Why don't gays/lesbians deserve to have the right to be married?

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grow space

Well-Known Member
thats your retort? i mean you have the right to your opinion but posts like this are just redundant spam.
Im so sad, so so sad that u think that:(
But i dont give a fuck, and this debate is pointless to me, i have bring out my statments and thats it, If i could, i would let the freaks get married, but with no kids, NO KIDS.

spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam oh and more spam PVS


Well-Known Member
Did the state invent marriage or religion? Doesn't the bible say "the 2 were joined and became one", and the law followed? And how can the 2 become one, if they have no hope of conceiving natural children? It's ridiculous to call gay union marriage.

Anyhow gays and lesbians want to enter into "Holy Matrimony" as if to try to prove they are normal (due to some insecurity they have) and end up pissing off the people they try to force to accept their lifestyle. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman, but now we should all accept that ,marriage isn't what we thought it was, and is can just as easily be between a man and a man, a woman and a woman, a man and a child, and man and a dog? Why can't 2 animals get married? There's something to be said about tradition, and the gay lifestyle is not healthy, or normal. Am I entitled to my believes without being called names? Am I accepted? probably not

Gays should and do have the freedom to do whatever they want, but why do they find it necessary to force everyone else to accept there dangerous lifestyle? I don't find the need to seek acceptance for my marijuana use, or the fact that I like submissive women who give good head. Should I feel insecure and belly ache, and lobby congress in order for my dangerous lifestyle choices to be accepted?

Are we supposed to believe that gays and lesbians are religious people?

I don't see what's so special about marriage anyhow. Live your life to the best of your ability, and try to be happy gay or not. If lawful union is something you think is necessary in your life, strive for it, but don't try to call it what it isn't, or force others to accept your lifestyle.
Why do gays/lesbians have to be considered insecure about themselves
because they want the same rights as everyone else?

And whats so "dangerous" about being gay/lesbian?
lol. Last time I checked, gays/lesbians are usually always
more friendly that us "normal" people. lol.

Actually, gay men are always some of the sweetest people I ever meet.
I wouldn't consider them dangerous because they prefer to be
with the same sex. :lol:

I really don't understand your using of the word "dangerous" in this
discussion. :-|

And yes, you are entitled to your opinion, and no one is name calling

No one is being FORCED to accept anything except the gay/lesbian
community. They're the ones being FORCED to think they are
not equal to heterosexual couples by being banned from marriage.


Well-Known Member
Its not right!!!!
May I ask why its not right?

What makes heterosexual marriage right?
Nothing. (besides opinions)

No kids either growspace?

what about heterosexual couples who are unable
to have children due to infertility problems?

Any one who is fit to be a good parent should be able
to have children.


Well-Known Member
do i belive in gay marriage? no. do i believe in gay union? yep. do i believe in homosexuals adopting children? of course. why not! the reason i disagree in gay marriage is only based on my idea that marriage is a religous union and not a lawfull one. im not saying im, right. im not saying the bible is right. but its what i believe. any way peace.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
to me its a simple matter of culture and always having to give in to others demands that i dont agree with. fine give them a piece of paper saying there together but not married, give the tax breaks and all the other shit that goes with it. but the meaning of marriage is a man and a woman damit so leave it that why. one day this dam country wont have its own culture any more because will all be forced to do what everybody else thinks is right.


Active Member
Im so sad, so so sad that u think that:(
But i dont give a fuck, and this debate is pointless to me, i have bring out my statments and thats it, If i could, i would let the freaks get married, but with no kids, NO KIDS.

spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam oh and more spam PVS
wow...did someone take a shit in your cornflakes this morning?

you expressed that you feel its wrong and outlined the basis of your opinion. others went on to counter your points and you ignored them all and just said "its wrong". so yes you already made it quite clear that you feel debating is pointless. so then why continue with these blanket statement posts if you refuse to discuss the issue?


Active Member
to me its a simple matter of culture and always having to give in to others demands that i dont agree with. fine give them a piece of paper saying there together but not married, give the tax breaks and all the other shit that goes with it. but the meaning of marriage is a man and a woman damit so leave it that why. one day this dam country wont have its own culture any more because will all be forced to do what everybody else thinks is right.

what do you feel would be the dire consequences of calling a same-sex couple 'married'? could it really be avoided by following the exact same procedure while omitting the word?

grow space

Well-Known Member
wow...did someone take a shit in your cornflakes this morning?

you expressed that you feel its wrong and outlined the basis of your opinion. others went on to counter your points and you ignored them all and just said "its wrong". so yes you already made it quite clear that you feel debating is pointless. so then why continue with these blanket statement posts if you refuse to discuss the issue?
And U my friend are a idiot!!!
look at my posts, i debating, back the fuckk off dude.


Well-Known Member
to me its a simple matter of culture and always having to give in to others demands that i dont agree with. fine give them a piece of paper saying there together but not married, give the tax breaks and all the other shit that goes with it. but the meaning of marriage is a man and a woman damit so leave it that why. one day this dam country wont have its own culture any more because will all be forced to do what everybody else thinks is right.
It seems to me that gays/lesbians are being forced to do
what everyone else thinks is right...

by being unable to be married....


because everyone thinks it isn't right.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
and no you cant have every gay and lesbian couple adopting kids. can u imagine the confusion of an orphan who ounce no normal family life and is then put in a different situation like two gay men. the world is mean naturaly, so should they have to suffer all the shit the will get from others there whole dam life just because your gay selfish as wants a kid to no i dont think they should. just because lots of people do something doesnt mean its right.


i dont care either way. im just upset at how many gays and how open they are about it on t.v. me personally it sickens me, but what happends behind other peoples closed doors isnt my bizzness, just like what happends behind my doors arent theres.

ironicly.... lesbians dont bother me has much........except for ellen degenerous i hate that bitch


Active Member
and no you cant have every gay and lesbian couple adopting kids. can u imagine the confusion of an orphan who ounce no normal family life and is then put in a different situation like two gay men. the world is mean naturaly, so should they have to suffer all the shit the will get from others there whole dam life just because your gay selfish as wants a kid to no i dont think they should. just because lots of people do something doesnt mean its right.
...but you're blaming the victim. while i agree that a child in a same-sex family is subject to unjust ridicule, it is just that: unjust. the threat of prejudice doesnt serve to justify that prejudice imo.


Active Member
i dont care either way. im just upset at how many gays and how open they are about it on t.v. me personally it sickens me, but what happends behind other peoples closed doors isnt my bizzness, just like what happends behind my doors arent theres.

ironicly.... lesbians dont bother me has much........except for ellen degenerous i hate that bitch
i generally find any brazen public displays of affection to be rude, but i don't understand why 2 people who love eachother should stay hidden as if they were lepers.
i mean, can they at least hold hands and such without being considered offensive?

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
theres sanctidy to it. everybody doesnt deserve the same as everyone else just because u dont have it. marriage is not a right its a previlage between a man and a woman. something should just stay the way the are.


do u really wanna see 2 dudes holding hands???? in the same neighborhood were ur tryna raise ur kids in a hetorosexual manure? how do you explaine that to a 7 year old? would you even want to?

grow space

Well-Known Member
i generally find any brazen public displays of affection to be rude, but i don't understand why 2 people who love eachother should stay hidden as if they were lepers.
i mean, can they at least hold hands and such without being considered offensive?
just trolling my dear friend PVS.
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