Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.


Well-Known Member
it's good that we are black, white, or Chinese, or Indian... it's our differences that make us who we are today just as it has for hundreds of years. When we all become this amalgam of races and nationalities into one, then we've lost our identity. Don't fall victim to the guilt of racism, it is just that PC. White people, more than anything these days, are made to feel guilty. Blame the media, blame idiot politicians who deem themselves great creators of the new world. It's all bullshit.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Isn't it just a way to enforce the realization of the minor differences between people to keep them separated in their minds as something other than what they are as citizens of the country... Like asian american etc... It's all bullshit... unless you've got dual citizen ship with a foreign country and that was your place of birth then you can't be an African American etc... which is a little to generalized as they would really be Nigerian-American or Liberian-American etc... and not just lumped under the continent but the actual country of birth...


Well-Known Member
it depends on where you are..

if im around mostly white people, the black guy is gonna get called the black guy, why? cause he stands out and thats the easiest way to describe him.

now if he were white, id have to describe his hair color or nose size or height or weight or level of attractiveness or something like that.

and its the same if im around only black people, the white guy would be the white guy.

its only when you put a derogatory meaning with those words when it becomes a problem.

its like the N word. i dont even have to say it fully, its that UN pc to say it :)

but to me its just a debased form of the spanish word , negro, which means black.

calling anyone that for me, is just funny, its a funny word..

not an insult. though since i know its insulting to some, so i wont use it. (its neither that funny nor interesting anyway..)

and btw, im white and have slaves in my ancestry (1000 year back, some of my ancestors used to own some other of my ancestors (all white))

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
its like the N word. i dont even have to say it fully, its that UN pc to say it :)
You're right about that one sso... Never say never...

but on a serious note there were tons of chinese slaves in america and native americans and even some irish so I've been told I've never heard a single comment from their descendants about it all...

And people make too much of a deal about colour of skin...


Well-Known Member
well, some black people still own slaves, along with some arabs and a few south americans (was at least one place in s america)

though basically i think that most white people are in actuality slaves and same for the rest of the 99% of the planet, just dont get called slaves..

im just talking the one´s that actually get called slaves.

but funnily africa is one of the few places that still have slaves.

and on that note, often it was black people that sold the white slavers their slaves. (blacks selling blacks)

so this being still talked about were quite funny if it werent for the fact that america still had apartheid not that far back.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Australia didn't really treat it's natives any better than America did after colonization...

And arabs... the Arab slave traders sold a lot of black slaves and arabs and others into slavery... It's wasn't until recently on a global time scale that slavery was extremely common and excepted world wide...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I always love it when people bitter about things that never happened to them blame people that had nothing to do with it... that kind of ignorant thinking has a beauty all of its own don't you think..?


Well-Known Member
"from a distance", i might sing to that...

still kinda funny to a poor white guy who´s ancestors never oppressed or enslaved anyone (who infact were oppressed for hundreds of years)


"its all the white people´s fault!"

or something like that

white devils! pigskins!


kinda funny really.. though id be pissed if someone were bugging me about being white and might punch them for it.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
As far as I know I mostly come for good old fashioned English peasant stock... My family has never had the means to oppress anybody...


Well-Known Member
well, im pretty sure some of my ancestors were tyrants and oppressor, but they were kings..

rather shameful part of the family history 1000 years back (oh they were just kings, but thats something to be ashamed of)

though the rest of them were mostly slaves and poor people and so for the last 500 years at least.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...shooooooooot :)

...sorry neer, I'm in 4 yr old tv land for a while, and have seen much of this stuff! DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY...


Well-Known Member
As far as I know I mostly come for good old fashioned English peasant stock... My family has never had the means to oppress anybody...
Yeah cos the English historically never oppressed anyone ;)

One question,why are we "white" or "black" or "Asian"... Since when was humanity split into different races? I thought we were the human race?

Without meaning to get all un-PC tho, Black people do get butt-hurt too easily, most other "races" learnt to be able to laugh at themselves long ago.