Well-Known Member
Is that a metric tonne (ton) ?
are you gonna tell your adopted daughter about your family's slaves?
Is that a metric tonne (ton) ?
The Government did it to themselves and sets the example of how it needs to be done. So nice of them to care who qualifies or not as long as it`s colored and looks diverse.
Here`s Barry signing away some mandate for Federal employers.
are you gonna tell your adopted daughter about your family's slaves?
It was BYU not Notre Dame. Yes they threatened. But no, he wasn't fired. He resigned. I'm sure he would have been fired if he stayed for a long time. But that didn't happen.
But yeah, people who haven't done anything wrong quit all the time when the bullshit is more than they want to deal with when they already have plenty of money.
so this thread has pretty much established what we all already knew.
when they complain about "political correctness", they are just venting because they can't be as racist anymore.
After weeks of escalating student protests and the threat of a football team boycott, the president of the University of Missouri system resigned Monday, forced out amid complaints that he had done too little to address racism and other ugly incidents on campus.
Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin — who oversees the university’s main campus in Columbia, Mo. — also will step down, the university system’s governing body, the Board of Curators, announced Monday evening. Loftin plans to leave his position at the end of the year and move to a new role within the university as director for research facility development.
This thread got shoved right back down your pie hole.
yeah, this really backfired on me once you started talking about how you don't want to hire anyone who isn't white.
Aw, you mad bro ?
Johnny law is my biggest fear, and it's not even close.I hear ya. I worry more about thieves than Johnny Law.
How old are you people???
This thread has gone downhill, big time...
How old are you people???
This thread has gone downhill, big time...
Took the words out of my mouth...can't decide who's more embarrassing so we'll just call it a tie. I hope y'all have your shit figured out in the real world and don't act like this in your day-to-day lives.
did you know that skunkdoc's family used to only hire people who were black?
he's pretty racially cool like that.
What should you expect from a thread started by a man without a shred of integrity
I don`t spy on people or keep records, that info wont do me justice, but a guy like you,.. that`s a drug.
Were you FBI or a military Spy ?
your family owned hundreds of slaves.