Why I do steroids....To be honest I run cycles of test prop Tran

I've loved bodybuilding since I was a kid, still follow it, still lift occasionally. I've had so many opportunities to get a on a cycle from friends but always chickened out. When I did finally decided, I started my first test only cycle but stopped after week 4. I know that wasn't a good idea. I finally came to realization after 20 years that unless you're a pro athlete there is no reason.

Most friends and people I knew that did it were trying to make up for something in their life. Whether it was confidence in themselves, they suffered from low self esteem, wanted to be noticed people/women. Whatever their reason was "to me" was the wrong reason. There is too many things that can go wrong with the body that it finally sunk in it's not for me. This is coming from someone who knows how much studying it takes to do it as safetly as possible. I mean many many months and hours of research before even thinking about doing it. Not taking joe shmos word on youtube which I've seen many do.

Another thing I noticed over 20 years is steroids "can" magnify who you are depending on which ones you take or the combinations. If you are a naturally high testosterone driven manic who's always looking for trouble, it's going to make you even more dangerous. If you're someone who bottles up his emotions, has dark thoughts, hates the world, "it could" make you do something you never thought you would do. I've seen men cry or go into rages due to the constant hormonal changes.

Even with that said I still ponder the thought to do a couple cycles just to see what my frame looks like look big n full. I have the genetics n frame as that was what lead me to want to try it in the 1st place. I had so many trainers over the years who did PED's and some that did not tell me they wished they had my frame n genetics.
i totally can imagine how that must be (as a bystander ofc) like most of my fellas on coke or meth just with more physical power :shock: somebody vote an anti-steroid nixon already :lol:
I run cycles of test prop & Tren with hgc and Nolva/clomid pct.

Now I don’t have to worry about how big a dude is, I look super good n get more pussy n bet your ass I can outrun the police any day. On cycle lol

Think about when enhancement drugs are combined with human engineering?

The only thing I know is that I know nothing...
IMO you are a loser.
As others said, just hiding from yourself.
i've never understood why people use steroids. it's the same attitude as women who have excessive plastic surgery. they have some deep problem with their appearance, and drastically over compensate to make up for it.
there are obvious, proven, documented medical problems with steroid use...if you're willing to risk heart attacks, liver and kidney damage, baldness, BREAST DEVELOPMENT, acne, prostate cancer....to improve your appearance, knock yourself out....
The damn fakeness in todays society is a serious issue. ‘But Im free to be who I truly am’.
Umm no, you are hiding from your true self.
The himan race is embarrassing sometimes
Steroids can be a wonder drug for healing injuries post surgery and sport related injuries. Deca durabolin is prescribed to Aids patients with low T-cell counts. So yes steroids save lives and keep very sick people alive.

I believe they can be beneficial if used in a safe and correct manner but most people use them just for looks. There's a lot of steroids with low side effects and pretty safe profile regarding side effects. If you are in your 40's soon to reach 50 they can be beneficial. Low testosterone is actually more damaging than high testosterone and it's not the testosterone that make people high tempered and angry. It's when they get of the drugs and experiencing low testosterone. It all depends on the person. If you're a calm laid back person most steroids make you into a teddy bear which is a hard argument for people to understand because of stigma and bad PR.

There are some exceptions to this and Trenbolone is one of them and were never designed to be used in a human being. Most people get mental problems from using it causing low temper, tolerance and short fuse against other people. Even brain damage has been documented.

The problem is the black market and everything manufactured in a underground lab. They are not tested and in most cases not clean and effective enough to be considered safe. All testosterone derivitates are not created equally.
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I've done two cycles. 10 weeks test e 500mg 1x/week hcg, .5 arimidex Ed, nolva pct. Then the same thing a year later but 750mg test e. Came out of it 220lbs 5% at 6 foot 3. I felt like a sideshow freak. A lot of modeling opportunities dried up and my agent was telling me to slim down as I was now limited to niche borderline homo bodybuilding gigs. Constantly force feeding myself 8 times a day made me feel like I'd be completely worthless in some kind of doomsday situation where you need your body to be efficient, not big and hungry for calories... Ultimately there's just more to life than trying to get unnaturally large muscle bellies. Today I'm 195lbs probably 10% bf and constantly told I look like an ancient Greek statue, despite only working out and stretching like10hrs a week. I might consider another cycle when I'm an old man in my 60s as there's no reason I can't maintain what I've got now until then.