If God Exists....


Well-Known Member
If God truly exists,
And Creationists are the people with the correct idea of how the World was made,

What was God trying to tell us when he located our planet in the lifeless vacuum of space?

Was this the action of a loving and benign God?

Christopher Hitchens used to say that he wasn't just an atheist, he was also an antitheist.
An atheist because he didn't believe there was a God
and an antitheist because he was glad there was no God.

After recently watching 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' and finding that the weird Bible quotes were genuine, I too think that the absence of God is probably a good thing.

If he does exist he's little more than an absentee landlord, anyway.

I study history and I notice a correlation between liberation from religious dogma and affluent society.
The poorer you are, the more likely is your belief in God.
America seems to be the exception to this equation....
But I think that has more to do with American conformity to tradition.
If God truly exists,
I was likin it
And Creationists are the people with the correct idea of how the World was made,
I stopped likin it. Why so limited?
What was God trying to tell us when he located our planet in the lifeless vacuum of space?

Was this the action of a loving and benign God?

Christopher Hitchens used to say that he wasn't just an atheist, he was also an antitheist.
An atheist because he didn't believe there was a God
and an antitheist because he was glad there was no God.

After recently watching 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' and finding that the weird Bible quotes were genuine, I too think that the absence of God is probably a good thing.

If he does exist he's little more than an absentee landlord, anyway.

I study history and I notice a correlation between liberation from religious dogma and affluent society.
The poorer you are, the more likely is your belief in God.
America seems to be the exception to this equation....
But I think that has more to do with American conformity to tradition.

I think it's a very human mistake to assign a human-style unit person to God. But still a mistake. My opinion.
why does god have to be defined as some mysterious enity that watches over us from a distance. I define god as all the positive energy in the universe taken as a whole not as an individual or idol to be worshiped but as a concept that there is an inherint force in the universe that strives to create something new and beautiful even while an opposing force tries to tear it all down and destroy it. I believe this balance of positive and negative energy constantly destroying and simultaneously creating are what make reality possible
I study history and I notice a correlation between liberation from religious dogma and affluent society.
The poorer you are, the more likely is your belief in God.
Israel's a pretty affluent society. And there's a whole country built on religious dogma.

China is officially atheist. It may be richer than it was, but it has a long way to go . . .

Some Scandinavian nations are very rich per-captia and also have some of the highest percentages of Christian belief in the world. You could also include Germany.

Perhaps you were thinking of Muslim nations? In which case, Qatar has the highest GDP in the world, according to the IMF. Kuwait is up there, as is Brunei, UAE, Saudi Arabia . . .