Why do sheeple still run their cars on gasoline?


Well-Known Member
I stole this post from RONPAULFORUMS.COM

"Who do sheeple continue submit to extortion by the Oil Companies when they could run their cars on methane for 10 cents/gallon? Gas - 10 Cents per Gallon - YES!!!

Methane, a pure, clean, high powered gas which every country has in great abundance and is all but inexhaustible. Methane can be obtained from 'digesting' chicken and pig manure in a 'digester' adapted from a discarded hot water tank, and which will run your car with no other modification than to get the methane to the engine. Indeed, the car is started on gasoline, and once running, is switched over to methane.

What you are doing is essentially composting manure and burning the methane. Thousands of people have done this. There are 400,000 methane burning cars in Italy. You can build the methane tank with a hook-up device yourself, buy one at an automotive supply shop or keep feeding the Oil cartels like a loyal slave.

Can't find a kit? http://www.green-trust.org/ebooks/"


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, question is why haven't we heard of this before? The article doesn't mention any downside to methane.


Well-Known Member
I just read the post myself. I figured I would share with you guys because everyone is dying from gas prices, so maybe this could inspire someone...:mrgreen:




Active Member
Because oil companies run shit. Big oil money (and pharma money for that matter since this is a weed site) gets a lot of people who make decisions reelected.



Well-Known Member
Don't they have methanol which is an alcohol based fuel? Also, wouldn't it be advantageous to mention the downsides as well? I think I wanna try the canola oil, but i'll be damned if I fuck up my new car.


Well-Known Member
So who is going to pay to make this widely avalable so you don't have to buy cans of methane when on longer distance drives. Please let me know, because when its avalable in my area I'd gladdly convert.


Well-Known Member
Because oil companies run shit. Big oil money (and pharma money for that matter since this is a weed site) gets a lot of people who make decisions reelected.

I think this is a faulty argument (and a popular one at that). Consider a few things,

-most cars are not built in the USA.
-most countries have less invested in oil
-we have this crazy thing called the world wide web

Do you think big oil runs every government in the world? I doubt it. Volvo - not an american car - had methane vehicles in 2005. If they are/were THAT great do you think the word wouldn't have spread over to us? Or do you think big oil runs the interenet too?

Its fun to point fingers when you don't know the answer


Well-Known Member
Bain, do you honestly think that we can allegedly go to the moon in 69 but not be able to find a cost efficient alternative fuel in 2008? Get real dude, wake up and don't wake too much tv, its a propaganda box.

Do you always believe things at face value and what the consensus is, or are you capable of being a 'free thinker'- using your own brain to draw conclusions.

There is more going on in this world than what they media leads us to believe. If you don't believe our gov't is capable of conspiracies than watch this link, start watching at 3mins.


I honestly don't think that there are aliens that are flying around our planet, but my point is that someone is conspiring! Either our gov't is keeping really important info that should be disclosed to the people OR these people are full of shit and it was a conspiracy. Whichever you believe, you can see that conspiracies are real.




Well-Known Member
Or maybe you are just some psycho conspircy therorist?

I'm not saying the gov't doesn't hide shit from us, or have their own motives. That would be nieve.

But... you posting here is PROOF that you are wrong. Say I had a car that could run on methane, 10 cents per gallon with better gas milage. What would I do? Tell everyone I know. What would they do? Tell people they know. What are you doing? Telling people. Guess what, it doesn't take 10 years for word to spread anymore. For a few years now we've had the ability to talk to people that aren't near us.


Well-Known Member
Also, you act as if our government is the only one, as if our government trying to keep us on oil means that the rest of the world's governments are doing the same thing? Does the rest of the world not exist? Do you really think every country in europe has the same big oil controling their governments?


Well-Known Member
Also, you act as if our government is the only one, as if our government trying to keep us on oil means that the rest of the world's governments are doing the same thing? Does the rest of the world not exist? Do you really think every country in europe has the same big oil controling their governments?
I bet you still believe WTC 7 fell collapsed in its own footprint at almost a free-fall speed because of fire right? I bet you believe hat the pentagon was hit by a plane even though they have hundreds of surveillance cameras. The best vid that we have of the pentagon attack is this YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

If the gov't doesn't have anything to hide than why don't they release their surveillance tapes of the crash? Its the damn pentagon, don't you think they would have a vid of it? HAHAHAHAHHA I love you people that call me a conspiracy "theorist". I consider you guys dumb sheeple that believe everything that FOX news puts out. Sorry, but I don't take it too well when you call me a psycho "theorist" when you guys are too ignorant to use common sense when confronted with evidence. The pentagon not releasing the vids is evidence, what gives them the right?

