Why do libertarians support Republicans?

Not told. Mainly what I've read... and I'm merely responding to the question in your forum topic..
Well, then argue with the opening post. You haven't made a single comment that addressed why I question the cognitive ability of libertarians if the support DeSantis's policies.
There's no argument man.
Me: why do libertarians support republicans?
You: I've always understood their commonality is in doing away with government involvement in big business and trimming down social security.
Me: You haven't made a single comment that addressed why I question the cognitive ability of libertarians if they support DeSantis's policies.
You: There's no argument man.

Yes there is. DeSantis is expanding government by taking control of the Reedy Creek Improvement District*, expanding Florida State's control of what can or can not be said in schools, not just public schools but private ones too. DeSantis is moving hard toward more regulations, larger government and attacking the LGBTQ community. Republicans are strongly supporting DeSantis.

*The governing jurisdiction and special taxing district for the land of Walt Disney World Resort

Which is why I question the cognitive ability of any libertarian that supports Republicans. Why would they?
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Me: why do libertarians support republicans?
You: I've always understood their commonality is in doing away with government involvement in big business and trimming down social security.
Me: You haven't made a single comment that addressed why I question the cognitive ability of libertarians if they support DeSantis's policies.
You: There's no argument man.

Yes there is. DeSantis is expanding government control and expanding Florida State's control of what can or can not be said in schools, not just public schools but private ones too. DeSantis is moving hard toward more regulations, larger government and attacking the LGBTQ community. Republicans are strongly supporting DeSantis.

Which is why I question the cognitive ability of any libertarian that supports Republicans. Why would they?
because they share a lot of disturbing, repulsive, just down right fucking evil goals...
Me: why do libertarians support republicans?
You: I've always understood their commonality is in doing away with government involvement in big business and trimming down social security.
Me: You haven't made a single comment that addressed why I question the cognitive ability of libertarians if they support DeSantis's policies.
You: There's no argument man.

Yes there is. DeSantis is expanding government by taking control of the Reedy Creek Improvement District*, expanding Florida State's control of what can or can not be said in schools, not just public schools but private ones too. DeSantis is moving hard toward more regulations, larger government and attacking the LGBTQ community. Republicans are strongly supporting DeSantis.

*The governing jurisdiction and special taxing district for the land of Walt Disney World Resort

Which is why I question the cognitive ability of any libertarian that supports Republicans. Why would they?

You misunderstood me. I think. I stated that I have no argument with you. If I'm understanding correctly.
You misunderstood me. I think. I stated that I have no argument with you. If I'm understanding correctly.
I guess we aren't on the same antidote. It isn't that i misunderstood you. It's that I don't understand.

My bad. I don't understand where you are coming from when you said this:

I've always understood their commonality is in doing away with government involvement in big business and trimming down social security.

When clearly that isn't what Republicans are doing.

I guess we aren't on the same antidote. It isn't that i misunderstood you. It's that I don't understand.

My bad. I don't understand where you are coming from when you said this:

I've always understood their commonality is in doing away with government involvement in big business and trimming down social security.

When clearly that isn't what Republicans are doing.


Well then I have a completely different understanding. I was stating that both republicans and libertarians want the government out of their business, and have an agenda to kill social security. I also know that the creators of south park are libertarians, that's about as much as I get into politics. I am certain republicans want govt out of big business and if that isn't true then I've been reading a lot of horseshit for the past 20 years, which I don't believe is the truth. Not enough to even argue it.
Well then I have a completely different understanding. I was tstating tha both republicans and libertarians want the government out of their business, and have an agenda to kill social security. I also know that the creators of south park are libertarians, that's about as much as I get into politics. I am certain republicans want govt out of big business and if that isn't true then I've been reading a lot of horseshit for the past 20 years, which I don't believe is the truth. Not enough to even argue it.
You've been reading a whole lot of horse shit,.

Lobbyists from big corporations WRITE some of the bills that Republican Congressmen submit. When they aren't writing it, they are suggesting changes to benefit their big corporate clients. Who do you think is behind Republican efforts to fight bills addressing climate change? Ever hear of Exxon?

The scope of your statement is stunning. Maybe @Bagginski will want to take a crack at some of it or maybe @cannabineer will. Pushing all of that aside,

In this thread, I started with an opening post that pointed out the first or second most powerful leader today in the Republican Party is expanding the role of Florida's government by taking control of a district that had privatized it's infrastructure and taxing district. Also dictating what and when a teacher can say. A law that is also solving a problem that doesn't exist -- LGBTQ "grooming" children to become like them. Talk about gay baiting*. Do you not see the contradiction in what you say when you state -- "both republicans and libertarians want the government out of their business,"

OK, I'll give you that maybe ten Republican congressmen want what you just said. That said, they eagerly take big business money donations and work with their lobbyists but maybe they do want that. It's a long jump from a handful to "the Republican Party".

Regarding social security, Republicans promised Biden during the SOTU address they wouldn't "sunset Social Security". Aside from a few fringe types, they have no intention of touching the third rail and ending their careers. If you think most Republicans are planning to do as you say, you've not only been reading horse shit, you've been fed it too. But I'm not going to argue with Republicans pledging to protect SS. I embrace their promise.

