Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.


Well-Known Member
In Tanzania the light blacks hate the blacker colored people .Then they hack and slash the albinos for parts.I think I would like to be light brown in that African country.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i call all dark people "brown people" and all light people "white people". i'm not going to dissect someone's entire family tree just to describe them in casual conversation.

there was a time when "negro" was the pc term. then it was "colored". then it was "african american", and i think it's still "allowed" to say black. fuck the whole fucking thing. it's a setup.

no matter what stupid pc term you choose someone is always going to pipe up about what a racist you are, so fuck everybody. EQUALLY.


Well-Known Member
because of politically correct bullshit society we live in that is why
Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.
Pretty simple. I just find myself wondering this everyday in my sociology class, and it starts to bug me.

Help me understand. but please dont say cause white people had black people as slaves or something like that. we all know american history and no one likes slavery of anyone elce.
so keep it kinda clean if you can.



Well-Known Member
I'm Native American and I have friends that are both black and white. None of my black friends like to be called African American; They find it offensive and will tell you where their family is from: Cape Verdean, Nigerian, ect, ect. None of my white friends care about being called white. There is no other term for white tbh. The only thing that matters is intent, when it comes to racism. My friends use racial slurs with each other all the time, but we also have each others back in times of need. Words are just words, we laugh at how stupid that shit is.