Why aren't they praying? please advice.. help


Well-Known Member
Ho everyone this plant has been doing great bit came in to look at her just now and she doesn't look anywhere near as healthy as normal and the leaves look slightly wilted. I don't want to risk overwatering so have been going easy with the watering but did by mistake water on two consecutive days instead of on alternate days 2 days ago please help


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What size container, and how much water, have you been giving them, when you water them? At this stage they really shold be starting to use more food, and water. And dont cut Nitrogen either. Balance/Ratio is key.
Maybe just let her get real thirsty before giving her some hydration, she'll probably look a little wilted straight after but then she'll perk right up.
I grow in 70/30 Coco/perlite but I've found that that method of watering works well in the early stages until I have a good solid rot structure, then I water every day and they're like mother teresa after that.
What size container, and how much water, have you been giving them, when you water them? At this stage they really shold be starting to use more food, and water. And dont cut Nitrogen either. Balance/Ratio is key.
Using a 4 gallon pot and giving 2 litres of water every other day
Id probably be givng them more water, less often. In a 4 gallon container, at this point, Id probably give them at least 3 litres of water.
I just watched a podcast on this, praying is genetic sometimes. I've heard that using compost tea will make them pray but I've done many experiments with teas and they do not do that. lol

SOme of my genetics pray some don't it's not something you should really shoot to achieve IMO. It's a pointless setpoint to have.
My plants pray like nuns after getting a drink with some coconut water, about 2 oz per gallon of water. Compost tea does it too. When I mix them together, I call it “Jesus juice” :-)