why do you hate political correctness?

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Because PC clouds rational judgment.

I will recall the immigrant crisis. We let thousands upon thousands of people seeking refuge from the war.. yet we do not control the flow. Look at Angela Merkel who made a refugee haven in Germany, no procedures were there to inhibit the number of them entering (or very little) the country and look what happened on New Years Eve. Hundreds of women were molested and/or raped by those very immigrants.

If you express your thoughts and say no to the untold masses crossing the borders each day, you are either a nationalist pig or a nazi. That's what PC has led to; say somthing harsh but true and you're branded as "intolerant".

Why should caring about your culture and country be branded as being facist/intolerant?


Well-Known Member
Because PC clouds rational judgment.

I will recall the immigrant crisis. We let thousands upon thousands of people seeking refuge from the war.. yet we do not control the flow. Look at Angela Merkel who made a refugee haven in Germany, no procedures were there to inhibit the number of them entering (or very little) the country and look what happened on New Years Eve. Hundreds of women were molested and/or raped by those very immigrants.

If you express your thoughts and say no to the untold masses crossing the borders each day, you are either a nationalist pig or a nazi. That's what PC has led to; say somthing harsh but true and you're branded as "intolerant".

Why should caring about your culture and country be branded as being facist/intolerant?
If your concern is terrorism, deport all of America's white supremacists and your terrorism problem is solved.


Well-Known Member
Because PC clouds rational judgment.

I will recall the immigrant crisis. We let thousands upon thousands of people seeking refuge from the war.. yet we do not control the flow. Look at Angela Merkel who made a refugee haven in Germany, no procedures were there to inhibit the number of them entering (or very little) the country and look what happened on New Years Eve. Hundreds of women were molested and/or raped by those very immigrants.

If you express your thoughts and say no to the untold masses crossing the borders each day, you are either a nationalist pig or a nazi. That's what PC has led to; say somthing harsh but true and you're branded as "intolerant".

Why should caring about your culture and country be branded as being facist/intolerant?
Perhaps you are confused about the difference between caring about refugees and political correctness? Or maybe you are confused about being a liberal vs politically correct or maybe being racist and not being PC?

PC is about avoiding gratuitous insult. Such as avoiding using a specific term of gender where it no longer has a place, such as calling a woman who works for the fire department a fireman.

Reporting the news is not that. The irrational fear that hordes Islamic terrorists are hiding in refugee camps is perhaps racist or bigoted but it has nothing to do with being non-PC. That is more about being a fearful idiot.


Well-Known Member
It's not your neighborhood, so please don't pretend to care.

You would rather say something moot like that instead of admitting that blacks are criminals too. Your angels have flaws.

Pretend to care was not even an implication,...You pulled that out of a hat so you don`t have to talk bad about blacks,...

It`s fury no matter what you saw or happened to you and ,...you hate white people. Don`t pretend you don`t.


Well-Known Member
You would rather say something moot like that instead of admitting that blacks are criminals too. Your angels have flaws.

Pretend to care was not even an implication,...You pulled that out of a hat so you don`t have to talk bad about blacks,...

It`s fury no matter what you saw or happened to you and ,...you hate white people. Don`t pretend you don`t.
I say what I said simply because you couldn't care less about the plight of black people. You mention this solely for the sake of arguing. And I've never said that there aren't any black criminals. My only question is why can't the black criminals be treated like the white criminals?


Well-Known Member
I say what I said simply because you couldn't care less about the plight of black people. You mention this solely for the sake of arguing. And I've never said that there aren't any black criminals. My only question is why can't the black criminals be treated like the white criminals?
Once again, you telling me what I mean. That`s what baiters do.

Blacks are not treated as whites because of blatant racism inside State and City agencies, So what does the Black Lives Matter crowd do ?, They take it to the general public. What the fuck ? Take it to the agencies, surround the police station, not the business district and malls. Grow a fucking set and take the issue to the perps. You would get my respect for sure, but not for taking issue to the wrong crowd. Burning downtown and stealing shit does nothing but give blacks that rep you say they shouldn`t have. So that`s what they got, did it to themselves.

Let me say my thought about a major televised action taken in Chicago.

They finally admit to racism against blacks in the police forces and city Government. Their solution is to put Mr. bought black man in charge of the police force. Well Mr. bought black man, the question is not How anymore it`s Who ? Who the fuck are those racists and why are not their names made public for all to see and remember. Well Mr. bought black man says that things are going to start improving, soon all this will be a memory.

That`s not good enough for me and I`m fucking white. While the future looks bright, the past haunts many. Why aren`t those M`f`ers exposed and their faces on the front page or put up on the telephone poles so there is no escaping ?

Ask Mr. bought black man about that.

BLM, don`t go to the mall looking for them, they don`t work there.


Well-Known Member
Take my word for it,... Mr. bought black man will get you apologies and promises,....but he wont get you names.


Well-Known Member
Once again, you telling me what I mean. That`s what baiters do.

Blacks are not treated as whites because of blatant racism inside State and City agencies, So what does the Black Lives Matter crowd do ?, They take it to the general public. What the fuck ? Take it to the agencies, surround the police station, not the business district and malls. Grow a fucking set and take the issue to the perps. You would get my respect for sure, but not for taking issue to the wrong crowd. Burning downtown and stealing shit does nothing but give blacks that rep you say they shouldn`t have. So that`s what they got, did it to themselves.

Let me say my thought about a major televised action taken in Chicago.

They finally admit to racism against blacks in the police forces and city Government. Their solution is to put Mr. bought black man in charge of the police force. Well Mr. bought black man, the question is not How anymore it`s Who ? Who the fuck are those racists and why are not their names made public for all to see and remember. Well Mr. bought black man says that things are going to start improving, soon all this will be a memory.

That`s not good enough for me and I`m fucking white. While the future looks bright, the past haunts many. Why aren`t those M`f`ers exposed and their faces on the front page or put up on the telephone poles so there is no escaping ?

Ask Mr. bought black man about that.

BLM, don`t go to the mall looking for them, they don`t work there.
Surround the police station? Lol, they have guns, and have demonstrated in far too many occasions that they have no problem pulling the trigger because you know "they were in fear for their safety".


Well-Known Member
Surround the police station? Lol, they have guns, and have demonstrated in far too many occasions that they have no problem pulling the trigger because you know "they were in fear for their safety".

See now If I were black and leading them as they surround the police station, that wont happen.

Maybe you need a white guy to lead.


Well-Known Member
Blacks holding entire neighborhoods under siege is also terrorism, so you`ll have to do better than just that.
Also what about Boston when the Red Sox get smoked by the Yankees? Fucking white people holding the city under siege God damn terrorists!!