Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?


Active Member
In response th the original question, "why do people laugh at creationists?"...

I Laugh when a skateboarder grinds his junk instead of the board,
I laugh when someone gets an electrical shock because they didn't kill the power before doing electrical work,
I laugh when people get attacked when teasing an animal that weighs twice as much as they do.
I laugh when I see a riced out Honda or Kia.
In short, I always laugh when I see someone doing something stupid that could have been avoided if only they used their brain before they acted.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
It's just sad to me that people are so easily influenced. Children more specifically. People with religious views pass them down to their children at a very young age. And it doesn't stop at their own kids. I remember being solicited by parents of my friends as a kid. And it doesn't stop at childhood either. I can maintain composure when being preached the good word. For about 5 minutes. Because it's always the same nonsense. "If you accept jesus christ as your lord and savior, you shall be-eth saaaaaaved!" I think it's downright sickening for anybody to suggest that if you don't believe in their god, that I will be cast into eternal fire. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. That's a fucked up belief system. I think mankind as a whole is good for the most part. You see rotten things in the news everyday, but that only makes up a small percentage of the population. Money & power make people do shitty things, but again. This is a few truly terrible people doing harm & influencing others to join them. People are sheep, that's obvious. Religion takes advantage of that. I don't see it stopping in my lifetime. But one can hope that one day in the not so distant future, people will develop the ability to realize that you don't need religion to be a decent human being. You can just be a decent human being.


Well-Known Member
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg


Active Member
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion." - Abraham Lincoln.... Enough said.


Well-Known Member
This is an old and tired argument that ultimately amounts to a strawman. It's easy to sound smart when you completely make up a position to argue against. Are you posting this as an example of why you laugh, or is this another demonstration of the deceitful tactics your mind is willing to believe rather than yield to the truth? Did you accept this argument without applying any critical thought, or are you offering us a reason to find creationists funny? It's seriously hard to tell.

Here is a dissection of the video with the proper corrections.


This line of arguing is so embarrassing even most creationist condemn it, and creation.com includes these points in it's list of arguments NOT to use.


Active Member
I do plan on reading through the thread, but currently I can't watch the videos due to internet laggage, and I hope I'm not repeating a point or anything.

I personally find creationists funny because when you ask them what God has to say about dinosaurs they just go blank lol. I've asked more then 1 preacher of different sects of Christianity and such and they all get this dumbfounded look on there face before they try to save grace with a long winded explanation about nothing.


Well-Known Member
I like to ask them what god is and can do, you get different and conflicting answers every time. It's quite funny.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Fun Fact;
Christians were once unified in belief for a whole 6 years. Untill Paul started preaching,
and Jesus's brother James, took what people he could away from that which he could not believe about his own brother.


[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]There are tens of thousands of faith groups that consider themselves to be Christian. Many -- perhaps most -- believe that they, alone, are the "true" Christian Church.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
I don't laugh at creationists. I do laugh at creationists who think god made adam out of sand and eve out of adam, and that we are the one civilization in the universe. That's just stupid.


Well-Known Member
I laugh at them because they have absolutely no concept of time spans.

Haven't they ever seen that 24 hour analogy? That shit would probably blow a believers mind!

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I believe both sides of this argument would enjoy the new movie, The Sunset Limited.
It stars Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson.
It's 90 minutes of two men sharing their opposing beliefs on religion.