Well-Known Member
We can argue symantics of what insurance is or isn't, but really, it's irrelevant.
Universal healthcare is just that, universal. What you want is something different, something that allows you to keep your privilege. From what I gather from your other comments in this thread and others, you believe everyone should have something, just not what you have. You have assigned yourself a greater value than other human beings because you can afford private insurance, or any number of reasons why you deem yourself more deserving.
What you should be doing is requiring your government (the same government that bailed out big banks, cut taxes for the rich, gives handouts to corporations, etc...) to provide care that brings everyone up to top tier healthcare standards and not create barriers for vulnerable citizens based on your own bigoted idea of who deserves what.
I know that you weren't talking to me, but... just don't get it. No one thinks that they're better or more deserving than the next guy.
I work hard everyday, I can afford to have nice private insurance for myself. That should be my own CHOICE to buy my own insurance if that's what I prefer. It's not "privilege" if I'm given a CHOICE.
If the government is going to provide something for me or the rest of America, then it should be premium coverage as we all are entitled to that. Medicare is not premium coverage though.