Why do detractors constantly fail to argue against policy?

Don't worry about reading any farther.
TL; DR is your savior here.

No, you need to check the assumptions for your math.

$103B IS NOT 26% of the general revenue.
$103B is the total amount of total welfare spending in California for 2015!

View attachment 4058943
<source: https://ballotpedia.org/California_state_budget_and_finances >

I used math to figure meaning that I took 26% of $103B in total state welfare spending to figure that $26.78B of California 2015 welfare spending came from federal taxes.

You took to arrive at a figure of ($103B/.74=$396.153B) .

Using your math with $103B being 26% of general revenue and adding the $396.153B derived from your calculations total general revenue per year for Cali is $499.153B or 1/2 trillion dollars per year.

For fun let's see what 26% of $500B is:
.....so a mere $10+B more than double the figure from the table above.

I don't refute that California is a highly taxed state.
I just point out the amount of state welfare that is accrued via general fund subsidy from the federal taxes aka "drain".

The money it collects from it's own citizens is a drain on nothing but those state citizens via taxation and since Squeaky's false assertion that red states are the "biggest net drain", what is that "drain" from if not federal taxes?

If I offer to give you 90% of $10 or 1% of $1000, which do you think is more appealing? ;)

View attachment 4058944
<source: https://ballotpedia.org/New_York_state_budget_and_finances >

Ahem, 40.1% is LA NOT MS. It even says so in your posted infographic.
View attachment 4058946
<source: https://ballotpedia.org/Mississippi_state_budget_and_finances >

Do you now see how your math is flawed? ;)

Why not just use some real numbers?


You ever think that maybe redistributing money to the bottom is good for the overall economy? People need a basic amount of sustenance/services to continue to be productive. When they produce they dually enrich the top of the economy by a) creating a demand for profitable products and b) selling their production/labor as a value within COGS. That doesn't explain Californias economy, but the people of California know what they are getting for that money. People don't want to live in third world countries.
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Why not just use some real numbers?


You ever think that maybe redistributing money to the bottom is good for the overall economy? People need a basic amount of sustainence to continue to be productful. When they produce they dually enrich the top of the economy by a) creating a demand for profitable products and b) selling their production/labor as a value within COGS. That doesn't explain Californias economy, but the people of California know what they are getting for that money. People don't want to live in third world countries.
dually Productful sustainence?

I invite you to go to any online dictionary and then post the definitions of those words here exactly as you've used/spelled them because the duly productive rely on common nomenclature for the sustenance of conversation and dictionaries are good sources for that common nomenclature.

Are words hard, like math?

Why aren't the numbers and tables I used to prove your math wrong "real numbers"?
Because they prove your calculations are wrong and that you should have tried this tactic instead?
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dually Productful sustainence?

I invite you to go to any online dictionary and then post the definitions of those words here exactly as you've used/spelled them because the duly productive rely on common nomenclature for the sustenance of conversation and dictionaries are good sources for that common nomenclature.

Are words hard, like math?

Why aren't the numbers and tables I used to prove your math wrong "real numbers"?
Because they prove your calculations are wrong and that you should have tried this tactic instead?

The feds are getting back more than they gave. Why does it matter how much they choose to spend on welfare?

And yeah, producful isn't a word, sustenance was mispelled, and dually was used corrrectly as in 'two parts'. You got me.
So Marwan the bridge dweller supports Palestine and also really likes and respects a vocal Trump supporter.

I don't think you support Palestine at all, you just hate Jews. That's why you think the Jews perpetrated the holocaust on themselves. Choomer's only friend...

"There is not a misfortune that Israel has suffered which is not partly a retribution for the sin of the calf" (Sanh. 102a).

nothing new as usual, just throwing "your guilt" at others.
State taxes are revenue to be spent. Federal taxes are not. In the US, federal taxes do not fund spending. That money is removed from the economy in order to control supply and stabilize the value of the dollar. The feds print and spend money into existence in sectors that are projected to grow and in order to create jobs. The only ones who are parasitic moochers are those who are somehow excused from the continuous burden of paying in order to maintain the value of the dollar while they profit wildly from the stability provided by those who do, IE private jet owners are actual moochers.
u r scared
Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta


‘Trump is a f**king idiot’ ranted FBI agent Peter Strzok in text messages handed to Congress
FBI official removed from Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation over bias accusations

Peter Strzok
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peter P. Strzok II[1] (born c. 1970[2]) (English pronunciation: /stɹʌk/, like "struck”[3][4]) is a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agent currently assigned to its Human Resources Branch.

Strzok was the Section Chief of the Counterespionage Section in 2015 and 2016 during the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server.[4][5]

In July 2016, Strzok was chief of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, and led the FBI's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[6][7][8] In June and July 2017, Strzok was the top FBI agent working for Robert Mueller in the 2017 Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 elections.[9][10][11]

Yeah, I'm terrified. ;)
Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta


‘Trump is a f**king idiot’ ranted FBI agent Peter Strzok in text messages handed to Congress
FBI official removed from Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation over bias accusations

Peter Strzok
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peter P. Strzok II[1] (born c. 1970[2]) (English pronunciation: /stɹʌk/, like "struck”[3][4]) is a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agent currently assigned to its Human Resources Branch.

Strzok was the Section Chief of the Counterespionage Section in 2015 and 2016 during the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server.[4][5]

In July 2016, Strzok was chief of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, and led the FBI's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[6][7][8] In June and July 2017, Strzok was the top FBI agent working for Robert Mueller in the 2017 Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 elections.[9][10][11]

Yeah, I'm terrified. ;)

half of trump's own cabinet has called him a fucking idiot and trump lets them stay.

do you have a point?

everyone knows trump is a fucking idiot.

who do you think will be indicted next?

no one likes you
Ah, you're almost as upset as your buddy Moocher. While you make shit up, I point out what you really are.

Why do you support pedophile politicians like Donald Trump and Roy Moore?

You and the likes of you set a fine example of making up shit , whenever someone points out your flaws.

Why do you support an evil Zionist state that doesn't even recognize Yahweh or his commandments, let alone the human laws? Does it have something to do with God's curse upon your people who worshiped a calf right after witnessing the miracles of God?

If you're not a believer, then why would you give a fuck about the commandments, just do as you please like Israel.

your problems are not with me, the Palestinians, or the rest of the world that odes not support your evil actions, your problem was and still is with the Al Mighty, stop the corruption on earth, give people back what they own, and seek God's forgiveness, and all will be forgiven.
Most likely you will not do it because you have a mission to accomplish, you're being rounded up in Palestine surrounded by walls to fulfill God's promise and deliver his punishment upon you calf worshipers.
You and the likes of you set a fine example of making up shit , whenever someone points out your flaws.

Why do you support an evil Zionist state that doesn't even recognize Yahweh or his commandments, let alone the human laws? Does it have something to do with God's curse upon your people who worshiped a calf right after witnessing the miracles of God?

If you're not a believer, then why would you give a fuck about the commandments, just do as you please like Israel.

your problems are not with me, the Palestinians, or the rest of the world that odes not support your evil actions, your problem was and still is with the Al Mighty, stop the corruption on earth, give people back what they own, and seek God's forgiveness, and all will be forgiven.
Most likely you will not do it because you have a mission to accomplish, you're being rounded up in Palestine surrounded by walls to fulfill God's promise and deliver his punishment upon you calf worshipers.
So anyone who disagrees with your antisemitism is a Zionist? You hate me just because I'm of Jewish decent? Why am I not the least bit surprised?