Why do noobs ask so many questions?


Well-Known Member
i get these pm's "i hate to bother you but ......" then it's three to four days worth of back and forth questions and answers. sometimes i just want to scream LEAVE ME ALONE. but then i know in 2 hours i will feel like a total dick. it's hard, it really is. but then 4 or 5 months down the road i get a pm out of the blue, "look at my first grow. you helped." that's when i drop a tear. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
ok ok ok FDD, you GOT me,LMAO. But I did check the FAQ first before asking you,LOL.

P.S. I knew even you would go crazy, it sucks to be the shit sometimes eh?


Well-Known Member
I see both sides in this....(hey Canna, hows it going) I was checking a thread and this guy asks about his plant and then adds, yay America sort of thing, and the next thing you know theres this back and forth sniping , WTF.. Do you want an answer or a political debate.......shit ! Now that shit annoys the hell out of me...
I was rereading shit last night at FAQ and I sucked up some information that went right over my head only weeks ago...Now after some stupid questions myself I've been able to take 1 more step on the learning curve...Between the asking and the reading another step was taken.....
**ps...For anyone who thinks CannaSeur is a so and so. He has helped me with some of the stupidest questions ever asked by man...And face to face sitting in his living room while smoking his fine crop....The man is a good person, who'll help any "self helping" person.


Active Member
All I need to know to start my grow is already on this site (and others). I think with some people it's more of a patience thing, it's excruciating for some poor fellows to read that long :confused:
However, for every bad noob there are some good ones, like yours truly :mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
just remember fellas and my lovely marjanes :-D that even the most experienced growers have once been labeled a "noobie" just think of them as the product of us. its up to anyone who knows anything to pass it along to them!!!!!!!:joint:


Active Member
because at some point they were uninformed like you and didnt know what to do so they did the same thing that you did and looked for information via the internet or other sources. Im sure you didnt just pull out a hemp seed put it in some dirt and magically grow an amazing strain of weed where the plant had not a single deficiency or imperfection the entire grow. and Im sure you had help or asked questions whether it was online or from friends.

so.... you were a noob once too. NOOB!
Nicely said