Why does god allow people to go to the lake of fire?

the way isee it is God is good. the devil is bad. if you live under God's law your with him in his holy kingdom, hes the king your the loyal servant to him, his kingdom is in heaven so when you die if you been good youll go to heaven. now, if you follow the devil your his servant hes your king, hes evil therefore hes telling you to do evil which is opposite of God so when you die you go to be with him in his kingom which is everlasting torment in the lake of fire
Thats a cool way to see it! Sounds like god could be fooled or maybe the devil? What if you do good but don't believe in god? like say me and my twin brother from birth both lived everyday the same did all the same good things, but I went to church on sunday, he couldn't cause he was helping feed the homless at the sunday soup kitchen. Does he go to hell and me not?
Thats a cool way to see it! Sounds like god could be fooled or maybe the devil? What if you do good but don't believe in god? like say me and my twin brother from birth both lived everyday the same did all the same good things, but I went to church on sunday, he couldn't cause he was helping feed the homless at the sunday soup kitchen. Does he go to hell and me not?

he goes to hell because he didnt believe
I know this sounds stereotypical when i say it,But look for answers within,sometimes takes years depending on you,but you may or may not realize that in asking a question it is already half answered by the question or asking alone.