Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
youd think after millions of years we wouldnt care about colors and what were sposta call eachother......its jus so weerd to me that theres all these names and shit now


Well-Known Member
As long as your a good person, doesnt matter what color you are! Racism & Haters suck. The way we word things matters most. If you cant say nothing nice, then dont say nothing at all! Great advice... Peace


Well-Known Member
youd think after millions of years we wouldnt care about colors and what were sposta call eachother......its jus so weerd to me that theres all these names and shit now
if humanity survives for millions of years its very feasible that we could reach a state like that but just as feasible things will stay fairly similar to now. its also technically possible one race will have wiped the rest out, we humans can be very intolerent.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
The chinks in your armor are showing ... ~giggle~ cn
this Cinderella makes me pretty chink eyed

if humanity survives for millions of years its very feasible that we could reach a state like that but just as feasible things will stay fairly similar to now. its also technically possible one race will have wiped the rest out, we humans can be very intolerent.
I honestly dont think that will happen...humans are so fucking ignorant sometimes...im sure we will find some diffs and point em out right away lol


Well-Known Member
Like MP alluded to, African American is a PC term and often misses the mark: Many black people don't identify themselves with Africa (although all of humanity came from Africa), and you can't tell what country a black person is from by looking at them. All of the American black people I know prefer to be called black, so that's how we should refer to them...


Well-Known Member
Whats your problem Cracker? it's not hard to figure out that some folks
just cant deal with reality and have to sugar coat every single thing.
I guess your next post may be "Why cant a Christmas tree be just a Christmas tree?"


King Tut
Whats your problem Cracker? it's not hard to figure out that some folks
just cant deal with reality and have to sugar coat every thing.
I guess your next post may be "Why cant a Christmas tree be just a Christmas tree."
LOL! Just had a nice little disagreement between my wife and i over a Christmas tree. i don't want one because it has shit to do with the reason for the season. Gave her cash and told her if she wants one, go get it and have them load it up and i will take care of it when she gets it home.

She wasn't too happy. But she knows why. :)


Well-Known Member
well, when you consider christmas was chosen to be when it is because of pagan festivals that regulalry occured at those times as a way to convince people to convert to christianity it has alot to do with christmas as it comes from those traditions. its pretty clearly imo a holdover from those festivals even though it has changed a bit. i dont celebrate christmas really myself, i buy a few gifts but thats just because people buy them for me and i dont want to hurt anyones feelings or anything. they buy them because they care about me and i want them to know i feel the same. personally christmas is meaningless to me, in fact i kind of dislike it...Bah humbug!!! lol


Whats your problem Cracker? it's not hard to figure out that some folks
just cant deal with reality and have to sugar coat every single thing.
I guess your next post may be "Why cant a Christmas tree be just a Christmas tree?"
HAHAHAHA i bet you would love for me to have called you your derogatory racial name.

lets see....

whats your problem NIGGER, you can get your finger out of your own ass and realize that the reason for this topic was for me to better under stand why there such a double standard in this country on whats raciest for white people and whats raciest for black people. Thanks you for putting your ignorant opinion in this. your response more then anyone else has helped me understand why so many white people are called raciest but not too many black people. If you dont believe me look up the hate groups that are listed in the southern poverty law centers website and see what the majority of them are.

I can deal with reality, and i understand, were you dont seem to, that white people were forced into slavery too...OMG YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT? and no im not talking about the "white slaves" that built the pyramids. cause slaves didnt even build the pyramids.


King Tut
well, when you consider christmas was chosen to be when it is because of pagan festivals that regulalry occured at those times as a way to convince people to convert to christianity it has alot to do with christmas as it comes from those traditions. its pretty clearly imo a holdover from those festivals even though it has changed a bit. i dont celebrate christmas really myself, i buy a few gifts but thats just because people buy them for me and i dont want to hurt anyones feelings or anything. they buy them because they care about me and i want them to know i feel the same. personally christmas is meaningless to me, in fact i kind of dislike it...Bah humbug!!! lol
Peer pressures' a bitch ain't it?


Well-Known Member
Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.
Pretty simple. I just find myself wondering this everyday in my sociology class, and it starts to bug me.

Help me understand. but please dont say cause white people had black people as slaves or something like that. we all know american history and no one likes slavery of anyone elce.
so keep it kinda clean if you can.

I didn't know that was the case. I call black people black unless they're from immediate African descent.
I was raised in a diverse family and community and the words "African American" were very rarely used.
It's kinda of insulting if you ask me, we're all Americans. Some are black and some are white but just American.
If your family is 2nd or 3rd generation LEGAL American citizen there should be no reason to specify what kind of American....


King Tut
HAHAHAHA i bet you would love for me to have called you your derogatory racial name.

lets see....

whats your problem NIGGER, you can get your finger out of your own ass and realize that the reason for this topic was for me to better under stand why there such a double standard in this country on whats raciest for white people and whats raciest for black people. Thanks you for putting your ignorant opinion in this. your response more then anyone else has helped me understand why so many white people are called raciest but not too many black people. If you dont believe me look up the hate groups that are listed in the southern poverty law centers website and see what the majority of them are.

I can deal with reality, and i understand, were you dont seem to, that white people were forced into slavery too...OMG YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT? and no im not talking about the "white slaves" that built the pyramids. cause slaves didnt even build the pyramids.
First off, i would not cite the SPLC. Secondly, touche with the racial comeback if the original was directed at you (i'm high as fuck and don't recall seeing him quote you or call out your name). But if not (i will review when not immediately after taking my meds), uncalled for. Throwing out the N word in response to an attack is amateur imo.


Interesting that you call me out as a racist and have no idea of who I am or what I believe?
your so ignorant that you can only point out the flaws in others and dont even realize you did the same thing, before I even posted! CRACKER:WHITE :: NIGGER:BLACK both stupid,racists remarks.

Two wrong dont make a rights, i understand that.

Dont use nasty words if you dont want it used back to you in return. play nice


Ursus marijanus
I have no idea at whom Lokie's first post was directed, but saying "cracker" was certainly calculated to stir it up. It's like swaggering into a bar with a row of gnarly Harleys parked up front and declaring "All them pieces a SHIT out there don't hold a candle to my [insert name of favorite Japanese sportbike here]!!" Ya gotta sort a figure Lokie's on his toes seeing from where the first punch, bottle, cue stick will come ... cn


Well-Known Member
your so ignorant that you can only point out the flaws in others and dont even realize you did the same thing, before I even posted! CRACKER:WHITE :: NIGGER:BLACK both stupid,racists remarks.

Two wrong dont make a rights, i understand that.

Dont use nasty words if you dont want it used back to you in return. play nice
That is partially true in that I did call you cracker. From your post I presume that you are white.
And now I know that you get butt hurt easily.