Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
No Jew Gene. It is a tribal matriarch. You must be born of a Jewess. It is not genetics. It is culture and breeding. And the pressure on the Jewess to marry a Jew, for gawdssakealready, is big.

It rivals the Chinese Han which like the Jews used matchmaking these last centuries.
Doc, we no longer live in an age of magic. Even our Hollywood masters don't believe. Watch how fast they get that lawyer to argue with a DNA test.


New Member
if your mom takes a strange cock (and i'm assuming she takes stranger ones than most) you will still be jewish if she is a jew, but if your jewish father bangs a Shiksa, his illegitimate bastards will NOT be jews regardless of how much jew-gene they are packing.
And you wonder why people think organised religion is a crock of shit...


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
And you wonder why people think organised religion is a crock of shit...

View attachment 2882409
Just like Romney deserved all that shit over hating black people. The book of Mormon still says black people are the mark of Cain. No excuses. That shit may have flied in Smith's time. ANYONE who's Mormon today shoul get branded KKK. "I'm not a racist/bigot but it's part of my religion," is hogwash. You have a brain, liar.


Well-Known Member
Just like Romney deserved all that shit over hating black people. The book of Mormon still says black people are the mark of Cain. No excuses. That shit may have flied in Smith's time. ANYONE who's Mormon today shoul get branded KKK. "I'm not a racist/bigot but it's part of my religion," is hogwash. You have a brain, liar.
You do realize that "the mark of cain" originates in the Bible no?

One should not interpret religious texts as literal, a problem many religious people tend to have.

FYI I doubt the Mormons teach their members to be racist or to look at black people as less than human.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You do realize that "the mark of cain" originates in the Bible no?

One should not interpret religious texts as literal, a problem many religious people tend to have.
Yes, but, Joseph Smith added, with the help of Angel Moroni, to explicitly state in The Second Testiment of Jesus Christ, God put the mark on black people. Up until 1977 black people were banned from the Mormon church.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yes, but, Joseph Smith added, with the help of Angel Moroni, to explicitly state in The Second Testiment of Jesus Christ, God put the mark on black people. Up until 1977 black people were banned from the Mormon church.
no they were not banned they were barred from attaining the "preisthood" (which in mormontalk is very diffferent than what most people think)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
no they were not banned they were barred from attaining the "preisthood" (which in mormontalk is very diffferent than what most people think)
As of 1977 all male members over 12 years of age are priests like Aaron in the bible. Your duty is to convert outsiders to become initiates for Aaronic priesthood. You're only a true Mormon when you're at least an Elder. Everyone else is an outsider. So prior to 1977 Mormons were like fundamentalist Islam lite and slightly more enlightened than fundamentalist Zionists.


Well-Known Member
As of 1977 all male members over 12 years of age are priests like Aaron in the bible. Your duty is to convert outsiders to become initiates for Aaronic priesthood. You're only a true Mormon when you're at least an Elder. Everyone else is an outsider. So prior to 1977 Mormons were like fundamentalist Islam lite and slightly more enlightened than fundamentalist Zionists.
"true mormon" is not the right way to phrase an Elder. It's just a level of the priesthood, when a young man reaches a certain age. A boy in the church will recieve the priesthood at age 12 (Deacon) - age 14 (Teacher) -age16 (priest)- Then before they go on a mission they become an Elder.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
As of 1977 all male members over 12 years of age are priests like Aaron in the bible. Your duty is to convert outsiders to become initiates for Aaronic priesthood. You're only a true Mormon when you're at least an Elder. Everyone else is an outsider. So prior to 1977 Mormons were like fundamentalist Islam lite and slightly more enlightened than fundamentalist Zionists.
comparing mormons to islam is ridiculous, but just like islam, the real crazy comes from their actual beliefs.

theres so many things about mormonism that are just so insane, the details would sound unbelievable, but as madcap and wacky as mormon beliefs are, they are almost completely harmless, unlike islam, which prefers it's crazy to have a harder edge.

there are no militant extremist organizations in mormonism, and if some jackass were to create a mromon version of hamas or hezzbollah, or abu sayif, or the al aqusa martyrs brigade, the local mormons would turn on them like rabid wolverines , and drag them before the magistrate themselves.

hate all you want, but at least keep it reasonable.
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