This is one of those subjects that I don't give a damn about either way. It has no effect on me if gays/lesbians get married.
Yup...If making sweet goat love to your sweet goat lover make you happy...f'n go for it! (As long as the goat consents!)
Im so sad, so so sad that u think that

But i dont give a fuck, and this debate is pointless to me, i have bring out my statments and thats it, If i could, i would let the freaks get married, but with no kids, NO KIDS.
spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam oh and more spam PVS
yeah cuz straight couples can't screw kids up
Why is marriage called "holy matrimony" if it's a legal issue?
It's a vow 2 people take, so God is definitely involved, otherwise it's just a contract.
It is a legal issue to the state...god involved...please!
Children are better off when there are 2 parents, a mommy and a daddy. Why throw a child into a dysfunctional family?
I think they should make divorce illegal for all families with children in the home, because that hurts kids too.
I think they should mind there own damn business! And yes kids are better off with Ward and June Cleaver, but unfortunately even in Kansas, this is rarely the family one gets dealt.
It's only considered "holy matrimony" in Judeo-Christian ceremonies. When I was married, in an athiest ceremony, the phrase wasn't uttered.
So, no, God was most definitely
not involved.
When I got married (2nd time) the "man of god" pronounced the "s" at the end of every word with extra emphasis. It seemed like he was hissing...creepy...He gave me the piece of paper he was supposed to file with county...I stashed in glove box and when the little ho' ran off...presto! no divorce needed!
yes nature has homos to but many more spieces do not and they wont tolerate it. study up on the dolphins and penguins they are often ridiculed with in there own pack. but again just a few want to change the minds of the rest for the benefit
Gay dolphins and penguins are "ridiculed with in there own pack"?

Proof, please.
yeah this is too much...get away from me you faggoty penguin! I new flipper was a little
queer...And that happy feet penquin...typical the mainstream media trying to force these alternative life styles on good god fearing penguins...
slavery is completely irrelavent in this case. if your dumb ass cant argue intelligently that just shut the hell up. rape, murder and exploiting a person is a whole nother matter.
I am pretty sure this was sarcasm!
If we let these gay dolphins get married, next thing you know they are going to want to marry tuna...they are always hanging out getting caught in fishnets that is seriously gay
wow u guys had a fit about the gay dolphins. the point is who cares what animals do, were people not dolphins, penguins or monkeys dam it.
That's right! We are ape/alien hybrids!
u arrogant dicks should now mother nature is not any nicer than human society at times its far more brutal.
This just is not true.
ive watched shows about monkeys and gorillas theres always and outcast that for some reason the dominant one will bully and ridicule others for there difference. this shit is fact google it your dam self. ok penguins not for sure but other species will push away others that dont fit the behavior of the pack or what ever.
This is usually either a health issue or sexual selection. And in a pack...the Omega is as important to the health of the pack as the Alpha.
holy shit...he was right:
That is some funny Sh!t
am i going to spend hours looking up this shit for you guys hell no. the burden of disproving me is yours i dont care what u believe.
Is gay penguin bashing considered a hate crime? But if a hungry rookery of gay penguins breaks in my house and ass rapes me it's not a hate crime right?
Damn you beat me to it!
Not a single citation in the entire article. This is absolute crap. The writer quotes dead porpoises in 1990 and ONE in 1994 with teeth marks and tried to link the two unrelated events. He uses language like "many scientists think" when he only quotes one. Then he tries to say that male dolphins are kidnapping females and raping them...biting and bruising them...This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard...wait no it was the penquins...but anyway talk about anthroprojection (is that a new word?)
Anyhow, I am not sure how these dolphins tied up that slutty female dolphin...and as for rape...she was asking for it! did you see what she was wearing!!?
Is this even an issue? What's the difference between a marriage and a civil union? Either way someone else is gonna end up with half your shit.
Anyone that knows gay people will tell you there lives REVOLVE around drama. That is what I think this whole issue is about. They want something to fight for so that people will look at them.
I think we should just give them what they want. They'll be regretting it just like everyone else who gets married in about a year.
No kidding...this whole issue is purely a christian one.
I was going to respond earlier today...then thought better of it...then I saw that MysticClown150 was here and I thought..."this ought to be good!" but honestly I am a little disappointed... Can we turn it up a notch please!
And it is a sad commentary on the state of the left coast when the freakin mormons have gained so much crazy ass influence so as to make the state of Iowa (and all 3 of the homosexuals who live there) more progressive than California....If that don't take the cake...
The whole argument is over a mythical fatherly creator, the reader's digest selection of short nonsensical fictional stories about him...and a tax break.