Why does my pipe make my lips tingle?

Ever since I got this new pipe whenever I smoke out of it my lips where I've been holding the pipe are tingly, and what feels like a line down on the inside of my mouth as well. Has anyone else ever experienced this or maybe know why it happens and what it is?
hmmm id take it back to the head shop resin and all and throw that shit through their display then ask em why the fuck they are tryin to poison you then leave as fast as possible
Just kidding they probably have cameras
i dunno what the hell is up with that unless you got a pipe previously owned by a crack head

Nawh brand new pipe, it did it ever since I got it before it had resin, when it has resin, after I cleaned it, even still when it's ressed up again. I just think it's sort've weird and annoying is all.


Well-Known Member
when you get a brand new pipe you need to clean that shit with alcohol before using it, unless its the hot resin numbing your lips otherwise you need to figure it out

If it is made out of wood, metal ect then don't use it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe low b.p. and lack of oxygen in blood to feed nerve endings. . if i hold a joint or cigarette in my lips they can tingle like little needles . Same with tonge if i push on gums or tooth while salivating on sativas. But then i got acute toxic phenol poisening turned m.s.a. which i beat ,lol. I have no resiliancy ,lol. Other than that if a strain dont numb my lips i wont keep it ! Good shit makes my mouth muscles not work right at times. I may blow a " word " threw my lips because they wont work .lol. Then if super fucking good t.m.j. sets in with ears a ringin ;loud as fuck. lol. i know 't.m.i. " , lol