Be a free thinker Bain. You are a beautiful person with a beautiful mind, you are special, you make a difference in the world. Spread truth bro.




Well-Known Member
I think it is funny how you rebut my argument with a something totally not related. You didn't respond to a single one of my points.... nice

For the record, I don't know what hit the pentagon. Plane, missle, whatever. I don't think any of "us" know for sure. I won't deny that.

Also, some people enjoy thinking everyone is out to get them. That, by default, makes the rest of us sheeple.

I'm done talking about anything besides methane cars on this thread.


Well-Known Member
I think it is funny how you rebut my argument with a something totally not related. You didn't respond to a single one of my points.... nice

For the record, I don't know what hit the pentagon. Plane, missle, whatever. I don't think any of "us" know for sure. I won't deny that.

I'm done talking about anything besides methane cars on this thread.
The reason why I didn't rebut your argument is because I don't know who is in control of the oil monopoly. I don't know how much research you have done, but I know that hydrogen technology is well known, cheap, safe, and could be put into practice right now.

A little about hydrogen tech.

We could easily convert over to hydrogen power soon. This is what we could do:

Everyone pays a ~200 dollars or so for a hydrogen kit and installation
Everyone spend ~300 dollars on a home hydrogen generator

Thats it, than you could double your gas mileage on your present vehicle until you bought a car that ran exclusivly off of hydrogen- that you can produce in the convince of your own home. After this was the new fad, the price of oil would plummet because of supply and demand! So, not only would you get double your gas mileage, you would be paying less for fule too. This is not science fiction, this is science fact! We have the technology and its readily available just not commercially for obvious reasons. You can buy the hydrogen kits to convert your car into a hybrid, look it up on google or something.

They sell kits that you can but to retrofit your current car into an hydrogen-gas hybrid. You can run hydrogen into an internal combustion engine no problems. You do NOT need a fuel cell. The technology is here but being keep suppressed. The current production cars could use pretty much the same ICE technology except integrate the hydrogen hybrid design into the stock design of the vehicle. It would not take much more equipment or money. The technology is here.

Just a quick search.

YouTube - Water 4 Gas Reviews | Is Water 4 Gas A Scam?

YouTube - Run Your Car On Water Conversion Kit

YouTube - Create your own water car hybrid for under 50

YouTube - Run your car on water Goto water4gasoline.com

YouTube - Run Your Car On Water - The How To Guide




Well-Known Member
honda is coming out with a car that runs on water. I would consider this purchase if it was found to be reliable transportation. i.e. Im not going to be on the side of the road every few days!

but then again I'd really hate to give up my caddy<3


Well-Known Member
Or maybe you are just some psycho conspircy therorist?

I'm not saying the gov't doesn't hide shit from us, or have their own motives. That would be nieve.

But... you posting here is PROOF that you are wrong. Say I had a car that could run on methane, 10 cents per gallon with better gas milage. What would I do? Tell everyone I know. What would they do? Tell people they know. What are you doing? Telling people. Guess what, it doesn't take 10 years for word to spread anymore. For a few years now we've had the ability to talk to people that aren't near us.
Well thats fine, the word is out that methane can run your car, however with this information are you able to go and install your methane tank on your car? No. Because the technology is not readily available due to government/corporation intervention. The proof is that we are still using gasoline where there is no end in sight with the ever climbing gas prices, and since we know that there are alternative fuels out there but for some reason isn't available; is enough to consider the theory that it is a scam to get the most money out of us. Also, it is very suspicious that when someone invents a new carburetor that can get 80 miles to the gallon, one of two things happen.

1. The Oil companies purchase the paten and lock it up and the inventor lives off their fortune.
2. They kill you.

There are many cases of this. Its all about greed, gentlemen. Our transportation technology is backwards by 50 years because of lust for money. It is truly unfortunate for the world to suffer in effort to fuel a fews selfish desires.