Blue brother
Well-Known Member
I grow hundreds of plants, and create lots of hybrids every year. Definitely genetics.
Light has nothing to do with it.
Calyx to leaf ratio
The op Stated that these were two different strains so obviously genetics has something to do with it. But to say categorically that light has nothing to do with differing bud formation is simply untrue.
I'm currently flowering a plant under just hps. In ten weeks the next plant will be finished which will have been grown under hps and Mv. I can allready tell you that the first plant which will be finished in 3 weeks, will look more rounded and compact compared to the plant flowered under the mv which will look more spikey and have a looser formation of calyx (and a hell of a lot more trichomes). Both plants are from the same mother.
I'm prepared to accept its a combination of both environment and genetics. But saying that light has nothing to do with it is ridiculous.