Why do you care what other people think?


Well-Known Member
Out of respect I care how my folks and wife think about me especially my Mom cuz she's a saint and breaking her heart just wouldn't be right. Everyone else can suck me PP LOL.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Out of respect I care how my folks and wife think about me especially my Mom cuz she's a saint and breaking her heart just wouldn't be right. Everyone else can suck me PP LOL.
moms are diff , of course i care what she thinks lol.... she had to give birth to me so ... good point


Well-Known Member
because people shit on you if you dont improve to some kind of standard and you end up without people to talk to because they are all out of it.


Active Member
For me, it depends what I care about. I mean, I act like myself and I don't care if people don't like it. I still care about others and I don't actively try to hurt people. But lol, the number of guys that get in my face because they don't like me, its funny..... i may have lured them a little..... Everybody eventually steps up to the wrong dude, and I love being that guy. (kan-zen-ki karate, jujitsu, kung fu, judo, aikido, taekwondo, muai thai, and several other styles of karate.. (since I was a child, and well into adulthood))

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't care so much what people think of me as i do about the repercussions of those thoughts.

you thinking that i am a ____ has no bearing on my life, but it could effect how someone else perceives me, and someone else, and so on. eventually one of those people may be in a position to influence my life. maybe they can effect my employment or my personal relationships or my freedom.

so i guess the answer is i don't really care but i force it in an effort at self-preservation. that is as much as i'm willing to think about it at this time.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
As in.. some guy thinking will I tell him I have AIDS..? or not..?
That is truly an asshole response. I thought you were better than that.

thats no way to live , what you mean by that Carne?
I've been bashed on three separate occasions. One landed me in the hospital and I ended up with permanent short term memory problems. Not to mention the PTSD. Plus, my partner was murdered. Why? Because people THINK I'm an abomination for being gay. That's what I mean by that.


Well-Known Member
That is truly an asshole response. I thought you were better than that.

I've been bashed on three separate occasions. One landed me in the hospital and I ended up with permanent short term memory problems. Not to mention the PTSD. Plus, my partner was murdered. Why? Because people THINK I'm an abomination for being gay. That's what I mean by that.
Sorry to hear that happened.I dont care what people think,untill their thoughts become actions or words.If I could tell what people were thinking Id influence there thoughts and manipulate them in to doing what I wanted.Or not!Thats my answer.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Sorry Carne I was just joking... I didn't realize that was a sore topic for you.

Nobody should be beaten up or murdered because of their homosexuality. It always upsets me greatly to hear of that happening to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Regular people, the only reason I would care what they think of me is if I'm trying to develop a relationship with them, in that it helps if I seem somewhat normal for the first few instances of hanging out. I haven't made a new real life friend since high school though really, other than coworkers, so that might contribute to that. It's probably important to care what the other person thinks of you in a real friendship/relationship, right? But those that are truly your friends accept you for who you really are, right?


Well-Known Member
people think about you, about as much as you think about them

(which isnt that much, really, barely at all unless they are close in some way and even then, not that much unless you are neurotic in some way (obsesser or something)

its not that they dont care, many would help if you were in an accident (except perhaps some cities ive heard)


its just that there are so many people and to really get to know someone, takes time.

why would people think about you if they hadnt talked to you?

if you were hot.

if you´d done something really stupid

or amazing.

why are looks important?

well, if you dont take care of your looks, something is wrong with you? yeah? you hate people or are a bum, or maybe you are a crook.

maybe you are sick or something.

and people are afraid, fraid of getting into trouble, fraid of getting the wrong people in their life. they hear stories and have had their share of experiences.

though, whats funny, its that its really the people that look "really good", that often are the nutcases. impeccably neat folk, politicians and whatnot.

the people so concerned with their image that it becomes the all, so afraid that people learn the truth (that they are just stupid smucks like everyone else)

though its only when the Image becomes the everything that they run into trouble or could be considered totally insane.

the people that like to use other people as pawns for one.

the interesting thing about being a beggar bum,which i used to be, is that people never look at you unless they have to, so it gives you ample opportunity to study them :)


Well-Known Member
Regular people, the only reason I would care what they think of me is if I'm trying to develop a relationship with them, in that it helps if I seem somewhat normal for the first few instances of hanging out. I haven't made a new real life friend since high school though really, other than coworkers, so that might contribute to that. It's probably important to care what the other person thinks of you in a real friendship/relationship, right? But those that are truly your friends accept you for who you really are, right?
I like to see myself as in an open platonic relationship with everyone. Therefore, everyone is my friend until either of us does something untoward. I care about what everybody thinks, and it drives me crazy at times but I'm glad I haven't 'burned bridges' and considered the 'other side' in places alot of people would not give a flying fuck what they said to them. The times I do just allow myself to tell people what i think, I always end up sorely regretting. I'm learning to be more convincing in the art of being diplomatic.... Failure.


Well-Known Member
because they are all better than me!!!!! *sobbing*.....................we should care about some things people think and not so much about others. its about recognizing which is which. if a lot of people think you are a dick.......maybe they're right, and you should care. if someone thinks you should be making more money, or driving a fancy car, you certainly shouldn't care. there are some youngsters on here, methinks.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I like to see myself as in an open platonic relationship with everyone. Therefore, everyone is my friend until either of us does something untoward. I care about what everybody thinks, and it drives me crazy at times but I'm glad I haven't 'burned bridges' and considered the 'other side' in places alot of people would not give a flying fuck what they said to them. The times I do just allow myself to tell people what i think, I always end up sorely regretting. I'm learning to be more convincing in the art of being diplomatic.... Failure.

Why the long face? :p


New Member
Simple question, complicated answer.

So, why do you?
I don't. I don't know if that makes me a sociopath, but I really don't. And if I act like I do, it's only because i'm playing mind games with you and amusing myself with it. For example, if I get into a public disagreement with someone I think is a bitch in sheep's clothing, I just apologize. Not because I give a shit if people think i'm rude, but because that person would either have to accept my apology and back off, or they have to present themselves as just a big a bitch as I am, which levels out the playing field. No matter which one they choose, they've given me my funsies. But the thing about not caring what people think is that you still have a community, because you meet other people who don't give a shit what people think. And then you have a blast together making fun of people who do give a shit what people think. See how that works? I admit I have used this technique especially rampantly in my workplace.