Why do some buds look like this?

fucken-A right, it is.
If there was a cannabis dictionary, and one for foxtailing, the Dr.grinspoon would be right there. no description needed, just a picture.
that being said.. for an intensely high THC plant,, it does raise me some eye-brows...
if only I had 3000 watts and 15 foot ceilings... and the desire to only be able to squeeze in two harvest a year... at like 200 days of maturation time..
Gotta hand it to you for growing it the right way, some folks just can't do it.
How well did that smoke? Looks fantastic. I'm not sure if a pure sativa is great for me(get real jittery) but sometimes the chemistry works out.
Ahh shit man, didn't mean to mislead you, that was a copied picture, I've never done a pure sativa like that..
Wanted to though..
I had a Kali, that flowered at 18" high (in june in CA) and that damn girl stretched to over 7 feet high, and that was on top of an extremely sunny mountain, so no lack of light there..
Damn thing had almost two feet between the nodes... I shit you not
I think MOST folks simply cant grow that one.. it needs insane amounts of light to just keep from being airy
No worries on the mislead I probably read between the lines but hey experience talks more than you think. Must have to grow that one in Cali, 175 days straight of ridiculously good weather.
its alot of different things, most important is genetics, but you can still have two genetically identical plants display different characteristics depending on environment
to answer the original question, the two pictures are of different strains therefore they have different genetic make up and carry different traits carried through from their respective parental lineage
I knew people who like to "press" their herb for display purposes. It has a whole method of rolling up in a sandwich bag and tighten them up with pressure, other times it was just stored in a vacuum sealed bag which fluffs up a little but ends up dense ass buds.
Last pic is a very handled bud. Probably lower quality to start with. First two are not handled very much if at all.

Also last bud is likely machine trimmed. First buds hand trimmed.
The only difference is the top two were not compacted from mostly likely being in a plastic bag for shipping. If you take the top two buds and throw them in a baggie and put them in your pocket for the day they would look like the bottom two buds. Simply explanation, imo.