Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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New Member
Oh, is Echelon1k1 upset again?
Oh look abandon is grooming toddlers again;

There is a 22 year old woman that works at the Oxxo (conv. store like 7-11) down the street from my house with a 6 month old kid far better looking than her
At least I don't get attacked by mothers at playgrounds.
I moved on, it wasn't meant to be.
FYI buck the above is an example of a citation...


Active Member
“The assumption that spending more of the taxpayer's money will make things better has survived all kinds of evidence that it has made things worse. The black family- which survived slavery, discrimination, poverty, wars and depressions- began to come apart as the federal government moved in with its well-financed programs to "help."”

Thomas Sowell


Well-Known Member
“Can you cite one speck of hard evidence of the benefits of "diversity" that we have heard gushed about for years? Evidence of its harm can be seen — written in blood — from Iraq to India, from Serbia to Sudan, from Fiji to the Philippines. It is scary how easily so many people can be brainwashed by sheer repetition of a word.”
― Thomas Sowell


New Member
The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is
see the following "Urban Dictionary" entry;

1. diversity

An old, old wooden ship that was used during the civil war era to deliver large supplies of puréed walnuts from the South to the North. The walnuts were used as a replacement for toilet paper, due to the wartime shortage. Despite the volitile relationship between the two countries at the time, the North figured that it was more important to have a clean ass than to place an embargo on the South's nut shipments. The South figured,"Hell, we need the money".


Well-Known Member
“Can you cite one speck of hard evidence of the benefits of "diversity" that we have heard gushed about for years? Evidence of its harm can be seen — written in blood — from Iraq to India, from Serbia to Sudan, from Fiji to the Philippines. It is scary how easily so many people can be brainwashed by sheer repetition of a word.”
― Thomas Sowell
there ya go, thomas.

eat that delicious motherfucking sandwich. ya got france, vietnam, and china all up in that fucker.

chow the fuck down on that motherfucker, ya fucking motherfucker.

it's really fucking good.

i love goddamn banh mi. can't wait to get back to cali, but plants don't harvest themselves.

just about to harvest a diverse plant with roots from afghanistan, hawaii, and mexico.

diversity, fuck yes. motherfucker.
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