Why Did My Clones Shrivel Up And Die?!?!?!?

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
Just to add, if you have about $40 you can build and aero cloner with a 396 pump and an 18 gal rubbermaid roughneck container. I use no medium at all and have 100% clone rate with no hormones or domes or the like. PH'd tap water to 5.8 and 2" net cups and foam plugs. Sometimes I'll hit them with a mist of plain water but have ran this set up with absolutely nothing before as well. this will hold 21 clones at a time. but if you didn't need one that big just make it out of a smaller size container and pump (even less cash) Check my journal for pics of the cloner in action, I love this thing, I used to do the jiffy pellets and the small rockwool ones but this is faster and easier. Also since there is no medium at all they transplant to dirt excellent, Rockwool excellent, or no medium aeroponic type set ups as well. Good Luck

Plans to the cloner can be seen here > https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks.html


Well-Known Member
i like this, you are my new friend!! here is my goal... 1 pound every 30 days. if you read some of my thread you will know my set up to a t! i have been told it CAN be done. ive seen it! ive seen 1 plant produce 1 pound under 300 and something cfl's. bubbleponics!i have also seen people put 1 plant under a 1000w light and get more then 1 pound. i started a thread, and i do not think the people that responded were very positive. im sure they meant well, but i totally think they were laughing at me on the other side of the screen. i know this can be done, and i KNOW it has to be done with clones. no other way!!! so, after 3 different methods and them all failing i have the jiffy pucks soaking in 6.5ph r/o water. this is my last resort. if this does not work i will try your method next. i have thought about water cloning before. it seems like the best natural/organic way. i do not know what the fuck im doing wrong. not enough Clonex? too much soil? soil too moist? too dry? placing cuttings too deep, to shallow? i have so many things that are not going right. i even saw mold grow on 2 of them at the bottom, under the soil. i was told if you give them a slight pul and they are stuck, your good. these give no resistance and just come right out with the slightest of tug. i must be doing something wrong. do i need the heating mats? my room temp in that room is low 80's. so its warm enough i thought. i will be reading the info you have provided her after i roll this dubie. thanks again for the info!! much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
the jiffy pellets will work keep them in a dome and don't let the pellets dry out. for the first week keep the dome on but remove it daily to replenish the air inside the dome, it also helps if you use slightly warm water to soak you pellets,the new roots like the warm soil....... just saw roots today and i cloned them 9 days ago

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
First I wouldn't tug on that clone at all! once it's set in the pellet I wouldn't mess with them, you could damage some of the just forming roots! I'd make sure and not use too much clonex, less is more. If you have a big glob of gel on the end of the clone, that's too much and can sometimes turn the end of the clone to mush. I used to use a heating pad on the lowest setting with a towel folded over it beneath the tray, sometimes this helps promote root growth. The cuttings in your picture look tiny to me. the stems are tiny and I wouldn't do all that leaf trimming unless absolutely dead. the least amount of trauma the better. But try and let the mom grow out so that you can get some nice healthy cuttings from the top of the plant. If the plant your cutting from is having issues the clones will be harder to root, so make sure mom is a lush green jewel before cutting. The aero cloner is really the best route in my experience, it's cheap, easy and successful. I'm not saying that hormones are bad or the like, I'm just saying that works for me with plain water. Now maybe my local water supply has some trace elements that supply the clone with the needed auxins that help them root or maybe it's the chloramine who knows? either way they all root and about 3 weeks from cut day mine go into flower.

The method Dr Fever showed you is how I used to do it when I was using rockwool, just substitute the small rockwool cube instead of pellet or different medium. I had good results with that also it was just a little more hassle than with the cloner and sometimes there would be 1 or 2 that just wouldn't root. But all I use when it's time to take clones now is a sharp clean razor blade.

As far as 1 pound every 30 days I'd think that was attainable fairly easily depending on how many plants you want in rotation. If you have 1 1000w hps with a decent vented reflector you could do 4 larger plants under it staggered 4 weeks (or middle week if longer than 8 week flower) apart. To start 2 go in after vegging them til they're say a foot tall or so, then after they're 4 weeks in you add the second 2 that have vegged til the right size. Just realize this method (basically sea of green) takes you staying on a very strict schedule. If you laze out a week or so and don't take clones you'll fall behind schedule and there goes your every month harvest. doing it this way you'd harvest 2 four footers every month and with that big of a plant (in DWC buckets) 2 of them in the right strain would easily give you an lb. but like I say your going to have about 8 plants in different stages of growth at all times, clones, veg, and flower. Those are big plants and if given what they want and it's a decent yielding strain, you'd have colas the size of your forearm easily. My plant's aren't that big, I flower right after they start to grow height wise in the cloner and end up with about a 1.5 to 2 foot plant that yields from 2+ to 4+ oz's a plant depending on strain but on average a solid 2.75.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
WOW!! i knew it was possible. and that is almost exactly what my bro told me. he works/owns/runs dispensaries and a hydro shop out here. i ve been talking with him. 8 plants at different stages is exactly what he said. i was getting into an argument in another thread i started, dude was saying its impossible. i ve seen 1 plant under 320w cfl produce 450g DRY!! so, i know its possible. i know them guys at the hydro shops want you to spend you money, but this dude is honest and legit. he told me hes made all the mistakes that he will help me not make, if i follow his plans. ther has been days ive walked in just to test him and say well i want to spend a bunch of cash...he still detures me in not spending all my money. he will tell me again what he told me on the last visit. so hes a good dude to know. im sure it has A LOT to do with the strain. and the medium. i just want to hone my skills in, get adjusted to this new found hobby and make it happen. im not expecting ultra fast results and don't even expect them results this year. but soon, one day, that is my goal!

i think i need a heating pad. the room they are in is at 77 today. yesterday was at 91. id like to keep it at 77 if possible. so ill pick up one of the heating mats.

thanks for all who have helped!!


New Member
hey usually you should take off your dome every day after forth day from takin clutting for like 10 mins giving them fresh air then mist and re dome her till you see roots like this then your ready for transplanting



Well-Known Member
ok. have 5 cuttings i made yesterday. i will be getting my heating pad soon, i am going to re-moisten tonight. i already sprayed and removed/replaced dome. im just sitting here watching them, lol!! just kidding, im not watching them, like there going to start crying wanting to be feed and shit, lol!!!


New Member
heres some advise you made them yesterday walk away from them till 4th day then open dome lightly mist and spray dome replace dome on 6th day mist 2 times a day till rooted leaving dome on give them some air from day 6 on for like 10 mins a day


Well-Known Member
:wall:so don't touch them for the first 3 days? im about 2 more trials away from making or purchasing a Daisy Cloner.:wall:


Well-Known Member
don't touch them!!!! Just keep the dome moist and replenish air in the dome a few times a day don't leave the dome off for more that 2-3 min for the first week they will root in about 10-14 days.


Well-Known Member
i didnt have a heat mat!!!! i ordered one on eBay on Sunday. with Monday being a holiday, i should get it tomorrow or Friday i hope. i will take pics here after my friend leaves. he is oblivious to my room.