Why don't gays/lesbians deserve to have the right to be married?

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Green Cross

Well-Known Member
again who really cares if the dolphins act like there experimenting in college or if there all bi i think. or just horny little fuckers who will fuck any thing. there fish. thay will also rape and kill a female dolphin for fun.
Is gay penguin bashing considered a hate crime? But if a hungry rookery of gay penguins breaks in my house and ass rapes me it's not a hate crime right? :o

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
what do you need to prove. are you refering to the dolpins rape and killing a female for amusment. if so please look that one up. you will find im smart than u give me credit for its fact knock ur self out. educate your self dont wait for some to do it for you.


Active Member
what do you need to prove. are you refering to the dolpins rape and killing a female for amusment. if so please look that one up. you will find im smart than u give me credit for its fact knock ur self out. educate your self dont wait for some to do it for you.
if i was to research every ridiculous claim i've read on the internet i would have bedsores on my ass from sitting at the keyboard 24/7. if you don't know the concept of 'burden of proof' then that is something that YOU should research.


Well-Known Member
Well, the Infotrac website with the peer reviewed

academic atricles had nothing there.

So I went to scholar.google.com
where there are peer reviewed academic articles

and apparently I must have an account to access
their articles. :cry:


Active Member
again who really cares if the dolphins act like there experimenting in college or if there all bi i think. or just horny little fuckers who will fuck any thing. there fish. thay will also rape and kill a female dolphin for fun.
the article states nothing about them raping or killing the female dolphin.

damn how did we get from gay marriage to this?


Well-Known Member
Well, we got on the subject because the 420apprentice
said this....

"just because they want what nature wont give them and thats proably for a good reason. mother nature has lots of safe guards and i think there for a reason."

And I replied with there being homosexuality in many other
species, not just the human species.


Well-Known Member
Is this even an issue? What's the difference between a marriage and a civil union? Either way someone else is gonna end up with half your shit.

Anyone that knows gay people will tell you there lives REVOLVE around drama. That is what I think this whole issue is about. They want something to fight for so that people will look at them.

I think we should just give them what they want. They'll be regretting it just like everyone else who gets married in about a year.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even read the posts in this thread because there is nothing that any of you could say to change my thoughts on this subject and I am not in the mood to read a bunch of ignorant comments.

Love is love. If you want to marry someone there is no reason why my thoughts about your lover should prevent you from doing so.

People who have felt true love will feel the same way.


Active Member
I didn't even read the posts in this thread because there is nothing that any of you could say to change my thoughts on this subject and I am not in the mood to read a bunch of ignorant comments.
oh yeah? well we totally had a gay penguin orgy and a band of rapist dolphins, so looks like its your loss pal.


Well-Known Member
its not supposed to be why go against nature,,,,life is to procreate,,mama man and lesbians cant do that....

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