Why do sheeple still run their cars on gasoline?


Well-Known Member
I could probably piece together everything they say to no problem, but with most of the price tags would you want to gamble on something you saw on the internet?

Not to mention most people aren't able to build a simple grow box, let alone make anything for a car.

Again, I'd love to be able to have a car running off it (My 74 GTO would be on the road again.) Be interesting to see a alt. fuel drag racer.


Well-Known Member
I could probably piece together everything they say to no problem, but with most of the price tags would you want to gamble on something you saw on the internet?

Not to mention most people aren't able to build a simple grow box, let alone make anything for a car.

Again, I'd love to be able to have a car running off it (My 74 GTO would be on the road again.) Be interesting to see a alt. fuel drag racer.
Ya man. I could probably do it too. Like I said, I haven't tried it myself because my life has been crazy lately(moved a couple times in the past year) and I'm unemployed and broke.

I wouldn't expect 1/4 of the people that read this thread to go out and buy a kit and install it theirself. I am just letting you guys know whats really out there for an alternative to gas. If people can understand how simple this really is and how much MONEY WE COULD SAVE ON FUEL.

In reality, I would expect for most of the people to go about things would be to get it installed by a local mechanic or something. I'm sure they could have some hydrogen pumps at the 'gas' station for when you take long trips from your home your personal hydrogen generator. I'm sure you could get a lot more mileage from 10dollars of hydrogen (at the gas station) than you would 10 dollars worth of gas.

The price you would be paying for water and electricity to extract your hydrogen would be irrelevant compared to whats your paying for gasoline. You would be paying MAYBE 1/20th of what your paying now to go the same mileage. I could do some searching and use math to come up with closer approximates to the amount of money you would save. The figure of "1/20th " is just a wild educated guess of what the savings might be. There are many variables to take an actual figure into account like how much the current price of gas is, and how much you have to pay for water and electric to name a few.

So, in its simplest terms...... HYDROGEN FUEL IS THE FUTURE AND WE WILL BE SAVING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ONCE THIS BECOMES MAINSTREAM. The price of gas will also plummet to like a dollar a gallon or less because people aren't going to use gasoline. This is why "they"(they meaning the oil companies and the sold out gov't. Why did we elect an oil man into the president office again? The other one being George Bush senior. WTF?)




Well-Known Member
You guys following? Or, do you want me to explain anything to you?


I can't watch the video's cause I'm at work, but I would love for you to explain how to convert my car, obviously it would have to be in detail...... about how much would it cost me to convert my car? how do you collect the hydrogen? you said just run electricity through water, but how is that applied in the car, meaning how does it actually fuel the car? (don't know if that last Q makes sense).....


Well-Known Member
I can't watch the video's cause I'm at work, but I would love for you to explain how to convert my car, obviously it would have to be in detail...... about how much would it cost me to convert my car? how do you collect the hydrogen? you said just run electricity through water, but how is that applied in the car, meaning how does it actually fuel the car? (don't know if that last Q makes sense).....
Good questions ORECAL.... :D I'm not an expert BTW, but I'll tell you what I know to the best of my knowledge..

"I can't watch the video's cause I'm at work, but I would love for you to explain how to convert my car, obviously it would have to be in detail......"

Watch the vids when you get home from work because I haven't looked into it much because I haven't had the chance to install one myself. You have to have tools, and knowing a little bit about cars and how a basic fluid system works would help. I'm sure the kit would come with all the instructions/details on what tools to use and how to do it.

"about how much would it cost me to convert my car?"

I'm not sure, look it up and let me know what you came up with:mrgreen: Thanks

how do you collect the hydrogen?

Ok, well there are two ways you could do it.

1) Extract hydrogen from your generator(in your home) and then bring it to your car in the form of a pressurized bottle or something. You would not need to use gasoline if you have enough bottles of hydrogen. So, you could convert your vehicle to run exclusivly off hydrogen if you wanted to. This would be the most cost effective way of producing fuel for ourselves. We wouldn't need to pay for anything other than water and electricity unless you went on long trips and needed to fill up on hydrogen, that I'm sure they would be selling at gas stations.

2) You could buy a kit from online that makes hydrogen under your hood. This takes the spare voltage and current from the alternator and applies it to a small hydrogen generator installed in your car and runs the hydrogen(that comes from the generator) straight to your intake, and into the engine that way.. This would be a hydrogen-gas hybrid.

you said just run electricity through water, but how is that applied in the car, meaning how does it actually fuel the car? (don't know if that last Q makes sense).....

You just need to get the hydrogen into the intake and it can fuel the car that way. It is already in the gas form so all you would have to do is run it through the intake. Its that simple, or at least thats what I get from it. I will study up on it a lot more when I install mine.. I need to save my pennies, life has been tough for me lately with all the expenses.


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Well-Known Member
ok....... I'll do my own research. thanks though, one more Q, do you mean the air intake, or the gas intake?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure its the air intake, sorry. Let me know how you make out bud.

If there was hydrogen floating around in the air like nitrogen(nitrogen is aprox 70% of the atmosphere) does then we we would be getting over double the gas mileage that we do from gasoline. So yes, once the hydrogen goes through the air intake it goes into the engine and adds to the combustion power.

