before even thinking about doing it. Not taking joe shmos word on youtube which I've seen many do.

Another thing I noticed over 20 years is steroids "can" magnify who you are depending on which ones you take or the combinations. If you are a naturally high testosterone driven manic who's always looking for trouble, it's going to make you even more dangerous. If you're someone who bottles up his emotions, has dark thoughts, hates the world, "it could" make you do something you never thought you would do. I've seen men cry or go into rages due to the constant hormonal changes.

Even with that said I still ponder the thought to do a couple cycles just to see what my frame looks like look big n full. I have the genetics n frame as that was what lead me to want to try it in the 1st place. I had so many trainers over the years who did PED's and some that did not tell me they wished they had my frame n genetics.
This might seem litte general to some people but I wouldn't want to manipulate my hormones manually. I think there is so many things that you can do to reach your maximum potential naturally as far as testesterone levels goes. Most people are not "really" aware of importance of proper resting, healthy gut biom, healthy mind, alternating intesity and volume training, alternating variations of the same exercise etc. Improving these can have the same effect of putting better tires to your car, which improves every aspect of driving. While steroids can have the effect of introducing nitrous oxide to your stock engine. It might be me being scared or uneducated about steroids but I think there is no point on pushing your hormones back and forth. Unless you gonna stay on them for life to keep all that "above natural" muscle gains, you are better of maximazing your knowledge on all that other stuff I talked about.
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i've never understood why people use steroids. it's the same attitude as women who have excessive plastic surgery. they have some deep problem with their appearance, and drastically over compensate to make up for it.
there are obvious, proven, documented medical problems with steroid use...if you're willing to risk heart attacks, liver and kidney damage, baldness, BREAST DEVELOPMENT, acne, prostate cancer....to improve your appearance, knock yourself out....
Thats why he takea a pct. Helps with some of the damage you mention. Now I smoke bud because of a deep rooted problem, I watched my father hang himself and could not get to him fast enough to save him ...so blowing trees helps keep me together...but I don't pass judgements on anyone. Over any substance they use. That said, steroids are not all bad. It does speed Male patter. Baldness but only if you have the genetics to do so it speeds the process when you come off a cycle you have to reboot your nads to produce test on its own and the sudden drop sends signals that your aging so the hair goes until your levels go back up and the signals shut off. Not all kinds are processed in the liver either so there's not always a liver issue. Without a post cycle therapy you can grow man tittys. Now on lower dosages the shits the fountain of youth. Fuck longer, much happier, could run longer stay in shape. every physical trait was better. It did slightly elevate my blood pressure.......my point is even roids in moderation have great benefits. I got my shots 1nce a week from a dr. .... But back to op ... Are you talking like a genetically altered super human? Like militarization?? I think the technology is there man. What do you think?
Man that's simply not true. I was prescribed Test-E and was on it for a few mobths. I never had a problem this was years ago. The shit that happens you speak of is from the super huge dick bags that bang ungodly amounts. My best friend has muscular dystrophy they helped keep him out of a wheel chair for a long time. He took them for years and is fine. So your telling me the ability to walk versus not isn't worth him taking it? Sounds more like you have a bad taste in your mouth from a bad experience.

i think any possible benefits are heavily out weighed by the proven problems, but like i said, if you're willing to take that risk, it's your body...
i'm not talking about medically prescribed steroids for physical conditions like muscular dystrophy...i'm simply talking about people taking them, un-prescribed, for the purpose of accelerated muscle growth.
if they're given to you by a doctor, take them. if some guy at the gym is trying to sell them to you, think about having huge muscles, tiny testicles, and moobs......
i've never understood why people use steroids. it's the same attitude as women who have excessive plastic surgery. they have some deep problem with their appearance, and drastically over compensate to make up for it.
there are obvious, proven, documented medical problems with steroid use...if you're willing to risk heart attacks, liver and kidney damage, baldness, BREAST DEVELOPMENT, acne, prostate cancer....to improve your appearance, knock yourself out....
i have a small dick and still beat asses when they mean to and can satisfy my gf to a shaky point... (: don't get me wrong. ain't using steroids and shit, aaaall natural :lol: