Why hydro?

As thread title suggests, I'm just wondering why hydroponics seem so interesting to cannabis growers. Seems like they frequently talk about going to hydro stores or stuff pertaining to hydroponic growing.

Why not just grow in dirt like with any other plant?
Whos ‘they’? If you grew you’d know bro.
answers are obvious. To create advantages.
like anything else in life. You know.
So can someone say this is pretty accurate and reading can also be used with soil. Only confusion to me would this not cause overwatering. Hand watering is starting to be a hassel and would always like to improve so I’m always looking around.
hard to get an old dog to change his was. Took me forever to believe in a computer much less a cellphone. Then worse when the cellphone is a computer. Was mind blown
I can say at least say I remember why hydro first came out and a buddy brought some hydro- big thing then was it was the name used back then -(HYDRO)
No seeds like the normal Mexican or skunk weed we got. I swore back in those days it was some type of synthetic weed and it got me too damn high. Maybe why I still grow in soil
I haven’t looked at flood and drain but have been hearing about it but if I’m correct wouldn’t think it could be done in like a 4x4 tent can it

I ran a SOG grow for over 10 years. 45ish plants in a 4x4 flood tray in my basement with ceilings under 7 feet. I used 6inch square pots of hydroton with clones that only vegged for 2 weeks till they were about 7-8 inches tall. Then into flower, where I removed the bottom couple nodes to encourage single cola growth. In the end most plants were about 24-30 inches tall with a couple small side branches and yielded 20ish dried grams per plant on average.

It could be done in a 4x4 tent, but it really would be ideal to have a separate veg space to do it right. I had roughly a 7x6 room for flower with a 4x4 tray under an air cooled 1kHPS. Then a separate 5x6ish space for veg with a 2x4 tray to veg the clones and a 2x2 spot for the new clones all under floor lights.
you would think a "Mars Colonist" would realize they'll be growing food on mars in hydro, not soil. lmao

Well, someone like you might think that... because you don't know what you're talking about:

Well, someone like you might think that... because you don't know what you're talking about:

Start at 23:00. Seems you don't know what you're talking about.