According to the Florida Attorney General, hate crimes based on sexual orientation currently account for 22 percent of all hate crimes, surpassing religion as the second highest category. Race is still the most common motivation. When taking into account the size of the targeted communities, LGBT Floridians are at the highest risk of being targeted with a hate crim

South Park. snicker
"Lobbyists from big corporations WRITE some of the bills that Republican Congressmen submit. When they aren't writing it, they are suggesting changes to benefit their big corporate clients. Who do you think is behind Republican efforts to fight bills addressing climate change? Ever hear of Exxon?"

I don't see where we are disagreeing. That is exactly what I stated. Republicans want tax cuts for the rich, and their big businesses (Exon, Big Tobacco, NRA, etc) to be left alone so they can make money, or better stated, keep their money, as much of it as they can.

You seem intent on disagreeing so I'm going to call you a purple banana from the planet Pluto! You've got four arms, I know this because I was there when you were born from your father's mouth. Nothing can be more true!

Lobbyists from big corporations WRITE some of the bills that Republican Congressmen submit. When they aren't writing it, they are suggesting changes to benefit their big corporate clients. Who do you think is behind Republican efforts to fight bills addressing climate change? Ever hear of Exxon?

I could be reading it wrong. If not, he seems to be saying (let’s stick with Republicans) seek to minimize government interference in the way businesses operate, which includes taxation, employing domestically, worker and product safety standards, antipollution regulations including carbon control, putting the brakes on ecocide e. g. fisheries, et cetera.

If that is so, I don’t think it is all that divergent. It would help to see response to my question a few posts back. (He has posted rightie alt-sense before.)

Where it gets interesting is that this small-government principle disappears when the megacorporation, here Disney, blasphemes against Republican Morality. Then it’s take over, divide et impera.

What that says to me is that the “libertarian” ethos Republicans like to use in campaigns is completely subordinate to advancing the party’s agenda of cultural demonization and demolition. Which means that under the libertarian glove we once again find the iron fist of authoritarianism.

Let’s see if he speaks to my question that Roger so neatly put into perspective.
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I wont discount my life experience nor externalize my beliefs and opinions on others, I wouldn't be so foolish as to assume we all have the same lives. In my experience people are different and go through different things for many different reasons. I certainly wouldn't call myself an alt-right. I was raised in a democrat household. I know the standard republican agenda. I've had some experiences that have led me to question things and more so I now try not to dismiss people due to their political affiliations. Part of my work forces me to creatively examine the minds of others. I think I very much understand how capitalisms works and how most people work, due to all of the math it takes to survive in todays changing change-counting world. Where at once I would have ridiculed and mocked fascist minded republicans I feel like I have a deeper understanding of how people become who they are. I think 'evil' can be redefined on ethical levels that contradict conventional morality. I think smart people use this to their advantage and hide it behind their political personas. But is that evil? People have different belief systems and I have no agenda to change anyone else's. I really don't have the time to discuss this anymore but I hope this clears up some of what I think.
I could be reading it wrong. If not, he seems to be saying (let’s stick with Republicans) seek to minimize government interference in the way businesses operate, which includes taxation, employing domestically, worker and product safety standards, antipollution regulations including carbon control, putting the brakes on ecocide e. g. fisheries, et cetera.

If that is so, I don’t think it is all that divergent. It would help to see response to my question a few posts back. (He has posted rightie alt-sense before.)

Where it gets interesting is that this small-government principle disappears when the megacorporation, here Disney, blasphemes against Republican Morality. Then it’s take over, divide et impera.

What that says to me is that the “libertarian” ethos Republicans like to use in campaigns is completely subordinate to advancing the party’s agenda of cultural demonization and demolition. Which means that under the libertarian glove we once again find the iron fist of authoritarianism.

Let’s see if he speaks to my question that Roger so neatly put into perspective.
I'm not so sure Disney deserves much sympathy. They've been making some pretty confusing campaign contributions for a few years now.
they donate to both parties, but it seems like they make more, and larger donations to republicans than they do to democrats.
after learning this, i feel less like desantis is persecuting them for not agreeing with him, and more like he's treating a bought dog like a dog...
I'm not so sure Disney deserves much sympathy. They've been making some pretty confusing campaign contributions for a few years now.
they donate to both parties, but it seems like they make more, and larger donations to republicans than they do to democrats.
after learning this, i feel less like desantis is persecuting them for not agreeing with him, and more like he's treating a bought dog like a dog...
I did not intend sympathy. My main point is that the libertarian veneer flakes right off today’s GQP when a corporation commits cultural heresy.
I did not intend sympathy. My main point is that the libertarian veneer flakes right off today’s GQP when a corporation commits cultural heresy.
i didn't realize they had a veneer...they seem pretty transparently fascist, and have for quite a while. does it matter what color you paint a scorpion? they're still going to sting you every time they get a chance.
I don't even differentiate between the two...they both suck, they're both just fronts for fascist fucks to operate behind. the only difference i can see is that "libertarians" try to make themselves seem more palatable than republicans do, but they're both authoritarian control cults, run by fascists.